エンジン搭載ハングライダー ハマス 2023.10.07 パレスチナ 20231008

#Gaza #Israel #PrimeMinister #BenjaminNetanyahu #Palestine #Hamas #WestBank #MotorPoweredHangGliders

Israel war: Hamas used motor-powered hang gliders to infiltrate Israel - YouTube
Oct 7, 2023 #Hamas #Israel #Palestine
Hamas claimed to have entered Israel on Saturday morning using motorised vehicles attached to parachutes, in an apparent attempt to avoid air defences.

ハマス戦闘員がイスラエル侵入、前例のない奇襲攻撃はどのように起きたのか - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023

ガザ地区からイスラエルへ相次ぐ砲撃、多数死傷 「これは戦争」とイスラエル首相 - BBCニュース

Israel warns Gaza to prepare for retaliation following surprise attack - BBC News - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #Israel #Palestine #Gaza
Israel has warned Gazans to prepare for retaliation after an unprecedented attack on the country by Hamas left a reported 250 people dead.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country has entered a "long and difficult war".
Since the initial attack, Israel has been striking targets in the Gaza Strip, and has advised people there to take shelter.
More than 230 Gazans have been killed and 1,000 others wounded so far, according to Palestinian officials.

US support for Israel is ‘rock solid’, President Joe Biden says – BBC News - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #JoeBiden #BBCNews
US President Joe Biden has pledged to make sure Israel “can continue to defend themselves".
It comes as the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its biggest attack in years on Saturday, which has prompted Israel to launch a wave of air strikes on Gaza.
Biden reaffirmed the United States' full support for Israel, and said its support is "rock solid and unwavering".

Israel confirms soldiers and civilians taken hostage by Palestinian militants – BBC News - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #Israel #Palestine #BBCNews
At least 150 people are reported killed and 1,100 wounded in Israel after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its biggest attack in years.
Dozens of gunmen from Gaza infiltrated southern Israeli communities after dawn under the cover of heavy rocket fire.
They have taken both Israeli soldiers and civilians hostage, and some have been brought back to Gaza.
Israel has responded with a wave of air strikes on Gaza that have killed at least 232 people and wounded 1,600, the Palestinian health ministry said.

Israel retaliatory air strike kills at least 198 Palestinians - BBC News - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #Israel #Palestine #Gaza
At least 198 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s retaliatory air strikes in the Gaza Strip, health officials have said.
Palestinian officials launched a surprise rocket attack on Israel in the early hours of Saturday, while dozens of gunmen from the militant group Hamas infiltrated the country.
At least 40 people in Israel were killed, with hundreds more being treated in hospitals, according to emergency services.

Israel: Palestinian forces launch surprise rocket attack from Gaza - BBC News - YouTube
Oct 7, 2023 #Israel #Palestine #Gaza
Dozens of gunmen from the Islamist militant group Hamas appear to have infiltrated southern Israel in a surprise rocket attack from the Gaza Strip.
Hundreds of people are being treated in Israeli hospitals, with at least one Israeli woman confirmed to have been killed in the attack.
Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu said “we are at war”, adding that the enemy will “pay a price he has never known”.

ハマスが民間人連れ去り 死者480人超 イスラエルは侵攻準備 - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023

【戦争状態】ハマスの攻撃にイスラエル報復 犠牲者500人近くに - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #イスラエル #パレスチナ #日テレ

「われわれは戦争状態」死者500人超 中東イスラエル・ハマス武力衝突 - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023

Israel Vs Palestine War Day 2 Live Updates | Militants Infiltrate Israel From Gaza | Israel- Gaza - YouTube
Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Saturday carried out what appeared to be an unprecedented infiltration into southern Israel, prompting Israel to order residents across the region to remain indoors. The infiltration took place as militants fired dozens of rockets into Israel.

Israel-Palestine escalation updates - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #aljazeeraenglish #BreakingNews #aljazeeralivenews
Israel-Palestine escalation updates from Gaza and west Jerusalem
Breaking news: Latest updates on Israel-Palestine conflict
In this video, we'll provide you with updates on the Israel-Palestine escalation.
As tensions between Israelis and Palestinians continue to escalate, we'll be providing you with the latest updates on the situation. We'll cover topics like the latest round of violence, Gaza clashes, and the UN's reaction. Stay informed with Israel-Palestine news today!

Israel-Palestine escalation updates: Gaza under bombardment - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Fears of a huge ground invasion of Gaza are growing after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to turn the besieged Palestinian enclave into a “deserted island” in response to the worst attack his country has suffered in decades.
Israeli forces were still bombing Gaza and fighting with Hamas gunmen in parts of southern Israel in the early hours of Sunday and a spokesman for the military said the situation in the country was not totally under control.
Hamas said its unprecedented offensive by land, air and sea was in response to the desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque as well as Israeli atrocities against Palestinians over the decades. These include the 16-year blockade of Gaza, Israeli raids inside West Bank cities over the past year, increasing attacks by settlers on Palestinians as well as the growth of illegal settlements.

Israel Continues To Fire Airstrikes Into Gaza Strip In Response To Surprise Hamas Attack - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023
Israel launches airstrikes into the Gaza Strip in response to the attack by Hamas.

How the Hamas Attack on Israel Unfolded | WSJ - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023
Hamas militants breached Israeli checkpoint locations along the border with Gaza, neutralizing Israeli forces, and allowing Hamas to spread into nearby towns

Hundreds killed in surprise Hamas attack on Israel - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023
The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a highly-coordinated surprise attack on Israel Saturday from Gaza. Thousands of rockets were fired, and gunmen infiltrated border towns and bases. Israel launched a counterattack on Gaza. Hundreds have been killed on both sides.

Video shows Israeli missiles intercepting incoming rockets near Gaza - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #CNN #News
CNN's Nic Robertson reports from Zikim, Israel, as missiles from Israel's Iron Dome defense system intercept rockets fired from Gaza just miles away.

'Horrific day': Assault on Israel 'bigger than a terrorist attack' - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023
Israeli author and activist Noa Tishby describes the terror unfolding in Israel, saying it’s a “horrific day” for every Jew and “every democracy-loving human being” around the world.
“Israel is under assault,” Ms Tishby told Sky News Australia.
“This is bigger than a terrorist attack; this is nothing short of Israel’s 9/11 or Israel’s Pearl Harbor.”
Ms Tishby said at 6:30 in the morning, Israel was surprised with what seemed like launched missiles and rockets but what was actually a "land, air and sea invasion" by Hamas terrorists.
“The terrorists have taken over towns, villages and kibbutzim in the south of the country, moving door to door, taking hostages and slaughtering people,” she said.

Hamas militants attack Israel in surprise early morning attack l ABC News - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #israel #netanyahu #war
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells the people of Israel “We are at war” after hundreds are thought to be killed and Israeli Command says militants are taking citizens hostage.

Netanyahu says Israel ‘at war’ after Hamas launches surprise attack - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023 #Israel #Hamas #News
Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel on Saturday morning, which began with thousands of rockets. Israel’s response has been swift, with jets attacking targets across Gaza. NBC News’ Raf Sanchez has the latest as the death toll continues to climb.

War grips Israel, Gaza after surprise Hamas attack and Israeli retaliation - YouTube
Oct 8, 2023
In an unprecedented surprise attack, the militant Hamas rulers of Gaza sent dozens of fighters into Israel by land, sea and air. Hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are reported dead between the attack and Israel’s retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza cities. John Yang speaks with special correspondent Nurit Ben for the latest developments.

#ハマス #戦闘員 #イスラエル #侵入 #20231007 #パレスチナ #20231008 #奇襲 #攻撃 #パレスチナ自治区 #ガザ #ロケット弾 #発射 #武装組織 #250人 #死亡 #230人 #ベンヤミン・ネタニヤフ首相 #戦争 #イスラム #イスラム #ハマス #ハングライダー
#fictitiousness #2023

ガザ地区からイスラエルへ相次ぐ砲撃、多数死傷 「これは戦争」とイスラエル首相 - BBCニュース

ハマスとイスラエルの大規模衝突続く、死者500人超 レバノンから砲撃も | ロイター

「イスラエルと国交正常化目指す国へのメッセージ」ヒズボラ声明 | 毎日新聞

ヒズボラ、イスラエルを攻撃 大量の砲弾・誘導ミサイルで 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

「街が死体の海に」、ハマスとイスラエルの大規模衝突におびえる市民|ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト

ハマスとイスラエルの大規模衝突続く、死者500人超 レバノンから砲撃も|ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト

ハマス攻撃警告する諜報なし、イスラエル情報の不備に懸念 米 - CNN.co.jp

大規模戦闘で死者500人超 イスラエル「ハマス破壊」決定:東京新聞 TOKYO Web

「ハマス」がイスラエルを大規模攻撃 なぜ今? テレビ朝日元カイロ支局長が解説

イスラエルの強硬姿勢とサウジとの国交正常化交渉 ハマス攻撃の背景 | 毎日新聞

中国「直ちに停戦を」 イスラエル・ハマス大規模衝突受け | TBS NEWS DIG

イスラエル国内でハマスとの戦闘続く、事態収拾せず-計400人強死亡 - Bloomberg

イスラエルの大規模衝突による死者400人超へ ハマスはイスラエル兵と民間人多数を拘束|ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト


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