

ノブレス・オブリージュ(noblesse oblige)とは,フランス語であり,19世紀にフランスで生まれた言葉と言われている。公益財団法人日本女性学習財団によれば,「noblesse(貴族)とobliger(義務を負わせる)を合成した言葉。財力,権力,社会的地位の保持には責任が伴うことをさす。身分の高い者はそれに応じて果たさねばならぬ社会的責任と義務があるという,欧米社会に浸透する基本的な道徳観である。法的義務や責任ではないが,自己の利益を優先することのないような行動を促す,社会の心理的規範となっている。」ということだ。



Noblesse Oblige:January 9th(Tuesday)

"Noblesse Oblige" is a French term believed to have originated in 19th-century France. According to Japan Association for Women's Education, it is a compound of the French words "noblesse" (nobility) and "obliger" (to oblige). The term signifies the idea that maintaining wealth, power, and social status comes with responsibilities. It is a fundamental moral concept that has permeated Western societies, emphasizing the social responsibilities and obligations that individuals with high status must fulfill. While not legally binding, it serves as a psychological norm in society, encouraging actions that prioritize the common good over personal interests.

In Japanese society, it seems that such a moral perspective may be lacking. How many individuals truly recognize the notion that "maintaining wealth, power, and social status comes with responsibilities"? Politicians engage in organized wrongdoing, entertainers act recklessly to boost ratings, and the business world boasts about the increasing affluence of the elite.

If, hypothetically, Noblesse Oblige were present in Japanese society, individuals with financial, political, and social influence, especially the Prime Minister, would, under their own sense of responsibility, decide to provide support to those severely affected by disasters like earthquakes or the COVID-19 pandemic without waiting for requests from local governments or victims. The absence of such decision-making ability is disheartening.


Thank you very much!