
Why is it Important to be an Active Ally to the LGBTQ Community on Campus?

By Diandra

As a lot of us graduate from high school and bid our younger selves goodbye, we move towards a new step into young adulthood through entering university. To come to a place, often far away from home, and exist in a new environment can feel very exciting. More than just for a higher education, a university journey can also serve as an outlet for one's self expression; to try new things or finally try the things we've always wanted to do. This feeling of a fresh start is why many queer people come out for the first time when they enter university.

Whether LGBTQ students openly come out or not, accepting and embracing one's queerness is a very personal experience. For this reason, it is important that those who are not part of the LGBTQ community learn how to become active allies and create a supportive campus environment for your queer friends and classmates.

In an effort to improve the campus environment for LGBTQ students, one of the simplest yet most important ways one can show support is by being open to listen, learn, and educate one's self. It might be easy to say that you are an ally, but beyond that label, what are the actions and attitudes that you have taken to show your support?

A step towards support can begin by reflecting on yourself as someone who isn't part of the community. You can listen to your friends' personal stories if they choose to tell you, but it is also important to take the initiative to research about the community on your own. There are a lot of different questions you can ask yourself:

"Do I know the difference between sex and gender? What are the different kinds of sexual orientations and gender identities? What are the different ways people can experience attraction or gender expression?"

Perhaps you are someone who knows little to nothing about the LGBTQ community but wants to learn more. Just by asking yourself the 3 questions above, you have opened a door to a world of knowledge and information about the queer community, and it can even lead to unlearning biases and microaggressions you have unconsciously held. Though learning about all the different sexual orientations and gender identities are important to understanding the LGBTQ community better, you also have to remember that at its core, LGBTQ people are just people. They are all human beings just as you and I, deserving of living a good and comfortable life. And that is why to be a good and active ally, it is essential to understand how queer people's identities exist in relation to social issues.

Even to this day, the LGBTQ community is still vulnerable to hatred and discrimination; depriving them of simple human rights and safety. As an ally, it is important that you learn about the struggles that queer people face in society both in the past and present. One of the best ways to educate yourself is through listening to queer stories and consuming queer media. Watching documentaries, reading books by queer authors, and watching movies highlighting queer characters and their stories are simple yet meaningful ways you can learn to understand the LGBTQ community better. It is important to look back in history and learn about the social movements and important figures in the LGBTQ community that fought for their rights to love and live.

Some examples of queer media that highlights different parts of the community:
- Documentary: The Life and Death of Marsha P. Johnson (2017)
- Documentary: Paris is Burning (1990)
- Movie: Moonlight (2016)
- Movie: Your Name Engraved Herein (2020)
- Fiction Novel: Loveless by Alice Oseman
- Poetry: How to Cure a Ghost by Fariha Roisin
- Youtube Documentary: Madame X Memories: The Rise and Fall of Indonesia's Queer Cinema (2019)

Exploring or accepting one's queerness can be a very liberating experience. And it is important that as an ally, as a classmate, as a friend, as a fellow human being, you can welcome the queer people around you with open arms and stand behind them to strengthen and boost their voices. By taking the conscious effort to understand and learn about the LGBTQ community, it ultimately becomes an empowering act for the queer people around you to have as a pillar of support in the campus community.

As you continue to grow as a young adult, the exciting feelings of exploring yourself and the world around you can leave a significant impact on your university journey. We want this feeling for everyone else too, especially for queer people. It is essential that we create an environment where people can feel safe and supported to express themselves and embrace their identities.

Cover Art by: Joey Yu

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by ディアンドラ









- ドキュメンタリー: The Life and Death of Marsha P. Johnson(2017年)
- ドキュメンタリー: Paris is Burning(1990年)
- 映画: Moonlight(2016年)
- 映画: Your Name Engraved Herein(2020年)
- フィクション小説: Loveless (Alice Oseman)
- 詩: How to Cure a Ghost (Fariha Roisin)
- Youtubeドキュメンタリー: Madame X Memories: The Rise and Fall of Indonesia’s Queer Cinema(2019年)



カバーアート: Joey Yu

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