Fediverse.Party : explore federated networks 20220505

#FediverseParty #Fediverse

Fediverse saves you from pickup artists, and 7 more reasons you should make a Fediverse account - Fediverse.Party - explore federated networks
“Fediverse” means federated universe. There’s no one website to sign up to. Instead you will find hundreds of websites (servers) powered by citizens all around the world, independent from and uncontrolled by any single company. These servers are all interconnected, so no matter where you register[1], you’ll be able to connect with friends and users of other servers.

#fictitiousness #2022

Twitterがどうなるかわからないから? EU当局、独自のSNSを立ち上げテスト | ギズモード・ジャパン


極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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