Another Zoom drinking party!
Welcome everyone to another Zoom nomikai.
Oh, It looks like Onizuka is joining now.
Oni? We can't here you.
You have to turn on-
-"Can you here me? Test, 1, 2, three!"
Come on man! You still using that laptop? It's like 10 years old. If you stopped spending money on that motorcycle, you could get a tablet. Go to Donquihote on 246. Their cheap!
You'll never change Oni!
-Ah, I can hear you now! It's this old laptop!
Really! Did you just miss what I said?
-Oh look, Ducati Girl is here too. Kawasaki and Harley Girl at the same time? "Oh- yah!"
Hey Dawn, why don't we ever have parties at your place again?
I told you 100 times! More families are moving into my neighborhood.
Every year someone passes away. Their property is torn down. What was once one house is now six of them. With parking.
Kids everywhere now. It's not good to have motorcycles and cars all over the place.
+Hey Oni, you still single?
-Yup! Wana hook up like old times Ducati Girl?
+Too late dude! Just got married. Parents made me do it. They set it all up. I gave my motorcycle to the Dawn. Don't ride no more either.
-What about you Kawasaki? You married too?
*Nah! It's not for me. I mean I date. Just broke up in fact. In the end, my motorcycle pleasured me better than he did. He was 10 years younger. Young and dumb! Couldn't make me feel good down there. Useless boy!
-"H-D! Harley! Harley Deee!" Did your boobs get bigger?
>Ha-ha! It's too obvious ne! Just got them done last year. Their a "C" now.
-Why didn't you go for the "D"? I mean "You could of gotten the D's!"
>Many girls are now out there riding motorcycles due to the corona. Young ones too. That is screwing up the ratio.
I'm not planning to be like you Oni! I want to get married. As a matter of fact, I have been heavily dating ever since I got these new boobies. The investment is far better than paying for match making services.
I should be married by the end of the year.
-"You Hoe!"
"Dawn!" Where is Tetsuya and VW Guy? Dodo is not here either. Queen B? And Dirt Bike Girl?
Stop! Were it dude. Were the last. Ducati Girl just got hitched and pregnant!
+Yup! You can't see it on the camera. I'm not showing yet.
-Do you still have sex?
+All the time Oni. How about you? Do you still have sex?
Oh that's right. You don't have a girlfriend.
You used to have a different girl every week.
All right you two! Let's have another cheers and drink before someone else gets pissed off.
-What do we drink to this time?
Well, Harley Dee and me have been spending time together. You know, Corona Romance!
-"What the hell?"
>Yah! We've moved in together last year. He said he liked big boobs so I got my breast enlarged. He's American, you know!
>I watched him in public. He's interesting. Any attractive type of girl could walk right pass him, but he never looked hard at them. He kept me in his sights or held my hand. He would sit on the train so I could stand closely in front and check me out.
-"Your gona leave me alone with Kawasaki Girl?"
*Grow up Oni! "Cheers!"