Black or red underwear!
Am I asleep or awake?
The faucet water has been running for a long 10 seconds, the it is still iced cold.
She sighs, touches the water again.
Am I awake or am I still sleeping? 15 seconds feels like 15 minutes and the water is still iced cold.
She looks through her eye lids and sees herself preparing for the day.
Brushing her teeth.
Fixing her hair.
Contemplating between the black or red underwear.
I think I'm asleep. Maybe I'm awake.
The sound of the water flowing out of the faucet changes. A light white steam cloud rises. Looking like the smoke from a match which was just lit.
20 seconds pass. I feel 20s day older. My neck and back hurts. But why? I did nothing but sleep.
Ahh, nothing like hot water on the skin of your face.
Nothing like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in your place.
Sunny side up on a piece of toast.
But getting to sit on a seat on a local train to work is what I crave the most.
Scratch that! Waking up next to a man is what I crave the most.
Am I awake?
No! I'm still sleeping.
Because I'm still dreaming.
Of being a girl.
OH SHIT! I'm late!
Note to self: Stop watching those sexy girl, lofi, hip-hop, jazz, cafe, made for focus, music YouTube videos while working. I love remote work!