










  1. 外傷: 転倒や事故による衝撃で仙腸関節が損傷することがあります。特に、尻もちをついたり、腰を強打するような外傷は、仙腸関節に大きなダメージを与える可能性があります。

  2. 妊娠・出産: 妊娠中に分泌されるリラキシンというホルモンにより、骨盤周辺の靭帯が緩み、仙腸関節が不安定になることがあります。出産時には、さらに骨盤に負担がかかり、仙腸関節障害を引き起こすことがあります。

  3. 姿勢の問題: 長時間同じ姿勢で座ったり、足を組むなどの不自然な姿勢を続けることは、仙腸関節に過度な負担をかけます。特にデスクワークを長時間行う現代のライフスタイルでは、仙腸関節への負担が増加する傾向があります。

  4. 運動不足や過度な運動: 運動不足による筋力低下や、過度な運動による過負荷も、仙腸関節に影響を与える要因です。筋肉のサポートが不十分な場合、仙腸関節が安定しなくなり、痛みが生じることがあります。

  5. 加齢: 加齢に伴い、関節や靭帯の柔軟性が低下し、仙腸関節が硬直することがあります。このような状態では、関節が十分に動かず、周辺の筋肉や靭帯に負担がかかりやすくなります。




  • 身体検査: 患者が痛みを感じる部位や、特定の動作で痛みが悪化するかを確認します。例えば、片足に体重をかけたときに痛みが増す場合、仙腸関節が関与している可能性があります。

  • 画像診断: X線やMRIを使用して、仙腸関節や周辺の構造を確認します。ただし、画像で仙腸関節の問題が明確に示されることは少なく、診断には臨床的な判断が重視されます。

  • 仙腸関節ブロック注射: 仙腸関節に局所麻酔を注射し、一時的に痛みが緩和するかを確認することで、仙腸関節が痛みの原因かどうかを確かめます。



  1. 理学療法: 仙腸関節周辺の筋肉を強化することで、関節の安定性を高め、痛みを軽減します。ストレッチや筋力トレーニングが有効です。

  2. 薬物療法: 痛みが強い場合、非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)や筋弛緩薬が使用されます。これにより、炎症を抑え、痛みを軽減することが期待されます。

  3. 仙腸関節ベルトの使用: 仙腸関節ベルトを装着することで、骨盤を安定させ、関節への負担を軽減します。特に妊娠中や出産後の女性に有効です。

  4. ブロック注射: 仙腸関節への局所麻酔やステロイドの注射により、痛みを一時的に緩和し、炎症を抑えることができます。

  5. 手術: 保存的治療が効果を示さない場合には、手術による関節固定術が検討されることもあります。



What is the Sacroiliac Joint?

The sacroiliac joint (SI joint) is a crucial joint that connects the lower spine to the pelvis, located between the sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the spine) and the ilium (the largest part of the pelvis). The SI joint plays an important role in transferring the body's weight from the upper body to the lower limbs, helping support movements like walking and standing. Although the function of the SI joint is rarely given much attention, problems with this joint can cause significant lower back and pelvic pain. In particular, sacroiliac joint dysfunction can lead to chronic lower back pain if left untreated.

The Role of the Sacroiliac Joint

The primary role of the SI joint is to distribute the weight of the upper body through the pelvis to the lower limbs. Due to the large amount of pressure placed on this joint, it is held together by strong ligaments for stability. The SI joint can also perform slight movements, which are essential for absorbing shocks and allowing the pelvis to tilt forward or backward.

However, when the SI joint is not functioning properly, excessive strain can be placed on the surrounding ligaments and muscles, leading to pain and inflammation. Both excessive mobility (instability) and reduced mobility (stiffness) in the SI joint can be sources of lower back pain.

The Work of the Japan Sacroiliac Joint Research Society

One organization dedicated to deepening the understanding of the SI joint and promoting its treatment is the Japan Sacroiliac Joint Research Society (JSJRS). This society is focused on advancing medical knowledge of the SI joint and developing effective treatment methods for clinical practice.

According to the JSJRS, sacroiliac joint dysfunction is often underdiagnosed as a cause of chronic lower back pain. Many patients with unresolved lower back pain that does not respond to traditional treatments (targeting the lumbar spine or muscles) may have issues with the SI joint. Recognizing this connection is essential for providing effective pain relief.

Causes of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Several factors can contribute to SI joint dysfunction, including:

  1. Trauma: Injuries such as falls or car accidents can damage the SI joint, leading to instability and inflammation. Falling on the buttocks or experiencing a strong impact to the lower back can particularly harm the joint.

  2. Pregnancy and Childbirth: During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin loosens the ligaments around the pelvis, causing instability in the SI joint. Additionally, the strain of childbirth can further stress the joint, leading to dysfunction.

  3. Postural Issues: Poor posture, such as sitting for long periods or consistently crossing the legs, can place excessive strain on the SI joint. Modern sedentary lifestyles, especially those involving long hours at a desk, often increase the stress on this joint.

  4. Lack of or Excessive Exercise: Both a lack of physical activity and excessive physical strain can affect the SI joint. Weak muscles can fail to adequately support the SI joint, while overloading the joint can lead to pain.

  5. Aging: As people age, the flexibility of ligaments and joints decreases, which can lead to stiffness in the SI joint. This stiffness places more strain on the surrounding muscles and ligaments, increasing the likelihood of pain.

Diagnosing Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Diagnosing SI joint dysfunction can be challenging because it often mimics other causes of lower back pain. Conditions such as herniated discs or muscle inflammation are more commonly considered, so SI joint problems may be overlooked.

Common diagnostic methods include:

  • Physical Examination: The doctor evaluates where the pain is felt and whether specific movements worsen the pain. For example, if the pain increases when weight is placed on one leg, it may suggest SI joint involvement.

  • Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans may be used to examine the SI joint and surrounding structures. However, SI joint issues often don’t show up clearly on imaging, so clinical judgment is crucial.

  • SI Joint Block Injection: A local anesthetic is injected into the SI joint to see if it temporarily relieves the pain. If the pain improves, it confirms that the SI joint is the source of the discomfort.

Treatment for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The JSJRS recommends several treatment approaches for SI joint dysfunction, including:

  1. Physical Therapy: Strengthening the muscles around the SI joint can stabilize the joint and reduce pain. Stretching and strengthening exercises are key components of this treatment.

  2. Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or muscle relaxants may be prescribed to manage pain. These medications help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.

  3. SI Joint Belts: Wearing an SI joint belt can help stabilize the pelvis and reduce the load on the joint. This is particularly beneficial for women during pregnancy or after childbirth.

  4. Joint Injections: Local anesthetics or corticosteroids can be injected into the SI joint to provide temporary relief from pain and reduce inflammation.

  5. Surgery: In cases where conservative treatments fail, surgical interventions such as SI joint fusion may be considered to stabilize the joint.


The sacroiliac joint is an essential joint connecting the lower spine to the pelvis. When it malfunctions, it can cause significant lower back and pelvic pain. Through the efforts of the Japan Sacroiliac Joint Research Society, awareness of SI joint dysfunction is growing, leading to better diagnosis and treatment options. With the appropriate care, patients suffering from SI joint-related lower back pain can expect improvements in their condition. It is important to consult a specialist if you experience symptoms that may indicate SI joint dysfunction.

