日本では,現時点で,気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TCFD) の気候変動の財務影響について,企業が有価証券報告書(有報)に開示することは義務づけられていない。しかしながら,日本でも足許で企業の意識も変化している。デロイトトーマツの調査結果によると,日本(2023年3月)の上場企業の3割強がTCFDに言及しており,環境意識が高く先行する英国(2022年12月)の5割強には及ばなかったが,米国(同)の4%を大きく上回ったとする結果が示されている。英国では,2021年以降,ロンドン証券取引所のプレミアム市場の上場企業に対してTCFDの開示を義務づけており,25年には全上場企業に義務づける方向で議論が進んでいるという。
When will mandatory TCFD disclosure become a reality?:October 12th(Thursday)
Last month, Deloitte Tohmatsu conducted a survey targeting publicly traded companies in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom to assess whether they had included information on the financial impacts of climate change in their securities reports, statutory financial reports, and annual reports. The summary of the results was published in the Nikkei, a Japanese economic newspaper.
In Japan, at the present moment, companies are not obligated to disclose information about the financial impacts of climate change in their securities reports (known as "yuhou"). However, there is a growing shift in awareness among Japanese companies. According to Deloitte Tohmatsu's survey, slightly over 30% of publicly traded Japanese companies (as of March 2023) made reference to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). While this falls short of the over 50% rate observed in the environmentally conscious United Kingdom (as of December 2022), it significantly surpasses the 4% rate in the United States (same time frame). In the UK, since 2021, there has been an obligation for companies listed on the Premium Market of the London Stock Exchange to disclose TCFD information, and discussions are underway to make it mandatory for all listed companies by 2025.
The question remains: Should environmental regulations drive this change, or should we rely on voluntary actions by companies? There is a need for reflection, considering the criticism and the impact of Japan's previous experience with the "Voluntary Action Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures" under the Kyoto Protocol.