What You Need to Know About Gender Identity/性自認について知っておきたいこと
By Adara
First things first. What is gender identity?
Well, it refers to each person’s internal gender experience. It is a person’s own sense of what gender they ascribe themselves to, which, believe it or not, is different for everyone! Now, some people may be confused about this. They might think, “Huh? I thought there were only 2 genders – male and female?”
Gender and Sex
Let me clear this out. Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the anatomical classification of people as male, female, or intersex. It is generally based on the chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs we were assigned with at birth. Gender, on the other hand, is a social construct. This includes the norms, behaviors, and roles that society associates with being male or female. As it is a social construct, the definitions surrounding gender differ between societies, and are bound to change over time. This also strongly relates to the cultures and systems of thought in each society. For instance, the connotations of gender may be different between Asian countries, Western countries, and Middle Eastern countries. So, there really aren’t any boundaries when it comes to gender. In other words, sex refers to one’s biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to socially constructed characteristics.
Is it possible to identify as a different gender from the sex we were born with?
Yes, it is! Everyone has their own unique gender identity. It’s kind of like a spectrum, really. So, it’s possible that a person who was born as a male, now identifies themself as female. And vice versa, a person who was born female might identify themself as male today. People whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned as birth are called transgender.
But again, gender identity is a spectrum. There are also people who identify themselves as neither male nor female, or, a combination of both. There are a variety of terms used to describe such people, some of which include non-binary and genderqueer.
Let’s talk about pronouns
Pronouns are grammatical terms that are used to refer to something or someone. In this context, it refers to a person. Many languages such as English, Japanese, French, and Spanish have masculine and feminine categorizations in their pronouns. In the English language, for example, this includes: she/her/hers; he/him/his; they/them/theirs. But there are also other languages, such as Indonesian, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian, that have gender-neutral pronouns – meaning that they don't have pronouns equivalent to he and she.
As I mentioned earlier, there are so many varieties of gender identity. People may refer to themselves as male, female, both, neither, or some other way. So, when using a gendered language like English or Japanese, how do we refer to them? Now, some people might take pronouns for granted. But actually, they’re extremely important, and we should all take them into account when referring to people. We don’t wanna assume one’s gender identity based on their appearance. Sure, most people do present themselves as either masculine or feminine, and we automatically imply that they identify as either male, or female. But, we can always be mistaken by our own implications.
Using the proper pronouns show respect and affirmation to a person’s identity, so it’s crucial to get it right. But how do we do that? Well, we can simply start by introducing our own pronouns. This works especially when meeting someone for the first time. You can be straightforward with it, by saying something like “I go by they/them pronouns. How about you?” This way, you can both respect each other’s identity, especially on the gender element of it.
To sum up…
There are many different kinds of gender identity. Everyone has a story of their own. What we need to do is to keep educating ourselves and each other about this diversity. This means that we must be open to learning new things, and correct our mistakes. And also to have the courage to correct other people’s mistakes! Because we’re all learning here. Through these small steps, we can surely create a more and more inclusive community for everyone.
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正しい代名詞を使うことは、その人のアイデンティティを尊重し、肯定することになります。では、どうすればいいのでしょうか?まず、自分の代名詞を導入することから始めましょう。この方法は、特に初対面の人と会うときに有効です。例えば、「私は "they/them "という代名詞を使っています。あなたはどうですか?"」と言うことで、お互いに相手のアイデンティティ、特にジェンダーの部分を尊重することができます。
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