
Relationships in the corona era.

I hate to say it, but I think your finished!

What are you saying? I got a good job "and" position. I could buy a house with cash if I wanted to. And I passed my annual heath check with flying colors. 

I know that! Look, I've been working with you for over 10 years. Your like my best friend. We do everything together.

Ya! Remember that time you and were at the kyabakura? You were so waste and…

Focus dude! As I was about to say, you know I'm getting married this August, and it's even on my birthday. 

Tell me why it's on your birthday?

As I said before, she chose it because she wont have any of her family members attend. They pretty much disowned her because I'm not from her hometown. 

You're not even from this country!

Ugh! Follow me here! This is about you dude. Anyways, all the time we usually spend together, I will be spending it with her.

With who?

"My wife!" OGM your hopeless dude. I mean, I will see you at work if we manage to have the same days due to remote work. We can like have drinks if it's a Friday. She knows I enjoy drinking with you. Just not at the girls bars.

We can hang out on the weekend right? We can race from Miyagase to Doshi. I've been wanting to ride my new BMW 310. Come on, were motorcycle bros! Bros before hoes, right!

-Fist bump-

I know! Bros before hoes! But in this case, she is not a hoe. Call her that again and I'll chop you in the neck. You'll be coughing for days. 


Well, you remember Ducati Girl?

Oh yah! She has a nice but and slim legs. Her eyes are like hazel color. Do you still have her contact info? Maybe I…

She's married! She used to be wild and free, but since the corona, she didn't ride much. It was an omiai. Her parents knew she was hopeless to get married on her own. They set her up with a friend of a friend, of a friends son. The families officially met one weekend. They got married a month later. She's pregnant now.

How do you know all this?

We hung out before she got married. She gave me her Ducati motorcycle. She said that something just clicked in her head. She is looking forward to being a mother.

For free? I didn't even know you both still talked. 
Did you…?

Yes we did! Many times as a matter of fact. We were in a way secretly dating. Ya, know! A corona-ship! 

I don't know what that is!

Ugh! Your hopeless! 2 people get together because of corona, because it is safer than going out and better than being alone. A "rona-relationship". Come to think of it, maybe she was practicing to get married. We did seem like a married couple.

I freaking hate you! 

You never made a move on her. I didn't either because I knew you liked her.  We had a Zoom nomikai. The one you didn't attend. In fact none of the motorcycle group did. Ducati Girl and I chatted for hours and came up with this agreement.
I broke it off when she mentioned the omiai. 


We talked about it deeply. Came to our senses. Made love and never met again. 

So what does this have to do with me?

She has a friend of a friend, of a friends friend who is hopeless like you. 

