プログラミング学習の記録 #23(C):温度構造
海洋の鉛直方向の温度構造を想定している。海洋表層温度$${T_{0} = 293.15 ~ \mathrm{K}}$$、第100層(深度600m程度)の温度$${T_{100} = 276.15 ~ \mathrm{K}}$$として、温度構造を計算する。以下の計算においては、約100年未満で終端状態に達した。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Input the numbers of layer and depth.
#include <time.h>
#define layer 101
#define depth 606.0
// Input the nunmbers of time steps and end time.
#define year_rate 0.0027397300/4.0000
#define year_max 100.0
// the function of diffusion.
double get_diffusion(int m,double y0,double y,double y1,double M0,double M,double M1,double z0,double z,double z1)
double diff;
diff = ((y0 + y) / 2.0) * (M0 - M) / pow((z - z0),2) + ((y1 + y) / 2.0) * (M1 - M) / pow((z1 - z),2) ;
return diff;
int main()
FILE *fp;
int m;
double t,dt;
double T[layer],diff_T[layer];
double T_surface,T_bottom;
double y[layer],yT[layer];
double z[layer],z_bottom[layer],dz[layer],z_surface;
// reseting time.
t = 0.0 ;
dt = year_rate ;
// depth.
z_surface = 0.0 ;
z_bottom[0] = depth / (1.0 * layer) ;
dz[0] = z_bottom[0] - z_surface ;
z[0] = (z_bottom[0] + z_surface) / 2.0 ;
for(m = 1 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
z_bottom[m] = z_bottom[m-1] + depth / (1.0 * layer) ;
dz[m] = z_bottom[m] - z_bottom[m-1] ;
z[m] = (z_bottom[m] + z_bottom[m-1]) / 2.0 ;
// boundary conditions.
T_surface = 273.15 + 20.0 ;
T_bottom = 273.15 + 3.0 ;
// initial numbers of T.
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
T[m] = 273.15 + 10.0 ;
// Input initial conditions.
T[0] = T_surface ;
T[layer-1] = T_bottom ;
// Input conditions of diffusion coefficient.
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
if(z[m] < 50.0) // surface mixed layer.
y[m] = 20000.0 ;
}else if(z[m] < 300.0) // thermal layer.
y[m] = 5000.0 ;
y[m] = 2500.0 ;
// OK.
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
yT[m] = y[m] * 1.0 ;
// Calculating time variation.
while(t < year_max)
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
if(m == 0)
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m],yT[m],yT[m+1],T_surface,T[m],T[m+1],2*z[m]-z[m+1],z[m],z[m+1]) ;
}else if(m == layer - 1)
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m-1],yT[m],yT[m],T[m-1],T[m],T_bottom,z[m-1],z[m],2*z[m]-z[m-1]) ;
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m-1],yT[m],yT[m+1],T[m-1],T[m],T[m+1],z[m-1],z[m],z[m+1]) ;
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
T[m] = T[m] + diff_T[m] * dt ;
t = t + dt ;
// outputting into CSV.
fp = fopen("test1_distribution.csv","w") ;
if(fp == NULL)
printf("File error.\n");
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
return 0;
上記のプログラムに、海洋温暖化の効果を追加する。海洋温暖化率(warming rate)は、$${0.61~\mathrm{K ~ yr^{-1}}}$$とした。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Input the numbers of layer and depth.
#define layer 101
#define depth 505.0
// Input the nunmbers of time steps and end time.
#define year_rate 0.0027397300/8.0000
#define year_max 200.0
// the function of diffusion.
double get_diffusion(int m,double y0,double y,double y1,double M0,double M,double M1,double z0,double z,double z1)
double diff;
diff = ((y0 + y) / 2.0) * (M0 - M) / pow((z - z0),2) + ((y1 + y) / 2.0) * (M1 - M) / pow((z1 - z),2) ;
return diff;
int main()
FILE *fp;
int m,i;
double t,dt;
double T[layer],diff_T[layer];
double T_surface,T_bottom;
double y[layer],yT[layer];
double z[layer],z_bottom[layer],dz[layer],z_surface;
double warming_rate;
// reseting time.
t = 0.0 ;
dt = year_rate ;
// depth.
z_surface = 0.0 ;
z_bottom[0] = depth / (1.0 * layer) ;
dz[0] = z_bottom[0] - z_surface ;
z[0] = (z_bottom[0] + z_surface) / 2.0 ;
for(m = 1 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
z_bottom[m] = z_bottom[m-1] + depth / (1.0 * layer) ;
dz[m] = z_bottom[m] - z_bottom[m-1] ;
z[m] = (z_bottom[m] + z_bottom[m-1]) / 2.0 ;
// Input boundary conditions.
T_surface = 273.15 + 20.0 ;
T_bottom = 273.15 + 3.0 ;
// OK.
// Input initial conditions.
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
T[m] = 273.15 + 10.0 ;
T[0] = T_surface ;
T[layer-1] = T_bottom ;
// OK.
// Input conditions of diffusion coefficient.
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
if(z[m] < 50.0) // surface mixed layer.
y[m] = 10000.0 ;
}else if(z[m] < 300.0) // thermal layer.
y[m] = 5000.0 ;
y[m] = 2500.0 ;
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
yT[m] = y[m] * 3.0 ;
// OK.
fp = fopen("test_process.csv","w") ;
if(fp == NULL)
printf("File error.\n");
i = 0 ;
// Calculating time variation.
while(t < year_max)
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
if(m == 0)
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m],yT[m],yT[m+1],T_surface,T[m],T[m+1],2*z[m]-z[m+1],z[m],z[m+1]) ;
}else if(m == layer - 1)
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m-1],yT[m],yT[m],T[m-1],T[m],T_bottom,z[m-1],z[m],2*z[m]-z[m-1]) ;
diff_T[m] = get_diffusion(m,yT[m-1],yT[m],yT[m+1],T[m-1],T[m],T[m+1],z[m-1],z[m],z[m+1]) ;
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
T[m] = T[m] + diff_T[m] * dt ;
// outputting into CSV.
i = i + 1 ;
if(i * year_rate > year_max / 100.0)
fprintf(fp,"%10.4f, %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f\n",t,T[0],T[10],T[20],T[50],T[80],T[100]);
i = 0 ;
// grobal warming.
warming_rate = 0.00610 ; // K yr-1 [Japan Meteorological Agency,2024]
T_surface = T_surface + warming_rate * dt ;
t = t + dt ;
// outputting into CSV.
fp = fopen("test2_distribution.csv","w") ;
if(fp == NULL)
printf("File error.\n");
for(m = 0 ; m < layer ; m = m + 1)
return 0;