こちら2021-07-27のカードメッセージ です✍️#ENGmessageIsInTheSecondHelf
#今日のメッセージ #カードリーディング #オラクルカード #タロット #スピリチュアル
When you have a bad aftertaste or guilt, there may be perfectionism behind it that needs to be resolved.
In a healthy direction, it serves to remind you that there is an action that needs to be taken now, but in some cases that guilt may come from a fear that the action you feel you need to take is a mistake, or that you might offend someone.
To make as many people like you as possible without making mistakes in all your actions, you will have to juggle far from the most natural course of events, and that is an impossible aspiration.
Maybe you should remember that things will settle down smoothly if you don't question the direction your intuitive compass is pointing and stop trying to go with the flow.