山梨大学生命環境学部環境科学科・田中研究室では山梨大学工学部土木環境工学科・森&遠山研究室とともに植物や微生物のパワーを利用した環境浄化技術の開発と利用を大きなテーマとし、いろいろな研究を行っています。 例えば、田んぼや水路、防火水槽などで一面に広がるウキクサ(下の写真)をご存知でしょうか?
私たちはこの何の変哲もないウキクサが、その根っこに生息する微生物とコラボレートして(協力して)、環境汚染物質である環境ホルモン関連物質、界面活性剤(洗剤)やアルカン類(重油などの構成成分です)を効率よく分解することを明らかにしてきました。 また、自然界には多種多様な微生物が分布していますが、それらのほとんどが培養できないことが知られています。このような微生物は「難培養性微生物」と呼ばれていて、その中には私たちにとって有用な能力を持つもの(例えば、環境汚染物質を分解できるもの)も含まれていると考えられます。当研究室では様々な方法を駆使して難培養性微生物の培養化を試み、新門細菌Armatimonadota(下の写真;電子顕微鏡写真)をはじめとした多数の新規微生物の取得に成功しています。
Y. Yoneda, K. Yamamoto, A. Makino, Y. Tanaka, X.-Y., Meng, J. Hashimoto, K. Shin-ya, N. Satoh, M. Fujie, T. Toyama, K. Mori, M. Ike, M. Morikawa, Y, Kamagata, H. Tamaki. 2021. Novel plant-associated Acidobacteria promotes growth of common floating aquatic plants, duckweed. Microorganisms 9. 1133.
T. Iwashita, Y. Tanaka, H. Tamaki, R. Nakai, Y. Yoneda, A. Makino, T. Toyama, Y. Kamagata, M. Morikawa, K. Mori. 2021. Isolation and characterization of novel plant growth-promoting bacteria from frond of duckweeds. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 57, 1–9.
T. Iwashita, Y. Tanaka, H. Tamaki, Y. Yoneda, A. Makino, Y. Tateno, Y. Li, T. Toyama, Y. Kamagata, K. Mori. 2020. Comparative analysis of microbial communities in the fronds and roots of three duckweed species: Spirodela polyrhiza, Lemna minor, and Lemna aequinoctialis. Microbes and Environments 35, ME20081.
Hang L.T., Mori K., Tanaka Y., Morikawa M., Toyama T. 2020. Enhanced lipid productivity of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with combination of NaCl and CaCl2 stresses. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 43. 971–980.
H. Ishizawa, Y. Ogata, Y. Hachiya, K. Tokura, M. Kuroda, D. Inoue, T. Toyama, Y. Tanaka, K. Mori, M. Morikawa, M. Ike. 2019. Enhanced biomass production and nutrient removal capacity of duckweed via two-step cultivation process with a plant growth-promoting bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus P23. Chemosphere 238, 124682.
T. kamei, R. Ramrat, K.Shinioda, Y.Tanaka, F.Kazama. 2019. Coupled anaerobic ammonium oxidation and hydrogenotrophic denitrification for simultaneous NH4-N and NO3-N removal. Water Science & Technology 79, 975–984.
R.G. Shrestha, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, S.P. Sherchan, Y. Tanaka, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2019. Prevalence of Arcobacter and Other Pathogenic Bacteria in River Water in Nepal. Water 11, 1416.
R.G. Shrestha, Y. Tanaka, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2019. Identification of 16S rRNA and Virulence-Associated Genes of Arcobacter in Water Samples in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Pathogens 8, 110.
R.G. Shrestha, K. Sawada, D. Inoue, H. Yoshinaga, B. Malla, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, Y. Tanaka, K. Sei, J.B. Sherchand and E. Haramoto. 2019. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 17, 13074–13081.
Y. Tanaka, H. Tamaki, K. Tanaka, E. Tozawa, H. Matsuzawa, T. Toyama, Y. Kamagata, K. Mori. 2018. “Duckweed-Microbe Co-Cultivation Method” for isolating a wide variety of microbes including taxonomically novel microbes. Microbes and Environments 33, 402–406.
B. Malla, R.G. Shrestha, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, D. Inoue, K. Sei, Y. Tanaka, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2018. Identification of human and animal fecal contamination in drinking water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, using host-associated Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays. Water 10.
R.G. Shrestha, Y. Tanaka, B. Malla, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, D. Inoue, K. Sei, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2018. Development of a quantitative PCR assay for Arcobacter spp. and its application to environmental water samples. Microbes and Environments 33, 309–316.
B. Malla, R.G. Shrestha, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, D. Inoue, K. Sei, Y. Tanaka, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2018. Validation of host-specific Bacteroidales quantitative PCR assays and their application to microbial source tracking of drinking water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Journal of Applied Microbiology 125, 609–619.
T. Toyama, M. Kasuya, T. Hanaoka, N. Kobayashi, Y. Tanaka, D. Inoue, K. Sei, M. Morikawa, K. Mori. 2018. Growth promotion of three microalgae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella vulgaris and Euglena gracilis, by in situ indigenous bacteria in wastewater effluent. Biotechnology for Biofuels 11, 176.
D. Inoue, H. Yoshinaga, B. Malla, R. G. Shrestha, S. Tandukar, D. Bhandari, Y. Tanaka, J. B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto and K. Sei. 2018. Comprehensive detection of pathogenic bacteria in jar water, community well groundwater, and environmental water in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 54, 65–72.
遠山忠,田中靖浩,森一博. 2018. 植物マイクロバイオームとその利用. 化学工業 69, 182–186.
T. Toyama, T. Hanaoka, Y. Tanaka, M. Morikawa and K. Mori. 2017. Comprehensive evaluation of nitrogen removal rate and biomass, ethanol, and methane production yields by combination of four major duckweeds and three types of wastewater effluent. Bioresource Technology 250, 464–473.
Y. Tanaka, H. Matsuzawa, H. Tamaki, M. Tagawa, T. Toyama, Y. Kamagata and K. Mori. 2017. Isolation of novel bacteria including rarely cultivated phyla Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia from the roots of emerged plants by simple culturing method. Microbes and Environments 32, 288–292.
R. Kataoka, K. Nagasaka, Y. Tanaka, H. Yamamura, E. Haramoto, Y. Sakamoto and M. Hayakawa. 2017. Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), as a green manure, increases fungal biomass, fungal community composition, and phosphatase activity in soil. Applied Soil Ecology 117–118, 16–20.
R.G. Shrestha, Y. Tanaka, B. Malla, D. Bhandari, S. Tandukar, D. Inoue, K. Sei, J.B. Sherchand, E. Haramoto. 2017. Next-generation sequencing identification of pathogenic bacterial genes and their relationship with fecal indicator bacteria in different water sources in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Science of the Total Environment 601-602, 278–284.
田中靖浩,遠山忠,森一博,玉木秀幸.2017.ウキクサ亜科植物と微生物間の相互作用を用いた新しい植生浄化プロセスの開発.アグリバイオ 1, 68–69.
T. Kamei, S. Shimizu, Y. Tanaka and F. Kazama. 2016. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation bacterial communities in long-term cultivated sludge: a comparison between mesophilic and psychrophilic conditions. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 52, 1–9.
M. N. I. Bhuiyan, R. Takai, S. Mitsuhashi, K. Shigetomi, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kamagata and M. Ubukata. 2016. Zincmethylphyrins and coproporphyrins, novel growth factors released by Sphingopyxis sp., enable laboratory cultivation of previously uncultured Leucobacter sp. through interspecies mutualism. The Journal of Antibiotics 69, 97–103.
田中靖浩,玉木秀幸.2016.未知微生物をお手軽に分離培養するテクニック.The Chemical Times 239, 26–31.
B. Malla, R. G. Shrestha, D. Bhandari, S. Tandukar, S. Shrestha, H. Yoshinaga, D. Inoue, K. Sei, K. Nishida. Y. Tanaka, J. B. Sherchand and E. Haramoto. 2015. Detection of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, fecal indicator bacteria, and total bacteria in commercial jar water in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Journal of Institute of Medicine 37, 10–15.
D. Inoue, T. Hinoura, N. Suzuki, J. Pang. R. Malla, S. Shrestha, S. K. Chapagain, H. Matsuzawa, T. Nakamura, Y. Tanaka, M. Ike, K. Nishida and K. Sei. 2015. High-throughput DNA microarray detection of pathogenic bacteria in shallow well groundwater in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Current Microbiology 70, 43–50.
R. A. Kristanti, T. Toyama, T. Hadibarata, Y. Tanaka and K. Mori. 2014. Sustainable Removal of Nitrophenols by Rhizoremediation Using Four Strains of Bacteria and Giant Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225, 1928.
R. A. Kristanti, T. Toyama, T. Hadibarata, Y. Tanaka and K. Mori. 2014. Bioaugmentation involving a bacterial consortium isolated from the rhizosphere of Spirodela polyrhiza for treating water contaminated with a mixture of four nitrophenol isomers. RSC Advances 4, 1616–1621.
Y. Li, T. Toyama, T. Furuya, K. Iwanaga, Y. Tanaka and K. Mori. 2014. Sustainable biodegradation of bisphenol A by Spirodela polyrhiza in association with Novosphingobium sp. FID3. Journal of Water and Environment Technology 12, 43–54.
Y. Li, T. Toyama, Y. Tanaka, Y. Tang, X. Wu and K. Mori. 2014. Effects of various duckweed species on phenol degradation in environmental waters. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology 50, 95–103.
玉木秀幸,田中靖浩.2014.水生植物の微生物.環境と微生物の事典 p.322–323.朝倉書店
T. Toyama, T. Ojima, Y. Tanaka, K. Mori, M. Morikawa. 2013. Sustainable biodegradation of phenolic endocrine-disrupting chemicals by Phragmites australis-rhizosphere bacteria association. Water Science and Technology 68, 522–529.
黒住悟,田中靖浩.2013. 微生物、並びに、廃水の処理方法.特願2013-164219号;特開2015-033331号;特許第6126935号
Y. Tanaka, H. Tamaki, H. Matsuzawa, M. Nigaya, K. Mori, Y. Kamagata. 2012. Microbial community analysis in the roots of aquatic plants and isolation of novel microbes including an organism of the candidate phylum OP10. Microbes and Environments 27, 149–157.
H. Tamaki*, Y. Tanaka*, H. Matsuzawa, M. Muramatsu, X.-Y. Meng, S. Hanada, K. Mori and Y. Kamagata. 2011. Armatimonas rosea gen. nov., sp. nov., a Gram-negative, aerobic, chemoheterotrophic bacterium of a novel bacterial phylum, Armatimonadetes phyl. nov., formally called the candidate phylum OP10. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionally Microbiology 61, 1442–1447. (*These authors contributed equally to this work)
H. Matsuzawa, Y. Tanaka*, H. Tamaki, K. Mori and Y. Kamagata. 2010. Culture-dependent and independent analyses of the microbial communities inhabiting the giant duckweed (Spirodela polyrrhiza) rhizoplane and isolation of a variety of rarely cultivated organisms within the phylum Verrucomicrobia. Microbes and Environments 25, 302–308 (*Corresponding Author)
Y. Tanaka, S. Hanada, H. Tamaki, K. Nakamura and Y. Kamagata 2005. Isolation and identification of bacterial strains producing diffusible growth factor(s) for Catellibacterium nectariphilum strain AST4T. Microbes and Environments 20, 110–116.
Y. Tanaka, S. Hanada, A. Manome, T. Tsuchida, R. Kurane, K. Nakamura, Y. Kamagata. 2004. Catellibacterium nectariphilum gen. nov., sp. nov., which requires a diffusible compound from a strain related to the genus Sphingomonas for vigorous growth stimulation. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54, 995–959.
田中靖浩,玉木秀幸,鎌形洋一.2011. 水生植物根圏に生息する多様な未知微生物の探索と環境保全技術への活用.植物機能のポテンシャルを活かした環境保全・浄化技術 p.177–186. シーエムシー出版