


















性別といえば、男性か女性の2種類に分かれると多くの人たちは単純に考えます。しかし、性別には生物学的な性別(sex)と、自分の性別をどのように意識するのかという2つの側面があります。性別の自己意識あるいは自己認知をジェンダー・アイデンティティ(gender identity)といいます。
つまり、性同一性障害とは、「生物学的性別(sex)と性別に対する自己意識あるいは自己認知(gender identity)が一致しない状態である」と、定義することができます。


1. 生物学的性別を意味する使い方
形態や機能の上から区別できる雌雄(female, male)のこと(性的二型)を生物学ではジェンダーと呼びます。
2. 社会的・文化的に形成された性差を意味する使い方
3. 性別に対する自己意識、自己認知を意味する使い方


「性同一性障害」知ることからはじめようみんなのメンタルヘルス総合サイト, 厚生労働省, www.mhlw.go.jp/kokoro/know/disease_gender.html. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020.

第一条 この法律は、性同一性障害者に関する法令上の性別の取扱いの特例について定めるものとする。
第二条 この法律において「性同一性障害者」とは、生物学的には性別が明らかであるにもかかわらず、心理的にはそれとは別の性別(以下「他の性別」という。)であるとの持続的な確信を持ち、かつ、自己を身体的及び社会的に他の性別に適合させようとする意思を有する者であって、そのことについてその診断を的確に行うために必要な知識及び経験を有する二人以上の医師の一般に認められている医学的知見に基づき行う診断が一致しているものをいう。



2月12日「日本語訳:スタンフォード哲学百科事典」の最終段落、transgenderと may の訳抜けがあったので、それぞれ「トランスジェンダー」と「かもしれない」と訳す。

2月15日「日本語訳:スタンフォード哲学百科事典」の最終段落、wrongfullyの訳を「間違って」から「不当に」に訂正。in the first placeの訳抜けがあったので「そもそも」と訳す。

「日本語訳:疾病管理予防センター」の第一段落、or を「もしくは」から「言い換えると」に訂正。



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity or expression (masculine, feminine, other) is different from their sex (male, female) at birth.Gender identity refers to one’s internal understanding of one’s own gender, or the gender with which a person identifies. Gender expression is a term used to describe people’s outward presentation of their gender.

Gender identity and sexual orientation are different facets of identity. Everyone has a gender identity and a sexual orientation, but a person’s gender does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or none of the above.

"Transgender Persons." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, www.cdc.gov/lgbthealth/transgender.htm. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020.




Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

1. Terminology
Transgender is often used to refer to people who “do not conform to prevailing expectations about gender” by presenting and living genders that were not assigned to them at birth or by presenting and living genders in ways that may not be readily intelligible in terms of more traditional conceptions of gender. Used as an umbrella term, it generally aims to group several different kinds of people such as transsexuals, drag queens and kings, some butch lesbians, and (heterosexual) male cross dressers.Earlier the term transgenderist had been used by Virginia Prince, a pioneer in the cross dresser movement in the US, to stand for a person who lives in the gender “opposite” the one assigned to them at birth but who is not a transsexual (Stryker 2008, 123). It seems that Leslie Feinberg was one of the first to use this as a political, umbrella term (ibid).

The term currently flags the political stance, especially in the Anglo United States, of resisting medical pathologization of trans people. This places it in prima facie opposition to the older notion of transsexual (at least in the more traditional sense of that word). The term transgender is also sometimes used as an equivalent to transgenderist, to refer to folk who live full-time in the role other than the one assigned to them at birth but who do not see themselves as transsexual.

Transsexual is often used to refer to individuals who use hormonal and/or surgical technologies to alter their bodies to conform to their gendered sense of self in ways that may be construed as at odds with the sex assigned at birth or in ways that may not be readily intelligible in terms of traditional conceptions of sexed bodies. It may also be used to indicate people who self-identify and live as the sex “opposite” to the one assigned to them at birth. The condition of being a transsexual has been captured by the terms transsexualism and transsexuality, the latter of which will be used in this entry.

Traditionally, the term transsexual has been connected to psychiatric notions such as gender dysphoria and has also been associated with the metaphor “trapped in the wrong body.” The term was first used in English by David Caldwell (spelled with one s). It was then popularized by Harry Benjamin (spelled with two). Transsexual has now also been redeployed in ways amenable to and possibly subsumable under the more recent term transgender (depending, in part, upon one's political stance). It may also be used as a political term indicating a break from the term transgender and as possibly contesting the underlying political ideology of “the transgender movement.”



Since around 2010, the term trans* has been used in place of transgender and trans in order to provide for more possibilities. One of the reasons for this is that many of the people who self-identify as trans (or as transgender) identify as men or women and therefore in one way place themselves within traditional binary categories. As a consequence, those who do not place themselves within the binary (e.g., genderqueer people) are effectively left out, despite the original intention behind transgender as an inclusive umbrella term. Since its introduction, unfortunately the term is also now frequently used as a prefix that occurs before woman or man (as in trans* man and trans* woman) in well-intentioned efforts at inclusivity. A problem, however, is that such a use may replicate the very problem that led to the introduction of trans* in the first place by generating the expectation that trans* people are either trans* men or trans* women and thereby eliding trans* identities that resist placement within a gender binary. Moreover, many trans people may not self-identify as trans* and so there is a problem of wrongfully imputing identities (and political agendas) that run contrary to self-identifications.

Bettcher, Talia, "Feminist Perspectives on Trans Issues", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2014/entries/feminism-trans/>.



トランスジェンダーは、出生時に割り当てられなかったジェンダーを表現し生きることにより、もしくはジェンダーのより伝統的な概念からして理解が容易でないジェンダーを表現し生きることにより、「ジェンダーについての支配的期待に適合しない」人々を指す際によく使われる。包括的用語として使われ、トランスセクシュアル、ドラッグクイーンやキング、一部のブッチレズビアン、そして(異性愛の)身体的男性クロスドレッサーなど、いくつかの異なる種類の人々を一まとめにしようとの意図を以って使われるのが一般的である。早期にはトランスジェンダリストがヴァージニア・プリンスによって使われた。ヴァージニア・プリンスは、アメリカ合衆国におけるクロスドレッサー運動の先駆者で、出生時に割り当てられたのとは「反対の」ジェンダーで生きるがトランスセクシュアルではない人々のために公然と戦った (Stryker 2008, 123)。レスリー・ファインバーグがこれを政治的な包括的用語としていち早く使った一人のようである(同上)。



伝統的には、トランスセクシュアルという用語は、性別違和などの精神医学的概念と結び付けられてきており、加えて「間違った身体に閉じ込められた」という隠喩と関連付けられてきた。この用語が最初に使われたのは、英語で、デヴィッド・コールドウェルによってである(sは一つで綴られた 訳者注:”transexual” と書かれたということ)。その後、ハリー・ベンジャミンによって普及した(sは2つで綴られた)。現在、トランスセクシュアルという用語は(ある程度個々人の政治的立場によるが)、より最近の用語であるトランスジェンダーを受容しながら、そしてトランスジェンダーの下に包摂される可能性を持ちながら、今までの使用法とは違った形で使用されている。また、トランスセクシュアルは、トランスジェンダーという用語からの決別を示す政治的用語として使われることもあり、「トランスジェンダー運動」の根底にあるイデオロギーへの異議を唱えるものとして使用されることもある。





Trans is an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.

Trans people may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms, including (but not limited to) transgender, cross dresser, non-binary, gender queer.

It is important to remember:

・Trans identities are diverse. Trans young people may identify in lots of different ways.
・Not everyone identifies as ‘male’ or ‘female’. Sometimes, people assume that being trans is about feeling you are the ‘opposite’ gender. This is true for some trans people, but not for others. This assumption makes things difficult for those who identify outside of ‘male’ or ‘female’, for example non-binary young people. A non-binary young person may need some different things to feel comfortable to, for example, a trans young person who identifies as ‘male’.

"What Does Trans Mean?" Stonewall, www.stonewall.org.uk/what-does-trans-mean. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020.


Often expressed in terms of masculinity and femininity, gender is largely culturally determined and is assumed from the sex assigned at birth.


A person’s innate sense of their own gender, whether male, female or something else (see non-binary below), which may or may not correspond to the sex assigned at birth.


This was used in the past as a more medical term (similarly to homosexual) to refer to someone whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.

This term is still used by some although many people prefer the term trans or transgender.

"Glossary of Terms." Stonewall, www.stonewall.org.uk/help-advice/glossary-terms. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020.













Human Rights Campaign

What does the word “transgender” mean?

Transgender – or trans – is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity or expression is different from those typically associated with the sex assigned to them at birth (e.g., the sex listed on their birth certificate).

Conversely, cisgender – or cis – is the term used to describe people whose gender identity or expression aligns with those typically associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.

What is gender identity and gender expression?

Gender identity refers to a person’s innate, deeply-felt psychological identification as a man, woman or some other gender.

Gender expression refers to the external manifestation of a person’s gender identity, which may or may not conform to socially-defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either masculine or feminine.

What’s the difference between sex and gender?

Sex refers to the designation of a person at birth as either "male" or "female" based on their anatomy (e.g. reproductive organs) and/or their biology (e.g. hormones).

Gender refers to the traditional or stereotypical roles, behaviors, activities and attributes that a given society consider appropriate for men and women.

Human Rights Campaign. "Transgender FAQ." Human Rights Campaign, www.hrc.org/resources/transgender-faq. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020.












旧名は、 “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation” である。団体名を変更した理由は次の通り。

The name change brings with it a commitment from the organization to incorporate trans and bi people in their efforts to support the LGBT community in its entirety.

Peeples, Jase. "GLAAD Affirms Commitment To Trans and Bi People, Alters Name." The Advocate, Pride Publishing, 24 Mar. 2013, www.advocate.com/politics/2013/03/24/glaad-affirms-commitment-trans-and-bi-people-alters-name. Accessed 3 Feb. 2020.

Glossary of Terms - Transgender

The classification of a person as male or female. At birth, infants are assigned a sex, usually based on the appearance of their external anatomy. (This is what is written on the birth certificate.) A person's sex, however, is actually a combination of bodily characteristics including: chromosomes, hormones, internal and external reproductive organs, and secondary sex characteristics.

Gender Identity
A person's internal, deeply held sense of their gender. For transgender people, their own internal gender identity does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Most people have a gender identity of man or woman (or boy or girl). For some people, their gender identity does not fit neatly into one of those two choices (see non-binary and/or genderqueer below.) Unlike gender expression (see below) gender identity is not visible to others.

Transgender (adj.)
An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.
People under the transgender umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms - including transgender. Some of those terms are defined below. Use the descriptive term preferred by the person. Many transgender people are prescribed hormones by their doctors to bring their bodies into alignment with their gender identity. Some undergo surgery as well. But not all transgender people can or will take those steps, and a transgender identity is not dependent upon physical appearance or medical procedures.

Transsexual (adj.)
An older term that originated in the medical and psychological communities. Still preferred by some people who have permanently changed - or seek to change - their bodies through medical interventions, including but not limited to hormones and/or surgeries. Unlike transgender, transsexual is not an umbrella term. Many transgender people do not identify as transsexual and prefer the word transgender. It is best to ask which term a person prefers. If preferred, use as an adjective: transsexual woman or transsexual man.

"GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender." GLAAD, www.glaad.org/reference/transgender. Accessed 24 Jan. 2020.


用語集 トランスジェンダー





Planned Parenthood

Some people feel that the sex they were assigned at birth doesn’t match their gender identity, or the gender that they feel they are inside. These people are often called transgender.

Transgender is about gender identity.
Transgender is a term that includes the many ways that people’s gender identities can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth. There are a lot of different terms transgender people use to describe themselves. For example, sometimes the word transgender is shortened to just trans, trans, or trans male/trans female.
It’s always best to use the language and labels that the person prefers.

Transgender people express their gender identities in many different ways. Some people use their dress, behavior, and mannerisms to live as the gender that feels right for them. Some people take hormones and may have surgery to change their body so it matches their gender identity. Some transgender people reject the traditional understanding of gender as divided between just “male” and “female,” so they identify just as transgender, or genderqueer, genderfluid, or something else.

Transgender people are diverse in their gender identities (the way you feel on the inside), gender expressions (the way you dress and act), and sexual orientations (the people you’re attracted to).

When people’s assigned sex and gender identity are the same, they're called cisgender.

"Trans and Gender Nonconforming Identities." Planned Parenthood , www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sexual-orientation-gender/trans-and-gender-nonconforming-identities. Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.

What’s gender?
Gender is much bigger and more complicated than assigned sex. Gender includes gender roles, which are expectations society and people have about behaviors, thoughts, and characteristics that go along with a person’s assigned sex.

For example, ideas about how men and women are expected to behave, dress, and communicate all contribute to gender. Gender is also a social and legal status as girls and boys, men, and women.

It’s easy to confuse sex and gender. Just remember that biological or assigned sex is about biology, anatomy, and chromosomes. Gender is society’s set of expectations, standards, and characteristics about how men and women are supposed to act.

What’s gender identity?
Your gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express those feelings. Clothing, appearance, and behaviors can all be ways to express your gender identity.

"Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity." Planned Parenthood, www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/sexual-orientation-gender/gender-gender-identity. Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.











UCSF Transgender Care

Terminology and definitions
Publication Date: June 17, 2016
A detailed discussion of terminology in the context of the great diversity of transgender and gender nonconforming people encountered across cultures and languages is beyond the scope of these Guidelines. Below are definitions for some commonly encountered terms, which will be used throughout these Guidelines as indicated.

Gender identity: A person's internal sense of self and how they fit into the world, from the perspective of gender.

Sex: Historically has referred to the sex assigned at birth, based on assessment of external genitalia, as well as chromosomes and gonads. In everyday language is often used interchangeably with gender, however there are differences, which become important in the context of transgender people.

Gender expression: The outward manner in which an individual expresses or displays their gender. This may include choices in clothing and hairstyle, or speech and mannerisms. Gender identity and gender expression may differ; for example a woman (transgender or non-transgender) may have an androgynous appearance, or a man (transgender or non-transgender) may have a feminine form of self-expression.

Transgender: A person whose gender identity differs from the sex that was assigned at birth. May be abbreviated to trans.A transgender man is someone with a male gender identity and a female birth assigned sex; a transgender woman is someone with a female gender identity and a male birth assigned sex. A non-transgender person may be referred to as cisgender (cis=same side in Latin).

Transsexual: A more clinical term which had historically been used to describe those transgender people who sought medical intervention (hormones, surgery) for gender affirmation. Term is less commonly used in present day, however some individuals and communities maintain a strong and affirmative connection to this term.

"Terminology and Definitions." UCSF Transgender Care, The Regents of the University of California, 17 June 2016, transcare.ucsf.edu/guidelines/terminology. Accessed 29 Jan. 2020.








Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

trans‧gen‧der /trænzˈdʒendə $ trænsˈdʒendər/ noun [uncountable]
a general word for people who feel that they belong to the other sex, and not the sex they were born with, and who express this in their sexual behaviour
→ transsexual

"Transgender." Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , Pearson, www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/transgender. Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.

trans‧sex‧u‧al /trænˈsekʃuəl $ trænsˈsek-/ noun [countable]
a man who wants to be a woman and has medical treatment to make him into one, or a woman who wants to be a man and has medical treatment to make her into one → transvestite

"Transsexual." Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , Pearson, www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/transsexual. Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.

trans‧ves‧tite /trænzˈvestaɪt $ træns-/ noun [countable]
someone, especially a man, who enjoys dressing like a person of the opposite sex → transsexual

"Transvestite." Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English , www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/transvestite. Accessed 25 Jan. 2020.


トランスジェンダー /trænzˈdʒendə $ trænsˈdʒendər/ 名詞 [不可算]
→ トランスセクシュアル

トランスセクシュアル /trænˈsekʃuəl $ trænsˈsek-/ 名詞 [可算]
女性になりたくて自分を女性に作り変えるために治療を受ける男性、もしくは男性になりたくて自分を男性に作り変えるために治療を受ける女性。 → トランスヴェスタイト

トランスヴェスタイト /trænzˈvestaɪt $ træns-/ 名詞 [可算]

The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary

transgender adjective

trans· gen· der | \ tran(t)s-ˈjen-dər , tranz- \
Definition of transgender
: of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth
especially : of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth

“Transgender.” The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transgender. Accessed 24 January 2020.

transsexual adjective

trans· sex· u· al | \ (ˌ)tran(t)s-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl , -shəl \
variants: or less commonly transexual
Definition of transsexual
: of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth
NOTE: Transsexual people may or may not undergo surgery and hormone therapy to obtain a physical appearance typical of the gender they identify as.

“Transsexual.” The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transsexual. Accessed 24 January 2020.

gender identity noun

Definition of gender identity
: a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female

“Gender identity.” The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender%20identity. Accessed 24 January 2020.


トランスジェンダー 形容詞

trans· gen· der | \ tran(t)s-ˈjen-dər , tranz- \

トランスセクシュアル 形容詞

trans· sex· u· al | \ (ˌ)tran(t)s-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl , -shəl \

ジェンダーアイデンティティ 名詞



Pips Bunce

Alex Drummond




1. The sex/gender distinction.
Mikkola, Mari, "Feminist Perspectives on Sex and Gender", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2019/entries/feminism-gender/>.

Are gender and sex the same? Usage Guide
“Gender.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender. Accessed 2 Feb. 2020.







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