Behind the scenes when having LIVE at Regeta.
As in one of my previous note I wrote about the recent product selling ways specially in few of the Asian countries.
As recently we had another live, this time it was at our head office and I got the chance to observe the process more closely.
Until this time, I was mostly involved in the part of communicating with the live show person in charge, sending them data about the models available and keeping the stock reserved for them, making the invoice and at the end communicating with our store manager where the live would take place.
But this time the live was suppose to take place at our office. I needed to do all the communicating plus making a room ready for them along with keeping all the samples ready for the live.
Let’s start from the beginning. As usual I got a message on my WhatsApp from Snoey san who is in charge of SHC Live for the live show in Japan. SHC Live is a Live streaming company based in Singapore and they do the live in a number on countries. Japan and Korea being the main two countries.
They also have a Japanese company supporting them which is based in Tokyo. This is where we need to send all the orders we got from the Live along with our invoice.
Snoey san sent me a message that she wanted to do a Live show for Regeta again in September. But this time the team was visiting Osaka so they want to do the live at our head office or the Osaka main store. I discussed the date and time when they wanted to showcase our products.
As Singapore has a 1-hour time difference from Japan they were wanting to start the show at 9 pm Japan time which will be 8 pm Singapore time. That was quite late and our shops close by that time. So, it was decided that this time it will take place at the Regeta Osaka head office.
I made the available product list as always from my side and then included the products the SHC live team wanted to show.
We have a variety of products but not all of them are available in stock, so the initial product picking takes time and lots of changes and discussions takes place. But once it is done I reserve some stock for the live so that we do not face the problem of the product being out of stock. In between if the Live show team has any questions regarding any product they ask me so that they can explain it properly during the show.
Before the day of the show I arranged all the samples that will be shown and put them all together. I reserved a meeting room in our office and make it ready. I checked if the room has any items that were confidential and cannot be shown and shifted it to another room.
On the day of the live I moved the product samples to the correct places checked and added few more required products. Worked on some last minutes requests. The team of 3 people including Snoey san came to our office at 7 pm to arrange all the things in a way they wanted.
We exchanged some last minutes details with each other and at 9:15 pm (Japan time) the live started. I was watching it on my laptop and reading the comments. The Live is done on Facebook and Telegram. Snoey san and her partner Mica san were explaining all the details very nicely about Regeta’s products. As Snoey san’s mom also uses Regeta she was able to explain and answer almost all the questions of the viewers very promptly.
They asked me few questions which they got on comments through WhatsApp during the Live. Other than that, I really did not have anything to do. It was around 10:00 pm and we had no one in the office. The live ended at around 11:30pm. And we all finally went home.
We had to wait for another 2 days till we know the result and get the order. This time we got an order of around 60 pairs. The SHC team did live for 2 hours and were able to see 60 pairs which is not bad. We were able to sell 200 pairs in few live but it depends on which products we have, sizing and color available. I feel like they did a good job and hope we sell more products next time.
See the live stream video through the URL below:
For more information about Regeta do check our previous note.