



 日本の図書館のほとんどは,日本図書館協会の日本十進分類法(NDC; Nippon Decimal Classification)が適用されており,00総記,10哲学,20歴史,30社会科学,40自然科学,50技術・工学,60産業,70芸術・美術,80言語,90文学の区分表に分類されて配架を行っている。この分類法に基づくと,環境問題(一般)や環境経済学は50技術・工学のうちの環境工学・公害に分類され,エネルギー問題やエネルギー経済学は土木工学・技術の書棚に配架されるようにと指示されている。


Classification System in Japanese Libraries:November 27th(Monday)

Due to a malfunction in the heating system of my university laboratory, I couldn't enter the lab during the day. As I had been appointed as a member of the library committee since last year, I decided to take this opportunity to tour the university library.

Though to a small extent, I have published works in the field of energy and the environment. I wanted to see where these works were shelved in the university library. There were shelves for books in the social sciences, and I searched, thinking that's where they would be, but I couldn't seem to find them. I decided to conduct an online catalog search on the computer, using the call numbers indicating the shelving location, to find the installation location of the shelves within the library. It turned out that books on environmental economics and energy economics were shelved in the section with books on environmental engineering, pollution, and civil engineering.

Most Japanese libraries apply the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) of the Japan Library Association. They classify and shelve books according to the table of divisions: 00 Generalities, 10 Philosophy, 20 History, 30 Social Sciences, 40 Natural Sciences, 50 Technology and Engineering, 60 Industry, 70 Arts and Fine Arts, 80 Language, and 90 Literature. Based on this classification, environmental issues (general) and environmental economics fall under the category of environmental engineering and pollution within 50 Technology and Engineering. Instructions indicate that energy issues and energy economics should be shelved in the civil engineering and technology section.

Since books related to economics in the 30 Social Sciences category are not shelved in the economics shelf, they end up being placed in a distant location for students of the Economics Department. While the necessity of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research education is emphasized, the library's classification system still applies an outdated classification method, leading one to ponder, "Is this really appropriate?"