Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n4bea486fa158 【Sentences】 1. Where did you go to school? 2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 3. You are clearly more than qualified for this job. 4. You nailed it. 5. I need you for 2 minutes uninterrupted. 6. You seemed you like the idea, so I set it in motion. 7. Imagine having an intern with a lifetime of experience as opposed to somebody who spent the last four years of their life playing beer pong. 8. Your behavior will set the tone for the company. 9. How long do I have to do this for? 10. I’m so psyched. 11. Hang in there. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/11現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616
【Sentences】 1. Where did you go to school? 2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 3. You are clearly more than qualified for this job. 4. You nailed it. 5. I need you for 2 minutes uninterrupted. 6. You seemed you like the idea, so I set it in motion. 7. Imagine having an intern with a lifetime of experience as opposed to somebody who spent the last four years of their life playing beer pong. 8. Your behavior will set the tone for the company. 9. How long do I have to do this for? 10. I’m so psyched. 11. Hang in there. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/11現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616
Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/nb2db98b712c8 【Sentences】 1. This morning I caught a flyer for an internship program out of the corner of my eye. 2. Is it okay if we take a rain check? 3. I would like to apply to be one of your interns because the more I think about this idea, the more incredible I think it is. 4. I want to be challenged. 7. I’m good in a crisis. 8. I read once, musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me. 9. That package should have arrived by now. 10. I’m gonna refund your money. 11. I’ll take care of this. so You can check this one off your list. 12. Everyone needs you to sign off on the new proposal. 13. I’m on a bike. 14. The homepage has to read in a glance. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/4現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616
The Intern_Part2_Morning
Night Edition(復習Ver)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/ncf58d902ee7b 【Sentences】 1. This morning I caught a flyer for an internship program out of the corner of my eye. 2. Is it okay if we take a rain check? 3. I would like to apply to be one of your interns because the more I think about this idea, the more incredible I think it is. 4. I want to be challenged. 7. I’m good in a crisis. 8. I read once, musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me. 9. That package should have arrived by now. 10. I’m gonna refund your money. 11. I’ll take care of this. so You can check this one off your list. 12. Everyone needs you to sign off on the new proposal. 13. I’m on a bike. 14. The homepage has to read in a glance. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/4現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616
The Intern_Part1_Night
Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n33dd211c571c 【Sentences】 1. I’m retired now, and that has given me some time on my hands. 2. My wife has been gone for three and a half years. 3. I miss my wife in every way. 4. At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of post-retirement. 5. It felt like I was playing hooky. 6. The problem was no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the feeling of emptiness hit me like a ton of bricks. 7. Come rain or shine, I’m at my Starbucks by 7:15. 8. I can’t explain it, but it makes you feel part of something. 9. How do I spend the rest of my days? You name it, golf, books, movies. 10. The only traveling I do these days is out to San Diego to visit my son and his family. 11. They are great. I love them to the pieces. 12. But to be honest, I think I probably relied on them way more than I should. 13. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an unhappy person. 14. I just know there’s a hole in my life and I need to fill it. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/6/20現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616
The Intern_Part1_Morning
Night Edition(復習Ver)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n33dd211c571c 【Sentences】 1. I’m retired now, and that has given me some time on my hands. 2. My wife has been gone for three and a half years. 3. I miss my wife in every way. 4. At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of post-retirement. 5. It felt like I was playing hooky. 6. The problem was no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the feeling of emptiness hit me like a ton of bricks. 7. Come rain or shine, I’m at my Starbucks by 7:15. 8. I can’t explain it, but it makes you feel part of something. 9. How do I spend the rest of my days? You name it, golf, books, movies. 10. The only traveling I do these days is out to San Diego to visit my son and his family. 11. They are great. I love them to the pieces. 12. But to be honest, I think I probably relied on them way more than I should. 13. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an unhappy person. 14. I just know there’s a hole in my life and I need to fill it. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/6/20現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616