
I am an English learner.I would like to wri…


I am an English learner.I would like to write in English what I felt every day.


Stag Beetle

One day, my wife picked up a stag beetle and decided to keep it. At first, I didn't know how to keep it, so I put it inside a cardboard box and gave it some peach seeds or something. The stag beetle was stuck on the peach seeds all day and

    • Imitate Darth Vader's way of speaking.

      Darth Vader' voice is makes me want to imitate the lines. I imitate unconsciously. In particular, I am fascinated by the decisive lines and the unique narrative style. Along with the visual scenes, the sound and rhythm of the dialogue leave

      • The Spenser novels

        I read "The Godwulf Manuscript" by Robert B Parker. My English conversation teacher told me that this book is an easy read for learning English. Using the kindle to look up unfamiliar words as I read. The pattern of the story is case, reque

        • Foundation Series

          Since I was in elementary school, I was enthusiastic about Star Trek's original series. At the time, the title of Star Trek was "Outer Space Mission”. The conversation between Captain Kirk, Dr. McCoy and Spock was especially interesting. I

          Listen to "YL" when it's hot

          Since I was a student, I have loved the singing of the University of Helsinki Male Voice Choir (Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat) in Finland. Their clear harmonies and unique sense of rhythm are very attractive. This voice is something that Japane

          Listen to "YL" when it's hot

          Philosophical Science Fiction

          Reading Philosophical Science Fiction in a lot of fun for me. I like Science Fiction. Especially the philosophical science fiction novel is interesting. What is a philosophical science fiction novel? In my opinion, philosophical science

          Philosophical Science Fiction


          At the recommendation of a friend, I do zazen every Sunday.  It's been about half a year. The start is from 7:30.  I went to bed early on Saturday night the day before to participate in zazen on Sunday morning.  Also, Sunday mornings have b

          Sweet cake

          A person posted a parfait that looked delicious on Twitter.It looked very delicious!  I tried to imitate it.This cheese souffle was purchased at a local supermarket. I didn't understand the meaning of souffle. I looked it up in an English-

          Transcribe the English-Japanese dictionary

          The other day, when I was researching how to learn English, I found a way to transcribe  the English-Japanese dictionaries.   I thought that I could do it myself so I tried it immediately. I have in the Advanced Favorite English-Japanese d

          Transcribe the English-Japanese dictionary

          BGM for self-study of English

          My hobby is listening to classical music. This hobby has been going on since I was in elementary school. I've listened to the music of so many composers so far. For example, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Mahler, Wagner, Sh

          BGM for self-study of English