Kristallnacht The Night of Broken Glass 水晶の夜 1938.11.09 ドイツ 20231111

#Kristallnacht #TheNightOfBrokenGlass #Israel
6:00 AM Nov 9, 2023
UN Watch
Yesterday, on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the U.N. General Assembly adopted eight resolutions that single out or condemn Israel, and zero on the entire rest of the world.
3:07 AM Nov 11, 2023
The Night of Broken Glass: A Warning of Future Nazi Crimes - YouTube
Nov 9, 2023
Starting on November 9, 1938, the Nazis orchestrated a wave of nationwide violence targeting Jewish communities. Rioters destroyed synagogues, attacked and looted Jewish shops, and ambushed people in their homes. Around 30,000 men were arrested and sent to concentration camps merely for being Jewish. Jews were left bereft, desperate to escape Nazi Germany by any means possible.
After the initial outrage, world attention faded and the Nazis carried out even greater horrors. Eighty-five years after the “Night of Broken Glass,” watch this discussion to understand this pivotal moment on the path to mass murder.
クリスタル・ナハト | ホロコースト百科事典

#水晶の夜 #19381109 #ドイツ #20231111 #85年前 #1938 #反ユダヤ主義 #暴動 #迫害 #ユダヤ人 #シナゴーグ #襲撃 #放火 #クリスタル・ナハト #ホロコースト #ナチス #ナチス・ドイツ #ナチスドイツ #ヒトラー #国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党 #イスラエル #ユダヤ #ユダヤ教
#fictitiousness #2023


極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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