







  1. 体重の分散: 上半身からの体重を骨盤を介して下肢に伝えます。歩行や立位時の衝撃を吸収し、体の安定性を保つ役割を担います。

  2. 骨盤の安定化: 骨盤が安定することで、脊柱や下肢の運動がスムーズに行えるようになります。

  3. 小さな動きの調整: 非常にわずかな可動性があり、骨盤の前後の動きやねじれを調整し、体の動作をサポートします。





  1. 痛みの部位: 腰の一側、もしくは仙腸関節周辺に痛みが集中することが多いです。また、痛みが臀部や太もも、さらには脚に放散することもありますが、通常、膝を越えることはありません。

  2. 動作による悪化: 体を前にかがめたり、片足に体重をかける動作(例:階段を登る、片足で立つなど)で痛みが悪化します。また、長時間の座位や立位でも痛みが増すことがあります。

  3. 姿勢による変化: 寝返りや立ち上がり時、特定の姿勢で痛みが増加することがあり、特に朝起きた時に強く感じることがあります。



  1. 外傷: 交通事故や転倒によって仙腸関節に過度の衝撃が加わると、関節の動きが不安定になり、炎症や痛みを引き起こすことがあります。

  2. 妊娠・出産: 妊娠中、リラキシンというホルモンが分泌され、骨盤周辺の靭帯が緩むことで仙腸関節が不安定になることがあります。また、出産時の骨盤の開きや分娩によるストレスも影響します。

  3. 姿勢の悪さや運動不足: 長時間の座位や不適切な姿勢、運動不足による筋力の低下が仙腸関節に負担をかけ、機能不全を引き起こすことがあります。

  4. 加齢: 加齢に伴い、関節や靭帯が硬くなり、仙腸関節の柔軟性が失われることで、痛みや動きの制限が生じることがあります。



  1. 問診と身体検査: 患者の症状、痛みの部位、痛みを引き起こす動作について詳しく聞き取りを行います。身体検査では、仙腸関節に圧力を加えたり、特定の動作を行わせることで痛みが誘発されるか確認します。

  2. 画像診断: X線、MRI、CTスキャンなどの画像診断が行われることがあります。これにより、仙腸関節や周辺組織に炎症や損傷がないか確認します。ただし、仙腸関節障害は画像で明確に映らないことが多く、他の疾患を除外するために使用されることが多いです。

  3. 仙腸関節ブロック注射: 診断のために、仙腸関節に局所麻酔を注射し、一時的に痛みが軽減されるかを確認します。この方法で、仙腸関節が痛みの原因かどうかを特定できます。



  1. 安静と姿勢の改善: 痛みが強い場合、関節にかかる負担を減らすために安静が推奨されます。日常生活において、正しい姿勢を心掛けることも重要です。

  2. 理学療法: 仙腸関節周辺の筋肉を強化し、関節の安定性を高めるために理学療法が行われます。ストレッチや筋力トレーニング、姿勢改善の指導が含まれます。

  3. 薬物療法: 痛みを和らげるために、消炎鎮痛剤(NSAIDs)や筋弛緩剤が処方されることがあります。また、強い痛みには、関節内にステロイド注射を行うこともあります。

  4. 仙腸関節ベルト: 骨盤ベルトや仙腸関節ベルトを装着することで、関節の安定性を保ち、痛みを軽減する効果が期待されます。

  5. 外科的療法: 保存療法が効果を示さない場合や、痛みが慢性化している場合には、外科的治療が検討されることがあります。仙腸関節を固定する「仙腸関節固定術」が代表的な手術方法です。


Relationship Between Lower Back Pain and the Sacroiliac Joint

Lower back pain is a common symptom experienced by many people, with various causes. While it is often associated with muscles or intervertebral discs, the sacroiliac (SI) joint can also be a contributing factor. The SI joint is located between the lumbar spine and the hip joints, at the back of the pelvis, and plays a crucial role in transferring body weight to the lower limbs. Although sacroiliac joint dysfunction is a less common cause of lower back pain, it is often overlooked and, if not properly diagnosed and treated, can lead to chronic pain.

This article explores the relationship between lower back pain and the sacroiliac joint, the characteristics of sacroiliac joint-related pain, diagnostic methods, and treatment options.

Role and Structure of the Sacroiliac Joint

The sacroiliac joint is located where the sacrum and ilium bones meet, forming a pair of joints on either side of the pelvis. The sacrum is a triangular bone at the bottom of the spine, while the ilium forms the majority of the pelvis. The sacroiliac joint has limited mobility due to strong ligaments that bind it, but it plays a crucial role in stabilizing body movement.

The sacroiliac joint serves several key functions:

  1. Weight Transfer: It transfers the weight from the upper body to the lower limbs through the pelvis. This joint also absorbs impact during standing or walking, helping maintain body stability.

  2. Pelvic Stability: By stabilizing the pelvis, it allows smooth movements of the spine and lower limbs.

  3. Small Adjustments: Although the sacroiliac joint has limited mobility, it assists in slight forward and backward movements of the pelvis, supporting overall body mechanics.

Relationship Between the Sacroiliac Joint and Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain caused by dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint is known as "sacroiliac joint dysfunction" or "SI joint dysfunction." This condition results from either excessive movement (instability) or restricted movement (stiffness) in the sacroiliac joint.

Characteristics of Lower Back Pain Caused by Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Pain caused by sacroiliac joint dysfunction typically has the following characteristics:

  1. Location of Pain: The pain is often concentrated on one side of the lower back or around the sacroiliac joint. It may also radiate to the buttocks or thighs, though it usually does not extend below the knee.

  2. Worsened by Movement: Movements such as bending forward or placing weight on one leg (e.g., climbing stairs or standing on one leg) can exacerbate the pain. Prolonged sitting or standing may also intensify the discomfort.

  3. Changes with Posture: Pain can worsen during certain postures, such as when turning over in bed or standing up, and is often most noticeable in the morning after waking.

Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Several factors can contribute to sacroiliac joint dysfunction. The primary causes include:

  1. Trauma: Direct impacts, such as from car accidents or falls, can cause instability or inflammation in the SI joint, leading to pain.

  2. Pregnancy and Childbirth: During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin loosens the ligaments around the pelvis, causing instability in the SI joint. Additionally, the stress from childbirth can further affect the joint.

  3. Poor Posture and Lack of Exercise: Prolonged sitting, improper posture, and muscle weakness from lack of exercise can put undue strain on the SI joint, leading to dysfunction.

  4. Aging: As people age, the ligaments and joints become stiffer, reducing the flexibility of the sacroiliac joint and potentially causing pain and limited movement.

Diagnostic Methods

Accurately diagnosing sacroiliac joint dysfunction is crucial for distinguishing it from other causes of lower back pain. The following methods are commonly used:

  1. History and Physical Examination: The doctor asks about the patient's symptoms, pain location, and activities that trigger pain. Physical tests involve applying pressure to the sacroiliac joint or performing specific movements to see if the pain is reproduced.

  2. Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRI, or CT scans may be performed to rule out other conditions and assess the state of the sacroiliac joint. However, SI joint dysfunction often doesn't show clear signs on imaging, so these tests are mainly used to exclude other potential causes of pain.

  3. Sacroiliac Joint Block Injection: To diagnose SI joint dysfunction, a local anesthetic may be injected into the joint to temporarily relieve pain. If the pain subsides, it confirms that the SI joint is the source of the pain.

Treatment for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Treatment for sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be divided into conservative and surgical methods, with conservative treatment usually being the first option.

  1. Rest and Posture Improvement: Rest is recommended during periods of intense pain to reduce strain on the joint. Improving posture in daily activities is also essential to alleviate stress on the SI joint.

  2. Physical Therapy: Strengthening the muscles around the sacroiliac joint through physical therapy can help stabilize the joint. This may include stretching, muscle strengthening exercises, and posture correction.

  3. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or muscle relaxants may be prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Steroid injections into the joint may also be used to manage severe pain.

  4. SI Joint Belts: Wearing a pelvic or SI joint belt can help stabilize the joint and reduce pain by providing external support.

  5. Surgical Treatment: If conservative treatments fail or the pain becomes chronic, surgical options may be considered. One common procedure is sacroiliac joint fusion, where the joint is stabilized by fusing the bones together.


While lower back pain is a common symptom experienced by many, the sacroiliac joint can sometimes be the underlying cause. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction-related lower back pain can become chronic if not properly diagnosed and treated. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing long-term pain. Conservative treatments such as rest, physical therapy, and medication are typically effective, though surgery may be necessary in some cases. With the right approach, sacroiliac joint-related lower back pain can be significantly improved.


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