
日本人 : 「利己的段階」エリートが 心底 恐れる 「利他」の民



Hyde Park Aide-Mémoire

1. The suggestion that the world should be informed regarding tube alloys, with a view to an international agreement regarding its control and use, is not accepted. The matter should continue to be regarded as of the utmost secrecy; but when a “bomb” is finally available, it might perhaps, after mature consideration, be used against the Japanese, who should be warned that this bombardment will be repeated until they surrender

2. Full collaboration between the United States and the British Government should continue after the defeat of Japan unless and until terminated by joint agreement.

3. Enquiries should be made regarding the activities of Professor Bohr and steps taken to ensure that he is responsible for no leakage of information particularly to the Russians.



 「原爆は「日本人」へ二十数発投下せよ!(A2以上)林 千勝著)より 一部改変

* チューブ・アロイズ:第二次世界大戦中でのイギリスによる、世界初の核兵器開発計画 のコードネーム(その後、「マンハッタン計画(米国)」に引き継がれる)