
Virtual Streaming: An alternative source of income for women?/バーチャル・テキスチャ・ストリーミング:女性の新たな収入源?

 Whilst most debates surrounding the disparities in earnings focus on the gap between men and women in the workplace, the continuous rise and expansion of the internet meant that alternative ways to seek income have become more accessible for groups who previously didn’t have ready access to a stable source to earn a living. Aside from the rise of influencers through applications such as Instagram and Tik-Tok, a recent phenomenon that has begun to make itself known is the Virtual Streamer and its success in accumulating both subscribers and earnings well beyond previously established streaming personalities.

What Virtual Streamer is.

 Having its beginnings in channels such as Kizuna Ai’s A.I. Channel, or Kaguya Luna’s Kaguya Luna Official, Virtual Streamers, or more commonly known as Virtual Youtubers (shortened to Vtubers) are online personalities who use 2D or 3D character models when making or releasing their content into video-sharing platforms such as Youtube or Twitch. Recently, Vtubers have seen a breakout into the mainstream due to the popularity of personalities such as Kiryuu Coco of Hololive. What was once a medium limited to Japanese audience have now garnered international popularity, shown in Cover Corp’s release of Hololive EN, a group of five Vtubers who speak and create their content in English, the formation of Vtuber groups such as VShojo with streamers such as Projekt Melody or Ironmouse, and more recently the release of Nijisanji EN under Nijisanji.

What is the source of income for streamers?

 This newfound fame brought with it an observable increase in the earnings of these personalities, whether it be ad revenue from advertisements shown in their videos or streams, or through the Super-chat donation system where viewers can donate a set amount of money to their streamers. This doesn’t include possible royalties from merchandise that some of these personalities have, or through brand deals. To give a better picture of the success this medium has seen over the past few years, according to Playboard, a data-sharing website that tracks and ranks Youtube channels, in the Top 10 “Most Super Chatted” channels worldwide, 9 of those 10 are Vtubers, with 8 of them affiliated with Cover Corporation’s Hololive (the highest earning channel being Vtuber Uruha Rushia from Hololive with a total earning of 241,586,273 Yen, followed by Vtuber Kiryu Coco, also from Hololive, with a total earning of 237,236,252 Yen). When it is broken down further into yearly accumulation of Super-Chats, out of the Top 20 yearly earners of Super-Chats 16 of them are Vtubers, with Kiryu Coco being the highest at 159, 595, 124 Yen.

Women in Virtual Stream.

Despite such remarkable success, the argument can be made that women streamers are not a new phenomenon. In Twitch especially, women streamers are a prominent part of the overall community of the website. However, in tandem with their prominence, much criticism and unwarranted harassment have been directed at these very women. Women streamers in Twitch have been on one side, accused of buying online donations through lascivious means that barely violate website guidelines, whilst on the other, face constant harassment from people who view their content. Moreover, most of these top women streamers can be said to be conventionally beautiful or pretty, with examples being online personalities such as Pokimane, or KittyPlayGames.

Possibility of Streamers

This is where virtual streaming provides a strange and profitable solution to both its current members as well as interested individuals wanting to take streaming as another medium for creativity and for income. Whether it was from the strict fan culture brought over from Japanese Idol Culture, or simply, a detachment between the model shown to the viewers and the actual streamers themselves, general viewers of Vtubers have been very respectful of the privacy of their online personalities, more so than when the streamers are not using a model. This does not dismiss that Vtubers do not face harassment online, but rather, that their audience knows that the privacy of the actual person behind the virtual model is important if they were going to continue receiving content. The use of models also meant that the streamers themselves can focus less on their physical appearance, and be more focused on both the content they create and the personality they want to show to their audience. As strange as it is, masking one’s identity behind a model actually allows the streamer themselves to be more comfortable, and more liberal with how they can be in long-form content such as streaming.


I myself do not know whether Vtubers will continue to grow as a new medium for streaming and content creation, or if it would fade once more into obscurity and the limited attention of their own fans. What I can observe however is that more so than previously established methods of streaming, Vtubers have shown to have remarkable success both in garnering an audience, and gathering income. With great emphasis on it being a tool for women, becoming a Vtuber provides an alternative source for these women, regardless of their age, appearance, or gender identity, to earn an extra source of income and to channel their creative capabilities without the fear of being judged for their physical appearance, or the danger of their personal life and history being exposed through the internet. Though I was not personally interested in the streaming scene in Twitch and Youtube, I can confidently say that Vtubers are both a wholesome and powerful force in online content creation, and one that favors women content creators more than ever.

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 キズナアイの「A.I.Channel」やカグヤルナの「Kaguya Luna Official」などがバーチャルストリーマーの先駆けと言われています。バーチャルストリーマー、またはバーチャルYoutuber(略称:Vtuber)とは、2Dまたは3Dのアバターを使用して、YoutubeやTwitchなどの動画共有プラットフォームでコンテンツを制作・公開するオンラインパーソナリティのことを指します。最近では、ホロライブの「桐生ココさん」などの人気により、Vtuberがメインストリームに躍り出ました。かつては日本だけのメディアだったものが、今や世界的な人気を博しています。例えば、株式会社カバーは、5人の英語話者のVtuberを使い、コンテンツを制作する「HololiveEN」をリリースしました。また、Projekt MelodyやIronmouseなどのストリーマーが活躍するVShojoなどのVtuberグループも結成されました。最近では、「にじさんじ」の下にある「にじさんじEN」も発売されたそうです。


 登録者数が増加し有名になることで、バーチャルストリーマーたちの収入が増加します。例えば、彼らのビデオやストリームに表示される広告からの広告収入。また、視聴者がストリーマーに一寄付をすることができる「スパチャ」という「投げ銭機能」もあります。 また、彼らが持っているグッズや、ブランドとの契約によるロイヤリティもあるかもしれません。Youtubeの分析とランキングを行うデータ共有サイトPlayboardによると、「全世界スパチャランキング」のトップ10のうち、9人がVtuberで、そのうち8人が株式会社カバーのホロライブに所属しています(最も稼いでいるチャンネルは、Hololive所属のVtuber「うるは・るしあ」で、総獲得額は241,586,273円、次いで同じくHololive所属のVtuber「桐生ココ」で、総獲得額は237,236,252円となっています)。 さらにスパチャの年間蓄積額に分けてみると、トップ20のうち、16人がVtuberで、最高額は「桐生ココ」の159, 595, 124円でした。


多くのバーチャルストリーマーがこのような目覚しい成功を収めているにもかかわらず、女性ストリーマー達の成功はすんなりと認めてはもらえていないのが現状です。Twitchでは、女性ストリーマーがコミュニティサイト全体の中で目立つ存在となっています。 にも関わらず、彼女たちが注目され始めると同時に、多くの批判や不当な嫌がらせが発生しました。Twitchの女性ストリーマーたちを、「ガイドラインに違反しないギリギリの淫らなコンテンツで投げ銭を集めている」と非難する人も多くいます。さらに、PokimaneやKittyPlayなどのトップ女性ストリーマーの多くは、”普通に”美人や”普通に”可愛いなどと言われ、まるで芸能人のようにも扱われています。





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