FAA Safety Team - Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update
FAAST Blast — ATCT Adjustments, Runway Safety Simulator, Stabilized Approaches, WINGS Survey, No-Go On the Radio
Notice Number: NOTC0121
Temporary Control Tower Adjustments
Pilots: Please remember that the FAA has temporarily adjusted the operating hours of approximately 100 control towers nationwide. These adjustments allow for continued safe operations throughout the NAS while minimizing health risks to our workforce. Future updates will be made when appropriate. For a list of the affected towers, go to www.faa.gov/coronavirus/regulatory_updates/#tctha.
New Addition to Runway Safety Simulator
The FAA is happy to release the newest animation to the Runway Safety Pilot Simulator (www.runwaysafetysimulator.com). This animation, “The Anatomy of a Wrong Surface Event” is the first in a three part series focusing on causal factors for wrong surface events, such as the incorrect runway or taxiway approaches, landings, or departures. Specifically, this episode highlights the importance of guarding against certain human factors and maintaining situational awareness. Stay tuned for the second episode coming this summer!
Staying Stable
A stabilized approach is one in which the pilot establishes and maintains a constant angle glide path towards a predetermined point on the landing runway. In addition to helping you achieve buttery-smooth landings, maintaining a stabilized approach is also a great way to avoid loss of control during the landing phase of your flight. To learn more, download our #FlySafe fact sheet here http://bit.ly/2NEUROF and watch our "57 Seconds to Safer Flying" video https://youtu.be/sSnuzXhEf6s?list=PL5vHkqHi51DQdF_PXKQT7uJUPd4UzlxNS.
WINGS Survey
Interested in helping to improve WINGS? Take the new AOPA survey and tell us what you think: aopa.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eQgjhTIAf1a6oPr?Referral=FAAST.
No-Go On the Radio
Do you get nervous or intimidated when talking on the radio or with air traffic control? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. The May/June 2020 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on the importance of proper communication in aviation and its critical role in furthering safety. Feature articles include a refresher on the basics of good "aviation" grammar, how to use correct phraseology to avoid confusion or misunderstandings, and how to best leverage technology and equipment to improve your communication skills. Read the article, “No-Go on the Radio” at https://medium.com/@FAASTeam/no-go-on-the-radio-394c540ca164 for a list of what not to say, and the corresponding rules for radio righteousness. Check out the entire issue at www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing.
Have COVID-19 questions? Check out the FAA’s Coronavirus Information page for regulatory updates as well as helpful guidance/resources at https://www.faa.gov/coronavirus/.
Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors, www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing
Address questions or comments to: SafetyBriefing@faa.gov
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