Women and Body Image
Hello everyone! How’s it going? I hope you’re doing well. I’m Adara, a member of Equal.
Today I’m gonna be talking about body image, and how it affects women.
Our relationships with our bodies have always been complicated. I believe that this is something that most of us experience, regardless of gender.
But today, I’m gonna be focusing on the women’s side of this.
Portrayal of women in media
Women’s bodies are constantly exposed, being surveilled, and viewed through the ‘male gaze.'
The ‘male gaze’ is a term that refers to how women are portrayed in the media from a predominantly male, heterosexual perspective.
In other words, the male gaze sexually objectifies women’s bodies. This is present in reality too, where the literal male gaze follows women who are just walking down the streets. The male gaze reinforces the idea of an ‘ideal body.' The traditional idea of a ‘beautiful woman’ is one with a slim body, having no scars whatsoever.
This idea is kinda saying that, “if you wanna be accepted in society, and if you want to be desirable, you have to look like this.” This idea has remained central in most forms of media, and movies.
As we all know, media has become a part of our daily lives. It greatly affects the cultural and societal aspects of our lives. Hence, with these ideas being engrained in our brains on a daily basis, we have become indoctrinated by them.
Taking its toll
Because of this, women have been led to depreciate, or even hate their own bodies, which have become this sort of burden and discomfort to them. They have turned to self-objectification, and have increased negativity about themselves.
They don’t look like those ‘beautiful’ women portrayed in the media, and therefore feel this pressure to strive for those ‘perfect bodies.’ They keep comparing their own bodies to those portrayed in the media. And this has really been putting women down, taking a toll on their mental health, and even leading some to suffer from eating disorders. Many of us have fallen a victim to this, including myself.
The things that we do in our daily lives have become influenced by the patriarchal image of what an ideal woman should look like. We have probably avoided wearing certain types of clothing because we didn’t like the way our bodies looked in them. We avoid clothing that accentuated the size of our arms, our thighs, or whatever.
There is always some part of our bodies that we’re insecure about. You know, especially throughout this pandemic. Our bodies have surely experienced changes here and there, and we’re not really sure how to feel about it.
Self-love 💜
「All this just isn’t right, and we must gain back our bodily autonomies. 」
Today, we’re seeing a development of counter ideas that are fighting against those toxic body images. They have been swirling through social media, and other forms of media as well. We’re all familiar with the body positivity movement.
The main idea behind this movement is that all bodies are beautiful, and that bodyweight doesn’t have anything to do with beauty.
This promotes a healthier, and more natural image of women’s bodies. We should really start conforming to this as well. If you haven’t started loving your own body yet, start now.
Start getting rid of those insecurities, one by one. Be confident in your own skin. I’m gonna have to say this again, but weight really doesn’t have anything to do with beauty. I swear. So please, don’t be so hard on yours
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“自分”と”自分自身の身体”はとても複雑な関係性で結ばれています。 性別に関係なく、ほとんどの人が感じたことがあるのではないでしょうか?
女性の身体は、男性の性的対象とされることが多いです。 これは事実で、街を歩く女性は「男性の視線」に常に追いかけられているのが現状です。
男性の視線は「理想の体型」という考え方を女性の中に強調付けます。 伝統的な「美しい女性」「理想の体型」のイメージは、細く、傷がない状態です。
ご存知の通り、メディアは日常生活の一部です。私たちの生活の文化的、社会的面において、大きな影響力を持っています。 このように私たちは主にメディアを通して、いつの間にかこの考え方に洗脳されてしまっているのです。
私たちが日常生活で行っている行動は、メディアが作り出した「理想の女性像」に踊らされた結果です。 ある服を着たいのに、自分の体では着こなすことができないからといって着るのをやめてしまったことがあるのではないでしょうか。例えば、二の腕や太ももが出る服を避けるなどといったように。
セルフラブ 💜
#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️
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