



英字記事①: Conveying useful information to those affected by disasters accurately and promptly amid(~の最中) a succession of major natural disasters: The importance of press reporting should be recognized anew.

英字記事②: An earthquake hit northern parts of Osaka Prefecture in June; torrential rain wrought havoc in western Japan in July 2018; damage was caused by a typhoon in September; and an earthquake occurred in Hokkaido in the same month.

英字記事③: A large number of journalists sent to these disaster-stricken areas(被災地域) have reported the actual state of damage and the voices of people affected by the disasters.

英字記事④: According to the latest public opinion survey, the largest number of pollees(世論調査される人) cited newspapers as the most trustworthy media. 

英字記事⑤: Nearly 80% of the pollees said they feel there is false information circulating on the internet. It can be said that there is an increasing demand for accurate and quality information. 

※wrought havocは直訳すると「作られた大破壊」⇒「~にもたらされた大破壊」


[解説]   英語・国語の論説文を読む時に、テーマに沿った合同・相似的段落展開を意識するように、テーマに対する英作文は賛否に関係なく100字以上の場合は起承(転)結で書けます。そして、必ず、起=結で書き始め書き終えるが定番です。

つまり、「読むと書くの関係」は、"vice versa"「逆も真なり」ですが、このコインの"head&tail"(裏と表)の意識があまり指導されないので、多くの人たちが「読むと書くは別のもの」と誤解しているようです。





英字記事①: Conveying useful information to those affected by disasters accurately and promptly amid(~の最中) a succession of major natural disasters: The importance of press reporting should be recognized anew.


①の要約英文 It is indispensable (/essential/ necessary) for the media to report what is happening to the daily lives of people (/evacuees避難者) in the areas (/regions) attacked by disasters. (約23字)

英字記事②: An earthquake hit northern parts of Osaka Prefecture in June; torrential rain wrought havoc in western Japan in July 2018; damage was caused by a typhoon in September; and an earthquake occurred in Hokkaido in the same month.

意見和文例②確かに、情報を伝える速さに関しては、SNSの方が新聞に勝る。しかし、SNSが最も信頼出来る情報外科と言えば疑問である。    何故ならネット上で多くの誤った情報を目にすることが多いから。

② It is certain that speaking of promptness of sending messages, social networking system (SNS) is superior to newspapers. (17字)

But I question that SNS is the most reliable information source of all, because we (often) see a lot of false news on the web. (約25字)

英字記事③: A large number of journalists sent to these disaster-stricken areas(被災地域) have reported the actual state of damage and the voices of people affected by the disasters.


Some people say that the speed of sending messages is indispensable for the news, especially about natural disasters. (18字)

However, once people believe the false news on the net, they probably come across the following disaster, in which more people could get injured or die. (27字)

英字記事④: According to the latest public opinion survey, the largest number of pollees(世論調査される人) cited newspapers as the most trustworthy media. 


The (important) thing is that we have to be more conscious about seeing if the news we know is true or not, whatever kind of news sources we have. (約28字)                       (合計23+17+25+18+16+28=148字)

※ニュースが本当かどうかを「吟味する・判断する」は、英文解釈などではexamine, test, judgeなどを書いてきますが、英作文でseeを使う場合、see if S+V~「if以下かどうかをみる(判断する)」の形もよく使います。






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