Spring Bootで勤怠表を作ってみる

Spring Bootは実務経験が無いため、数年前にサンプルで作ったものですが、復学のために掲載します。


・Eclips Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)Build id: 20190314-1200
・MyBatis 1.4.2
・Spring Tool3
・Posgre 9.1
・JQery 3.3.1







  id character(4) NOT NULL,
  name text,
  cutoff_date integer,
  CONSTRAINT mst_company_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
 username character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  password character varying(10),
  name text,
  roles text,
  classno character(1),
  company_id character(4),
  regist_dt date,
  update_dt date,
  update_id text,
  id integer NOT NULL,
  week_name character varying(2),
  CONSTRAINT mst_week_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id )
  logid character varying(10) NOT NULL,
  yer character(4) NOT NULL,
  month character(2) NOT NULL,
  day character(2) NOT NULL,
  start_time character(5),
  end_time character(5),
  break_time character varying(5),
  status text,
  memo text,
  regist_id text,
  regist_dt timestamp without time zone,
  update_id text,
  update_dt timestamp without time zone,
  CONSTRAINT "Attendance_pkey" PRIMARY KEY (logid , yer , month , day )



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link href="css/login.css" rel="stylesheet">
	rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{js/jquery-3.4.1.js}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js}"></script>

// 初回・リダイレクト時のデータ取得

$(function(){ // .ready() callback, is only executed when the DOM is fully loaded
	if(document.getElementById('hGet').value == 'master'){
		// 管理画面
		location.href = "http://localhost:8080/master" ;
	}else if(document.getElementById('hGet').value == 'user'){
		// 勤務表
		location.href = "http://localhost:8080/attendance" ;

	<form method="post" action="/login" style="text-align: center;">
		<input  type="hidden" id="hGet" th:value="${get}">
		<table align="center" style="width: 400px;">
				<td colspan="3" style="color: red"><p th:text="${message}"></p></td>
				<td style="text-align: right;">ログイン名:</td>
				<td><input type="text" name="id" pattern="[0-9A-Za-z]{1,}"
					maxlength='10' placeholder="Username" /><br></td>
				<td style="text-align: right;">パスワード:</td>
				<td><input type="password" name="pass"
					pattern="[0-9A-Za-z]{1,}" maxlength='10' placeholder="Password" /><br></td>
				<td style="text-align: left;"><input type="submit" value="送信" class="button" style="width: 100px;"/></td>

@RequestMapping でコントローラの呼び出し先に紐付けされます。
<form method="post" action="/login" style="text-align: center;">


package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.longin;

public class LogInForm {

	private String id;
	private String pass;

	public String getId() {
		return id;

	public void setId(String id) {
		this.id = id;

	public String getPass() {
		return pass;

	public void setPass(String pass) {
		this.pass = pass;

	LogInForm() {
		this.id = id;


package com.example.mybatisdemo;

import java.io.Serializable;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ScopedProxyMode;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import lombok.Data;

@Scope(value="session", proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class SessionData implements Serializable{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    String userId;
    String name;
    String companyName;
    String yer;
    String month;
    String roles;
    String company_id;
    String su;


package com.example.mybatisdemo.mapper;

import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Options;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;

import com.example.mybatisdemo.domain.SelectMstUser;

public interface MstUserMapper {

	@Insert("INSERT INTO mst_user (password, name, classno, company_id, regist_dt, update_dt, update_id) VALUES (#{password}, #{classno}, #{company_id}, #{regist_dt}, #{update_dt}, #{update_id})")
	@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "username")
	void insert(MstUserMapper logMst);

	@Select("SELECT "
			+ "  mst_user.username,"
			+ "  mst_user.password,"
			+ "  mst_user.name, "
			+ "  mst_user.roles, "
			+ "  mst_user.classno, "
			+ "  mst_user.company_id, "
			+ "  mst_company.name as company_name ,"
			+ "  mst_company.cutoff_date,"
			+ "  mst_user.regist_dt,"
			+ "  mst_user.update_dt, "
			+ "  mst_user.update_id "
			+ "FROM "
			+ "  mst_user, "
			+ "  mst_company "
			+ "WHERE "
			+ "  username = #{username} "
			+ "  AND mst_company.id = mst_user.company_id")
	SelectMstUser select(String username);



package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.longin;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import com.example.mybatisdemo.SessionData;
import com.example.mybatisdemo.domain.SelectMstUser;
import com.example.mybatisdemo.mapper.MstUserMapper;

public class LogInController {

	SessionData sessionData;

	private MstUserMapper mstLogMapper;

	private MessageSource messageSource;

	private ModelAndView mv;

	@ModelAttribute // (1)
	public LogInForm setUpEchoForm() {
		LogInForm form = new LogInForm();
		return form;

  // 初回リクエスト
	@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public ModelAndView index(LogInForm form) {
		mv = new ModelAndView();

		return mv;

  // 送信ボタンイベント
	@RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	//	@Transactional
	public String postLongin(LogInForm form, Model model) {
		String ret = null;
		String message = "";
		ret = "login";

		SelectMstUser loadedMstLog = mstLogMapper.select(form.getId()); // インサートしたTodoを取得して標準出力する

		if (loadedMstLog == null || (!loadedMstLog.getPassword().equals(form.getPass()))) {

			message = messageSource.getMessage("err.login", null, Locale.JAPANESE);

			model.addAttribute("message", message);
		} else {

			if (sessionData.getYer() == null) {
				// 勤務表用
				sessionData.setMonth(String.format("%02d", LocalDateTime.now().getMonth().getValue()));
				// マスター画面用

			if (messageSource.getMessage("roles.master", null, Locale.JAPANESE).equals(loadedMstLog.getRoles())) {
				// マスター画面遷移
				model.addAttribute("get", "master");
			} else if (messageSource.getMessage("roles.user", null, Locale.JAPANESE).equals(loadedMstLog.getRoles())) {
				// 勤務表画面遷移
				model.addAttribute("get", "user");


			model.addAttribute("userName", sessionData.getName());
			model.addAttribute("companyName", sessionData.getCompanyName());
			model.addAttribute("cutoffDate", loadedMstLog.getCutoff_date());


		return ret;



err.login = IDまたはパスワードが一致しません。
err.session = セッションが切れました。
err.set = 登録できませんでした。
kbn.syukin   = 出勤
kbn.kyusyutu = 休出
kbn.yukyu    = 有給
kbn.daikyu   = 代休
kbn.kekkin   = 欠勤
kbn.keityou  = 慶弔
msg.ok = 登録しました。
roles.master = 1
roles.user = 2
format.ymd = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org/">
<!-- a -->
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link href="css/attendance.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/webjars/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{js/test.js}"></script>

	// 初回・リダイレクト時のデータ取得
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {


	// データ取得
	function getData() {

		var temp_worktime = 0;

		// リロード時の初期設定
		for (var i = 0; i < $("#scheduleTable tbody").children().length; i++) {
			// 稼働時間自動計算編集
			temp_worktime = getWork_time(getVal('end_time', i),
										getVal('start_time', i),
										getVal('break_time', i));
			$('input[name="work_time[' + i + ']"]').prop('disabled', false);
			$('input[name="work_time[' + i + ']"]').val(temp_worktime);
			$('input[name="work_time[' + i + ']"]').prop('disabled', true);

		// 合計初期化

		// 合計の再計算

		// 入力イベント
		$('input').change(function(e) {
			var rowNum = $(this).closest('tr').index();
			var sum = "";

			// 時間入力時の稼働時間自動計算編集
			if (getVal('start_time', rowNum) != '' & getVal('end_time', rowNum) != '') {

				if (getVal('break_time', rowNum) == '') {
					$('input[name="break_time[' + rowNum + ']"]').val('01:00');

				// 稼働時間自動計算編集
				sum = getWork_time(getVal('end_time', rowNum),
						getVal('start_time', rowNum),
						getVal('break_time', rowNum));


			$('input[name="work_time[' + rowNum + ']"]').prop('disabled', false);
			$('input[name="work_time[' + rowNum + ']"]').val(sum);
			$('input[name="work_time[' + rowNum + ']"]').prop('disabled', true);

			// 合計初期化

			// 合計の再計算


	// データ登録
	function setData() {

		var chkCount = 0;

		// 入力チェック
		chkCount = chkUpLoad();

		// 入力変更が無かった場合は終了
		if(chkCount <= 0){
			if(chkCount == 0){

		   // サブミットするフォームを取得
		   var f = document.forms['myform'];

		   f.method = 'POST'; // method(GET or POST)を設定する
		   f.action = "http://localhost:8080/setJsonData" ; // action(遷移先URL)を設定する
		   f.submit(); // submit する


	// 入力チェック
	function chkUpLoad() {
		var chkCount = 0;

		// フォームデータをアップロードするためのデータ再作成
		for (var i = 0; i < $("#scheduleTable tbody").children().length; i++) {

			var selectElements = document.getElementsByName('status[' + i + ']'),
            optionElements = selectElements[0].options;

			// 入力チェック
			if(getVal('hStatus', i) != optionElements[selectElements[0].selectedIndex].value
					|| getVal('hStart_time', i) != getVal('start_time', i)
					|| getVal('hEnd_time', i) != getVal('end_time', i)
					|| getVal('hBreak_time', i) != getVal('break_time', i)
					|| getVal('hMemo', i) != getVal('memo', i)){
				// 入力に変更が生じた場合カウント
				chkCount += 1;

				// 入力チェック
				if('' == optionElements[selectElements[0].selectedIndex].value
						|| '' == getVal('start_time', i)
						|| '' == getVal('end_time', i)
						|| '' == getVal('break_time', i)){

					if('' == optionElements[selectElements[0].selectedIndex].value){
						setFocus('status', i);
					}else if('' == getVal('start_time', i)){
						setFocus('start_time', i);
					}else if('' == getVal('end_time', i)){
						setFocus('end_time', i);
					}else if('' == getVal('break_time', i)){
						setFocus('break_time', i);

					return -1;

				if('' == getVal('hRegist_id', i)){
					$('input[name="hInsUpdChekVal[' + i + ']"]').val('INS');
					$('input[name="hInsUpdChekVal[' + i + ']"]').val('UPD');


		return chkCount;

	function onClickMonth(v_num) {

		if ($('#hMonthId').val() == '12' || $('#hMonthId').val() == '01') {

			if (v_num > 0) {
				if ($('#hMonthId').val() == '12') {
					$('#hYerId').val(Number($('#hYerId').val()) + v_num);
					$('#hMonthId').val(('0' + v_num).slice(-2));
				} else {
					$('#hMonthId').val(('0' + (Number($('#hMonthId').val()) + v_num)).slice(-2));
			} else {
				if ($('#hMonthId').val() == '12') {
					$('#hMonthId').val(('0' + (Number($('#hMonthId').val()) + v_num)).slice(-2));
				} else {
					$('#hYerId').val(Number($('#hYerId').val()) + v_num);
					$('#hMonthId').val(('0' + 12).slice(-2));

		} else {
			$('#hMonthId').val(('0' + (Number($('#hMonthId').val()) + v_num)).slice(-2));


		var f = document.forms['myform'];
		f.method = 'POST'; // method(GET or POST)を設定する
		f.action = "http://localhost:8080/getPostData" ;
		f.submit(); // submit する

	function setSessionClear() {

						'<div id="submit_result" class="section__block section__block--notification"><p>セッション情報を破棄しました。</p></div>');

	function setSubmit() {

	<form name="myform"
		style="text-align: center;">
		<header style="background: #FFEEEE;">
			<div style="text-align: left;">
			    <div class="block_header">会社名</div>
			    <div class="block__element" th:text="${companyName}"></div>
			    <div class="block_header">氏名</div>
			    <div class="block__element" th:text="${userName}"></div>

		<table id="scheduleTable" class="list" border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse">
			<div style="text-align: left;">
				<input type="hidden" th:id="hYerId" th:name="'hYer'" th:value="${yer}">
				<input type="hidden" th:id="hMonthId" th:name="'hMonth'"th:value="${month}">

			    <div class="block__element"><p th:name="'yermon'" th:text=" ${yer} + '年 ' + ${month} + '月'">
			    <div class="block__element">
				    <input type="button" id="bMonth" value="前月" onclick='onClickMonth(-1);'>
				    <input type="button" id="aMonth" value="次月" onclick='onClickMonth(1);'>

					<th style="width: 20px;">日</th>
					<th style="width: 40px;">曜日</th>
					<th style="width: 60px;">区分</th>
					<th style="width: 60px;">出社</th>
					<th style="width: 60px;">退社</th>
					<th style="width: 50px;">休憩<br>時間
					<th style="width: 60px;">就業<br>時間
					<th style="width: 200px;">備考</th>
				<tr th:each="row, stat : ${attendance}" th:style="'background-color:' + @{(${row.week == '1' || row.week == '7'} ? '#dda0dd' : '#FFFFFF')} + ''">
					<td th:text="${row.day}"></td>
					<td th:text="${row.week_name}"></td>
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hLogid"
							th:name="'hLogid[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hDay"
							th:name="'hDay[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<select id="singleSelectId"
							th:id="'singleSelect[' + ${stat.index} + ']'" name="status"
							th:name="'status[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
							<option th:value="${row.status}"></option>
							<option th:each="item : ${statusItems}" th:value="${item.key}"
								th:selected="${item.key} == *{row.status}"></option>
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hStatusId"
								th:name="'hStatus[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
					<td><input type="time"
						name="start_time" th:name="'start_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						th:value="${row.start_time}" pattern="[0-9:]{1,}"
						onblur="myFnc(' + ${stat.index} + ');">
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hStart_timeId"
								th:name="'hStart_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
					<td><input type="time"
						name="end_time" th:name="'end_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						th:value="${row.end_time}" pattern="[0-9:]{1,}"
						onblur="myFnc(' + ${stat.index} + ');">
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hEnd_timeId"
								th:name="'hEnd_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
					<td><input type="time"
						name="break_time" th:name="'break_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						th:value="${row.break_time}" pattern="[0-9:]{1,}"
						onblur="myFnc(' + ${stat.index} + ');">
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hBreak_timeId"
								th:name="'hBreak_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
					<td><input type="text" style="width: 60px;" maxlength='5'
						name="work_time" th:name="'work_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hWork_timeId"
								th:name="'hWork_time[' + ${stat.index} + ']'" >
					<td><input type="text" style="width: 180px;" maxlength='10'
						name="memo" th:name="'memo[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hMemoId"
							th:name="'hMemo[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"

						<!-- hiddnChk -->
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hRegist_id"
							th:name="'hRegist_id[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hRegist_dt"
							th:name="'hRegist_dt[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hUpdate_id"
							th:name="'hUpdate_id[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hUpdate_dt"
							th:name="'hUpdate_dt[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"
						<input type="hidden" th:id="hInsUpdChekVal"
							th:name="'hInsUpdChekVal[' + ${stat.index} + ']'"

		<table class="list" border="1">
				<th style="width: 245px;"></th>
				<th style="width: 50px;">休憩<br>時間
				<th style="width: 50px;">就業<br>時間

				<td id="total_breakId" style="width: 100px;"></td>
				<td id="total_WorkId" style="width: 100px;"></td>


		<input type="button" name="send" value="送信" onclick='setSubmit();'>


package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance;

import java.sql.Timestamp;

public class AttendanceForm {

    private String logid;
    private String yer;
    private String month;
    private String day;
    private String start_time;
    private String end_time;
    private String break_time;
    private String status;
    private String memo;
    private String regist_id;
    private Timestamp regist_dt;
    private String update_id;
    private Timestamp update_dt;

	public String getLogid() {
		return logid;
	public void setLogid(String logid) {
		this.logid = logid;
	public String getYer() {
		return yer;
	public void setYer(String yer) {
		this.yer = yer;
	public String getMonth() {
		return month;
	public void setMonth(String month) {
		this.month = month;
	public String getDay() {
		return day;
	public void setDay(String day) {
		this.day = day;
	public String getStart_time() {
		return start_time;
	public void setStart_time(String start_time) {
		this.start_time = start_time;
	public String getEnd_time() {
		return end_time;
	public void setEnd_time(String end_time) {
		this.end_time = end_time;
	public String getBreak_time() {
		return break_time;
	public void setBreak_time(String break_time) {
		this.break_time = break_time;
	public String getStatus() {
		return status;
	public void setStatus(String status) {
		this.status = status;
	public String getMemo() {
		return memo;
	public void setMemo(String memo) {
		this.memo = memo;
	public String getRegist_id() {
		return regist_id;
	public void setRegist_id(String regist_id) {
		this.regist_id = regist_id;
	public Timestamp getRegist_dt() {
		return regist_dt;
	public void setRegist_dt(Timestamp regist_dt) {
		this.regist_dt = regist_dt;
	public String getUpdate_id() {
		return update_id;
	public void setUpdate_id(String update_id) {
		this.update_id = update_id;
	public Timestamp getUpdate_dt() {
		return update_dt;
	public void setUpdate_dt(Timestamp update_dt) {
		this.update_dt = update_dt;



package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance;

public class AttendanceList {

	private String logid;
	private String yer;
	private String month;
	private String day;
	private String week;
	private String week_name;
	private String start_time;
	private String end_time;
	private String break_time;
	private String status;
	private String memo;
	private String regist_id;
	private String regist_dt;
	private String update_id;
	private String update_dt;

	public String getLogid() {
		return logid;
	public void setLogid(String logid) {
		this.logid = logid;
	public String getYer() {
		return yer;
	public void setYer(String yer) {
		this.yer = yer;
	public String getMonth() {
		return month;
	public void setMonth(String month) {
		this.month = month;
	public String getDay() {
		return day;
	public void setDay(String day) {
		this.day = day;
	public String getWeek() {
		return week;
	public void setWeek(String week) {
		this.week = week;
	public String getWeek_name() {
		return week_name;
	public void setWeek_name(String week_name) {
		this.week_name = week_name;
	public String getStart_time() {
		return start_time;
	public void setStart_time(String start_time) {
		this.start_time = start_time;
	public String getEnd_time() {
		return end_time;
	public void setEnd_time(String end_time) {
		this.end_time = end_time;
	public String getBreak_time() {
		return break_time;
	public void setBreak_time(String break_time) {
		this.break_time = break_time;
	public String getStatus() {
		return status;
	public void setStatus(String status) {
		this.status = status;
	public String getMemo() {
		return memo;
	public void setMemo(String memo) {
		this.memo = memo;
	public String getRegist_id() {
		return regist_id;
	public void setRegist_id(String regist_id) {
		this.regist_id = regist_id;
	public String getRegist_dt() {
		return regist_dt;
	public void setRegist_dt(String regist_dt) {
		this.regist_dt = regist_dt;
	public String getUpdate_id() {
		return update_id;
	public void setUpdate_id(String update_id) {
		this.update_id = update_id;
	public String getUpdate_dt() {
		return update_dt;
	public void setUpdate_dt(String update_dt) {
		this.update_dt = update_dt;



package com.example.mybatisdemo.mapper;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Options;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update;

import com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance.AttendanceForm;
import com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance.AttendanceList;

public interface AttendanceMapper {

	@Insert("INSERT INTO attendance (" +
			"   logid, " +
			"   yer, " +
			"   month, " +
			"   day, " +
			"   start_time, " +
			"   end_time, " +
			"   break_time, " +
			"   status, " +
			"   memo, " +
			"   regist_id, " +
			"   regist_dt, " +
			"   update_id,   " +
			"   update_dt " +
			") VALUES (" +
			"#{logid}, " +
			"#{yer}, " +
			"#{month}, " +
			"#{day}, " +
			"#{start_time}, " +
			"#{end_time}, " +
			"#{break_time}, " +
			"#{status}, " +
			"#{memo}, " +
			"#{regist_id}, " +
			"#{regist_dt}, " +
			"#{update_id}, " +
			"#{update_dt} )")

	@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "logid")
	void insert(AttendanceForm mstBunrui);

	@Update("UPDATE attendance SET " +
			"   start_time = #{start_time} ," +
			"   end_time  = #{end_time}, " +
			"   break_time  = #{break_time}, " +
			"   status    = #{status}, " +
			"   memo      = #{memo}, " +
			"   update_dt = #{update_dt}, " +
			"   update_id = #{update_id}  " +
			"WHERE " +
			"   logid = #{logid} AND" +
			"   yer = #{yer} AND" +
			"   month = #{month} AND " +
			"   day = #{day} ")
	@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "logid")
	void update(AttendanceForm mstBunrui);

	@Select("SELECT " +
			"   atd_list.logid," +
			"   cal.yer," +
			"   cal.month," +
			"   cal.day," +
			"   cal.week, " +
			"   cal.week_name, " +
			"   atd_list.start_time," +
			"   atd_list.end_time," +
			"   atd_list.break_time," +
			"   atd_list.status," +
			"   atd_list.memo," +
			"   atd_list.regist_id," +
			"   to_char(atd_list.regist_dt, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:MI:ss.US') as regist_dt," +
			"   atd_list.update_id," +
			"   to_char(atd_list.update_dt, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:MI:ss.US') as update_dt " +
			"FROM " +
			"(SELECT" +
			"   to_char(arr,'YYYY') as yer," +
			"   to_char(arr,'MM') as month," +
			"   to_char(arr,'DD') as day," +
			"   to_char(arr,'D') as week, " +
			"   mst_week.week_name " +
			"FROM " +
			"   generate_series( cast( concat(#{yer},'/',#{month},'/01') as timestamp) ," +
			"   DATE_TRUNC('month', cast( concat(#{yer},'/',#{month},'/01') as timestamp) + '1 months') + '-1 days','1 days') as arr,"
			"   mst_week " +
			" WHERE " +
			"   to_number(to_char(arr,'D'), '9') = mst_week.id " +
			") as cal" +
			"   LEFT JOIN " +
			"(" +
			"" +
			"SELECT " +
			"   attendance.logid," +
			"   attendance.yer," +
			"   attendance.month," +
			"   attendance.day," +
			"   attendance.start_time," +
			"   attendance.end_time," +
			"   attendance.break_time," +
			"   attendance.status," +
			"   attendance.memo," +
			"   attendance.regist_id," +
			"   attendance.regist_dt," +
			"   attendance.update_id," +
			"   attendance.update_dt " +
			"FROM " +
			"   attendance " +
			"WHERE " +
			"  logid = #{logid} AND" +
			"  yer = #{yer} AND" +
			"  month = #{month} " +
			") as atd_list " +
			"" +
			"ON cal.yer = atd_list.yer AND" +
			"   cal.month = atd_list.month AND" +
			"   cal.day = atd_list.day " +
			"ORDER BY " +
			"   cal.day")
	List<AttendanceList> select(String logid, String yer, String month);

	@Select("SELECT * " +
			"FROM " +
			"   attendance " +
			"WHERE " +
			"  logid = #{logid} AND" +
			"  yer = #{yer} AND" +
			"  month = #{month} " +
			"ORDER BY " +
			"   day")
	List<AttendanceForm> selectChek(String logid, String yer, String month);


package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

import com.example.mybatisdemo.SessionData;
import com.example.mybatisdemo.mapper.AttendanceMapper;

public class AttendanceController {

	static final String C_INS = "INS";
	static final String C_UPD = "UPD";

	static final String C_UPD_ERR = "UPD_ERR";
	static final String C_SKIP = "SKIP";

	SessionData sessionData;

	private AttendanceMapper attendanceMapper;

	private MessageSource messageSource;

	 * getAttendanceメソッド
	 * 初回のリクエスト取得:
	 * セッション情報が存在すればデータを取得し、勤務表画面を表示
	 * セッションが切れた場合はログイン画面に遷移
	 * @param request
	 * @param model
	 * @return リクエストパラメータ
	@RequestMapping(value = "/attendance", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String getAttendance(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
		String ret = null;
		String message = "";

		if (sessionData.getUserId() == null) {
			ret = "login";
			message = messageSource.getMessage("err.login", null, Locale.JAPANESE);

		} else {
			ret = "attendance";

			message = sessionData.getName();

			// hiddnで設定された年月をセッション情報にセット
			if (null != request.getParameter("hYer")) {

			List<AttendanceList> attendanceList = attendanceMapper.select(sessionData.getUserId(),
			model.addAttribute("attendance", attendanceList);

		model.addAttribute("message", message);
		model.addAttribute("userName", sessionData.getName());
		model.addAttribute("companyName", sessionData.getCompanyName());

		model.addAttribute("statusItems", getStatusItems());
		model.addAttribute("yer", sessionData.getYer());
		model.addAttribute("month", sessionData.getMonth());
		return ret;

	 * getPostDataメソッド
	 * 次月のリクエスト取得:
	 * 受け取ったhiddenの年月をセッションにセットしてリロード(getAttendance)
	 * @param request
	 * @param model
	 * @return リクエストパラメータ
	@RequestMapping(value = "/getPostData", method = { RequestMethod.POST })
	public String getPostData(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) {
		String ret = "redirect:login";

		// セッションが切れていなければ処理続行
		if (sessionData.getUserId() != null) {
			ret = "redirect:attendance";

			// hiddnで設定された年月をセッション情報にセット
			if (null != request.getParameter("hYer")) {
		return ret;

	 * setJsonDataメソッド
	 * データ登録:
	 * postで受け取ってsetJsonData2で処理した後、リロード(getAttendance)
	 * @param request
	 * @param model
	 * @return リクエストパラメータ
	 * @throws ParseException
	@RequestMapping(value = "/setJsonData", method = { RequestMethod.POST })
	public String setJsonData(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) throws ParseException {
		String ret = "redirect:login";

		// セッションが切れていなければ処理続行
		if (sessionData.getUserId() != null) {
			ret = "redirect:attendance";

			setData(request, model);
		return ret;

	 * setDataメソッド
	 * データ登録:
	 * データ登録とトランザクションコミットのため細分化
	 * (ResponseBodyをつけるとリロードしないため)
	 * @param request
	 * @param model
	 * @return なし
	 * @throws ParseException
	public void setData(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) throws ParseException {
		java.util.Date rdate = null;
		java.util.Date udate = null;
		RetChkData retChkData = new RetChkData();

		Map<String, String[]> tempPostData = request.getParameterMap();
		AttendanceForm attendanceForm = new AttendanceForm();
		// 更新前のデータを取得
		List<AttendanceForm> chkAttendance = attendanceMapper.selectChek(

		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
		for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
			rdate = null;
			udate = null;

			if (((tempPostData.size() - 1) / 18) <= i) {
				//配列の最大値-1(年と月のカラム)/18(項目数)= その月の最終日

			retChkData.setStatus(tempPostData.get("hInsUpdChekVal[" + i + "]")[0]);
			if (C_SKIP.equals(retChkData.getStatus())) {
				// 画面からの入力・変更分以外はスキップ

			// 入力チェック
			if (!("".equals(tempPostData.get("start_time[" + i + "]")[0]))) {

				if (0 != tempPostData.get("hRegist_dt[" + i + "]")[0].length()) {
					rdate = sdf.parse(tempPostData.get("hRegist_dt[" + i + "]")[0].substring(0, 23));
				} else {
					rdate = new Date();

				if (0 != tempPostData.get("hUpdate_dt[" + i + "]")[0].length()) {
					udate = sdf.parse(tempPostData.get("hUpdate_dt[" + i + "]")[0].substring(0, 23));
				} else {
					udate = new Date();

				attendanceForm.setLogid(tempPostData.get("hLogid[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setDay(tempPostData.get("hDay[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setStart_time(tempPostData.get("start_time[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setEnd_time(tempPostData.get("end_time[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setBreak_time(tempPostData.get("break_time[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setStatus(tempPostData.get("status[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setMemo(tempPostData.get("memo[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setRegist_id(tempPostData.get("hRegist_id[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setRegist_dt(new java.sql.Timestamp(rdate.getTime()));
				attendanceForm.setUpdate_id(tempPostData.get("hUpdate_id[" + i + "]")[0]);
				attendanceForm.setUpdate_dt(new java.sql.Timestamp(udate.getTime()));

				// 楽観ロックのチェック
				if (chkData(chkAttendance, attendanceForm, retChkData)) {
					if (C_INS.equals(retChkData.getStatus())) {
						// 登録
						attendanceForm.setRegist_dt(new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
						attendanceForm.setUpdate_dt(new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));

					} else if (C_UPD.equals(retChkData.getStatus())) {
						// 更新
						attendanceForm.setUpdate_dt(new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));

				} else {
					// データ取得後に他ユーザの変更が生じた場合

	 * chkDataメソッド
	 * データチェック:
	 * 更新前と画面の情報を比較し、登録か更新かを判断する
	 * @param chkAttendance
	 * @param attendance
	 * @param i
	 * @return Boolean
	private Boolean chkData(List<AttendanceForm> chkAttendance, AttendanceForm attendance, RetChkData retChkData) {
		Boolean ret = false;
		int chk = 0;

		for (int i = retChkData.getSkipValue(); i < chkAttendance.size(); i++) {

			// 日付が一致した場合
			if (attendance.getDay().equals(chkAttendance.get(i).getDay())) {

				// 楽観ロックのチェック
				if (C_UPD.equals(retChkData.getStatus())
						&& attendance.getRegist_id().equals(chkAttendance.get(i).getRegist_id())
						&& attendance.getRegist_dt().equals(chkAttendance.get(i).getRegist_dt())
						&& attendance.getUpdate_id().equals(chkAttendance.get(i).getUpdate_id())
						&& attendance.getUpdate_dt().equals(chkAttendance.get(i).getUpdate_dt())) {

					ret = true;

		// 楽観ロックのチェック
		if (C_INS.equals(retChkData.getStatus())) {
			if (0 == chk) {
				ret = true;

		return ret;


	 * getStatusItemsメソッド
	 * 区分の項目:
	 * 出勤~慶弔の項目を画面に設定するための定義
	 * @param なし
	 * @return 区分のマップデータ
	private Map<String, String> getStatusItems() {
		Map<String, String> selectMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
		selectMap.put("1", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.syukin", null, Locale.JAPANESE));
		selectMap.put("2", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.kyusyutu", null, Locale.JAPANESE));
		selectMap.put("3", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.yukyu", null, Locale.JAPANESE));
		selectMap.put("4", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.daikyu", null, Locale.JAPANESE));
		selectMap.put("5", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.kekkin", null, Locale.JAPANESE));
		selectMap.put("6", messageSource.getMessage("kbn.keityou", null, Locale.JAPANESE));

		return selectMap;



  to_char(arr, 'YYYY') as yer
  , to_char(arr, 'MM') as month
  , to_char(arr, 'DD') as day
  , to_char(arr, 'D') as week
  , mst_week.week_name 
    cast(concat(2014, '/', 07, '/01') as timestamp)
    , DATE_TRUNC( 
      , cast(concat(2014, '/', 07, '/01') as timestamp) + '1 months'
    ) + '-1 days'
    , '1 days'
  ) as arr
  , mst_week 
  to_number(to_char(arr, 'D'), '9') = mst_week.id 


package com.example.mybatisdemo.controller.attendance;

public class RetChkData {

    private String status;
    private int skipValue;

	public String getStatus() {
		return status;
	public void setStatus(String status) {
		this.status = status;
	public int getSkipValue() {
		return skipValue;
	public void setSkipValue(int skipValue) {
		this.skipValue = skipValue;





