The greatest depression-fighting measure is to make an effort to speed up the brain. (From the Rapt Blog) 最大のうつ病対策は脳の回転を速くする努力をすること(ラプトブログより)

deepl translation

「Recently, the number of depressed patients is said to be rapidly increasing. However, it seems that there is still no cure for depression.

However, from my point of view, depression is a natural illness that almost everyone suffers from. There is no such thing as a person without worries in this world.

It is true that until a decade ago (especially during the bubble era), many people seemed to live their lives in high spirits, singing and playing without any worries, but even back then, not everyone was free of worries. I think it is correct to say that people had worries, but they were able to live their lives while somehow managing to cover them up.

People are thinking creatures, and those who do not have problems are like animals who do not think at all, and therefore do not make any progress. It is only when people think about their problems that they make progress.

However, if a person lives day after day in a state where his or her problems remain unresolved, he or she will not progress, but will instead degenerate. The mind becomes slower and slower, and it becomes impossible to even think properly. This is very painful for the person.

The cause of the stress may be different for each person, such as having a bad boss at work or having a lot of hard work, but if you live every day in such a state, even if the cause of the problem disappears, your brain may continue to worry. Worrying has become a habit.

If this happens, the person is in a state of complete depression. The cause of the worry itself has disappeared, but the dark, gloomy worries are still accumulating in the brain. And so, anxiety, worry, negativity, and lack of confidence seep into one's whole body, and life itself becomes difficult.

Therefore, whenever I have even the slightest worry or stress, I immediately make an effort to get out of that state of mind. I try to get rid of the worries and troubles from my mind. To do this, I first move myself to an environment where I don't think about whatever is causing the worry or distress.

At the moment, I am going to a nearby mountain. I live in the countryside, so a 10-minute drive takes me to a very beautiful mountainous area. Breathing fresh air and looking at the magnificent mountain scenery for a while, the fuzzy feeling in my head slowly and naturally disappears.

Of course, I get bored if I always see the same scenery, so I change the places I go depending on the day. So we decide to go here today or there today, depending on our mood that day.

Then, while looking at the beautiful mountain scenery, I think about positive things as much as possible. I think positive things. I dream of a brighter future for myself. I also give thanks for my life so far. You may think it is impossible to be thankful in hard times, but you still force yourself to do it. The harder times are, the more grateful we should be.

Life is full of bad times, but it is also full of good times. However, once a person gets into deep trouble, he or she forgets all the good things that have happened to him or her. This is why they feel gloomy. So, we should remember more and more good things to get rid of the dark mood. However, it is not easy to remember good things when you are in trouble, so you should just be thankful that you are happy.

Then, gradually, the dull worries in my head will clear up. Or rather, I try my best until it clears up. This is how I do it.

Once the cause of my worries and stresses are erased from my mind in this way, my mind and body feel at ease. Then, you will be motivated to work again.

Of course, this is just my way of doing things, so I think everyone should find a way that works for them.

If you are worried about the company, try not to think about the company at all. Forget about the company completely. You can go somewhere else like I did, or you can find a hobby and devote yourself to it. If you can, I think it would be good to have a hobby where you can learn some skills. This will give you a sense of fulfillment that you are making progress little by little.

You should definitely not try to solve your problems by drinking or binge drinking. Doing so will only temporarily distract you, but the next day you will feel even heavier and your mood will darken. Especially when you are worried or stressed, you will want to eat sweet, salty, or fatty foods, which is not good for your body and will destroy your brain cells even more.

Anyway, the only way to avoid depression is to keep your mind clear and keep your head spinning fast.

In other words, you train your brain as you train your body. Just as the body becomes stronger through training and discipline, the brain also becomes stronger through training and discipline.

Even just making these kinds of efforts little by little on a regular basis is effective against depression. In fact, when I talk about this kind of thing with depressed people, they gradually get better.

Depression cannot be cured by relying on antidepressants. In fact, I have heard that antidepressants have actually made some people's symptoms worse. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health on a regular basis and make an effort to speed up your thinking.

If you have been feeling a little bit bad lately, please give it a try.

Please also check out the following links for reference. It contains various tips on how to become quick-witted. Of course, this is just a reference, and you should find a method that suits you best.」







