New York riot erupts as influencer announces game console giveaway アメリカ 20230806

#KaiCenat #Influencer #UnionSquare #Manhattan #NewYork #Riot #PlayStation5
New York riot erupts as influencer announces game console giveaway - YouTube
Aug 5, 2023 #newyork #influencer #riots
A New York gathering called by a popular online influencer drew an unexpectedly large crowd on Friday and degenerated into violence that left people injured, prompting a massive police turnout, authorities said.
It all started with a posting on Instagram from 21-year-old Kai Cenat, calling on fans to meet him in lower Manhattan for a live-streamed event where he would hand out gifts including PlayStation 5 game consoles.

#ニューヨーク #アメリカ #20230806 #インフルエンサー #ゲーム #ユニオンスクエア #マンハッタン
#fictitiousness #2023


極論空手形 / Extreme Argument Fictitious Bill
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