How to celebrate Golden Week at Tokyo University branch America.
29 April. Golden Week is not celebrated in America.
Lunch break on campus, Tokyo University branch America.
-Isami Kondo-
Ryoma, did you ever see that American film Godzilla vs. Kong? I think it came out during the pandemic.
-Sakamoto Ryoma-
Yah I did! It was freaking amazing! I streamed it online on my iPad.
-Hijikata Toshizo-
That movie was shit! It was like watching the Avengers.
Godzilla would never team up with Kong. Shin Godzilla, 2016, was 100 times better than all that fake Computer Box movie.
It's called CG!
"Computer box!" It's 2022 Toshizo. You probably still have a flip phone.
Shut up Ryo-americana! You have always been interested in "technology" from other countries. Aren't you Japanese?
And yes, I still have a garakei. It used to be my mothers.
-Takamori Saigo-
(Students laughing)
Shut the hell up everyone!
It's a simple question. I just wanted to know about the movie because my uncle back in Chofu watched it and said it was pretty good.
"EEWWW, the class leader is angry!"
(Unknown voice: Who made you class leader Kondo? students laughing.)
Look! "I'm the class leader!" If you don't like it, fight me!
Anyways, I was suggesting that we all get together at Ryoma's room for the Golden Week. I just got a takoyaki cooking machine from Amazon.
Anyone up for takoyaki and Godzilla vs. Kong?
I got an executive private dorm room with kitchen. It's huge! Having connections in different countries has it's benefits.
I got satsumaage-eeeeee! (Song form)
From my famalieeeee!
Enough for everybody-eeeeeee!
Just got it today. My aunt works for Yamato Transport. If you need anything from Japan, just ask me OK! God bless Takuhaibin. I love that black cat!
I'll round up Nagakura and Okita. They can get the others.
OK Captain?
Good job Toshizo!
Ryoma! Tell your pal Shintaro to come too. I know we don't get along well, but he is still family, ne! It's Golden Week!
Plus I know he has a lot of that tasty yuzu miso from Kochi.
It's damn tasty!