Let’s Talk About Motherhood/母性について語ろう
By Diandra
Motherhood is not an easy thing. Stories about the triumphs and trials of raising children from our mother, and our mother hearing them from her own mother and so did her mother’s mother, passed down generation after generation like a family heirloom. In retrospect, motherhood sounds like one of the greatest gifts in this life. To bring another human into this world and raise them sounds like a fulfilling journey for many people. But does every woman feel this way? What about those who do not want to have children?
Is it Okay if I don’t Want Kids?
I am sure you are aware of couples who do not have children. But oftentimes, they are immediately met with a sympathetic and sad look of “Don’t give up”, “Keep trying”, “Your miracle baby will happen someday”, without knowing much about whether or not that was a choice the couple had made. It has been heavily ingrained in society for married couples to naturally have children, as if it is not a thought worth thinking about.
“Of course you’ll have children! What do you mean you won’t?”
For the past few years, it has become more common for couples to discuss whether or not they want to have children instead of treating it as part of a ‘mandatory life checklist’. A study done by Watling Neal concluded that regardless of having children or not, people are equally satisfied with their choices - meaning that more people are making their own choices instead of just conforming to what’s considered as “normal”. It is completely normal for anyone to not have the urge to have children, but it is especially important for women to know that they should not feel pressured to have children.
Different Ways People Connect to Motherhood
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be a mother? It is not uncommon to hear motherhood being described as a full time job. Raising a child is not at all easy, and there is a lot of physical, emotional, and psychological attention that comes into play that involves more than just changing diapers. Which is why in this case, “motherhood” is not just a word to describe the person who birthed a child, but to anyone who is a caregiver - this includes a biological mother, a step-mother, a father, a teacher, an aunt, a grandparent, or even a mother’s close friend. The core of motherhood is the utmost care and affection one has in raising and guiding another human being.
Womanhood and Motherhood
Do you think that ‘motherhood’ and ‘womanhood’ are the same thing? If we discussed that ‘motherhood’ can be the universal term for anyone caring for a child, ‘womanhood’ is the many ways in which a woman can choose to represent themselves. There is not a single right path to become a woman - this also means that a woman who chooses to be a housewife with 5 kids is equally “woman” to someone who chooses to prioritize her medical career and not have children. ‘Motherhood’ and ‘womanhood’ are not the same thing, but they do require the same amount of support. What a woman chooses to do, or be, at the end of the day does not really matter. What truly matters is the freedom that women are able to choose for themselves and express their agency without forcing themselves to uphold society’s man-made checklist.
Cover Art: Charlotte Ager
Translator: Kokona
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母になるとはどういうことか、考えたことがありますか?母親であることをフルタイムの仕事と表現するのはよくあることです。子育ては決して楽なものではありませんし、おむつ交換だけでなく、身体的、精神的、心理的な注意も求められます。 だからこそ、この場合の「母親業」とは、子供を産んだ人だけでなく、世話をする人なら誰でも、つまり実の母親、継母、父親、教師、叔母、祖父母、さらには母親の親友まで含めて表現される言葉なのです。母性の本質は、一人の人間を育て、導くために最大限の世話と愛情を注ぐことです。
カバーアート: Charlotte Ager
トランスレータ: ここな
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