点と点が繋がる予感|Setouchi Factory View 2023
Little by little, but steadily, since the start of year 2023. We are going out more and meeting more people.
"What can we do?" was discussed by the members of NPO Fuchu No Antenna.
1. 久しぶりの現地ミーティング|
First offline team meeting in a long time

Fun and serious. Three hours in the blink of an eye. The team discussed again what they want to achieve as a team in their 12th year as a non-profit organisation, and wondered if they could update their 'industry' x 'people' activities, while keeping Fuchu as the keyword. The team is a team with individual skills, so we want to decide on a new guideline and put our energy into it. That is what we talked about.
The Setouchi Factory View was also recently featured in a booklet of open factory case studies covered by the Kinki Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(掲載ページ|P82 - 83)

2. 素敵な「場とコト」が地域に増えています|
More and more wonderful 'places and things' are being added.
Here are some of the fun initiatives that are increasingly being introduced in the community.It is expected to be the point of connection to the Setouchi Factory View in 2023.

The showroom of Wakaba Furniture, which continues to make Fuchu furniture, has been rebranded as Wakabakagu, designed by furniture designer Makoto Koizumi. The showroom has reopened as a place that proposes "Furniture + Living + History". As well as products, there is also a 'museum' where visitors can learn about the history of Fuchu Furniture, a 'shared kitchen' and a working space. It was a place where you could feel the world view of a new furniture manufacturer as a multifaceted complex. Camping and marches in the garden are also nice.


"santo" is a facility that "communicates the value of craftsmanship" operated by Sankyo Co in Tomonoura, Fukuyama City.. In addition to displaying and selling furniture from the company's TAonTA furniture brand and frying pans from the outdoor brand cocinero, the showroom also offers consultation on the manufacture of custom-made shop fixtures and interior-related products. A forging workshop is also held at the factory next door, where visitors can make their own frying pans.
On 8 April, a bar will be held for the first time. The event was an opportunity to enjoy music, a bonfire and delicious drinks inside the indoor/outdoor-like showroom.

デニムのイトグチ|Denim No Itoguchi

Denim no Itoguchi is a new project that brings together volunteers from various companies to carry on the appeal of Fukuyama denim. It is a new connection between the production areas, created by employees of Kaihara Denim Co Ltd and members of Aiya Terroir, which grows and indigo-dyes natural indigo.
On 8 April, a bar will be held for the first time. The event was an opportunity to enjoy music, a bonfire and delicious drinks inside the indoor/outdoor-like showroom.
The first product, the Denim Vest, is also on sale. The first bar was held on 8 April. The event was an opportunity to enjoy music, a bonfire and delicious drinks inside the indoor/outdoor-like showroom.
インタビュー記事|Intervies article