End Time Salvation | Cantata "Gospel Choir 5th Performance"
End Time Salvation | Cantata "Gospel Choir 5th Performance"
In the last days, God will use the word to accomplish everything! In the words expressed by God, man’s true countenance is exposed. Evil sha
Back to God | Praise and Worship Music "Gospel Choir 12th Performance" | Recitation and Singing
Back to God | Praise and Worship Music "Gospel Choir 12th Performance" | Recitation and Singing
God created this world and created mankind. He cares for mankind night and day. At the beginning, man,
Praise and Worship Almighty God | King of Kings | Gospel Music "Gospel Choir 15th Performance"
Praise and Worship Almighty God | King of Kings | Gospel Music "Gospel Choir 15th Performance"
This time, God comes to do work not in a spiritual body but in a very ordinary one. Not only is it the bo