They sleep together but they don't "sleep-sleep" together! 2 girls and a guy!
-Look bro! If you want a girlfriend, you've got to get in the water.
I have to tell you this strait. You lack SRBT.
You're not a Sports player.
Your not Rich.
You're not in a Band.
You're not Tall.
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM! How can I go surfing? I will freaking drown!

-Shhh! Don't say that too loud. Someone might hear you.
Plus I could loose my Cool Points just hanging out with you.
I have no problems getting a girl.
And it's a sin if you don't know how to swim.
Fuck! I just didn't learn. No one in my family can swim.
-But you have a cherry pad.
It's on the top of the only liquor store in the neighborhood.
It's right across from the beach.
You've got surf boards, a BBQ grill, and potted plans on your private balcony which faces the main street.
And you got 2 hot girls living with you as room mates.
I know, I know! Don't remind me.
-How did you do it?
Do you sleep in the same bed together?
It's not like that man.
I was board on day. I paid for an ad in the newspaper.
Looking for roommates.
Girls only. That means 2, not 1.
Primary resident is a man.
2 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom.
On the beach.
-Really? What happened?
I got like 25 pairs of girls responding to the add.
It was like an audition.
They came to my place, I interviewed them, they left.
Next 2 girls came in. Repeat! It was bad ass fun!
Pretty much all girls are hot to me.
I just thought logically. Which girls have jobs.
In the end it was a hot girl named Joy with a country accent and her sexy sister Karina. Though I still question the sister thing because country girl was white with short curly brown hair and sexy girl was beautifully tanned brown with long strait black hair.
I didn't care. Young, good looking, and have money.
-What the fuck! You don't need a girlfriend. You have 2 every single day! You're the man! And you can't swim!
Here's the catch. Maybe they think I am gay!
-No fucking way!
Yes way! I mean the ad for roommates did say, "girls only" and I am a dude.
Also I lack SRBT, so possibly sharing the same room with me seems safe.
And I like to press iron all my clothes. Even my t-shirts.
Simple math! Dude + 2 girls + pressed ironed clothes - SRBT = Gay
-Are you freaking gay?
No way! Just because we have one bed and all 3 of us sleep in it,
and don't have sex, doesn't mean I'm a homo. I do sometimes share a shower with one girl, you know, scrub her back, she scrubs mine.
But I kept getting a hard on. I guess she didn't mind because I'm GAY?
Anyways that's why I need to get a girlfriend, and fast!
I'm a man and I love chicks!
-Well, if you're not fucking them, you don't mind if I try, do you?
Oh no! Go right ahead. In general I am their land lord so it's best to keep it professional. I collect the cash! You know what I'm saying?
-OK! Here's the plan.
You help me and I help you. Win win!
-There is more to the story-