Why a dragon likes sugar and cream in his black coffee.
He hides who he is because he is opposite of what he wants to be.
He hides who he is because he doesn't want to offend thee.
So he puts 3 heaping spoons of sugar and 2 creams in his coffee.
His insides are attractive, admirable, and clean.
So said the attractive doctor with long hair and smiling,
come back for a follow up check on March 15.
But oh how much he he wishes that people could see.
He is just a dragon who likes his coffee with sugar and cream.
His mouth is closed. He doesn't show his teeth.
And thinks to himself, take 10 minutes to be with me.
Honestly, honestly, only my outside is old and ugly.
Come, come, sit across from me.
Take a chance to not be lonely.
I want to drink coffee with sugar and cream,
with somebody.
He can come and go. Here or there.
Any time, any where. He is free.
He continues to grow into an old tree.
People seek shelter underneath me.
Have a picnic, read a book, have afternoon tea.
Take medicine for your pollen allergy.
And silently stay in my shade and keep me company.
If I am not who I am, who else can I be?
Inside I grow hotter. Full of fire and heat.
That's why I drink my coffee with sugar and cream.
-Always present, but never seen-