
辛いことばかりの世の中. 英語ぐらいは楽しく勉強したっていいじゃない. 平日はサラリーマンとして働いています.


辛いことばかりの世の中. 英語ぐらいは楽しく勉強したっていいじゃない. 平日はサラリーマンとして働いています.


  • Podcast_映画で英語を学ぼう


  • 映画で英語を勉強しよう



Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n4bea486fa158 【Sentences】 1. Where did you go to school? 2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 3. You are clearly more than qualified for this job. 4. You nailed it. 5. I need you for 2 minutes uninterrupted. 6. You seemed you like the idea, so I set it in motion. 7. Imagine having an intern with a lifetime of experience as opposed to somebody who spent the last four years of their life playing beer pong. 8. Your behavior will set the tone for the company. 9. How long do I have to do this for? 10. I’m so psyched. 11. Hang in there. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/11現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616

    • The_Intern_Part3_Morning

      【Sentences】 1. Where did you go to school? 2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 3. You are clearly more than qualified for this job. 4. You nailed it. 5. I need you for 2 minutes uninterrupted. 6. You seemed you like the idea, so I set it in motion. 7. Imagine having an intern with a lifetime of experience as opposed to somebody who spent the last four years of their life playing beer pong. 8. Your behavior will set the tone for the company. 9. How long do I have to do this for? 10. I’m so psyched. 11. Hang in there. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/11現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616

      • The_Intern_Part2_Night

        Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/nb2db98b712c8 【Sentences】 1. This morning I caught a flyer for an internship program out of the corner of my eye. 2. Is it okay if we take a rain check? 3. I would like to apply to be one of your interns because the more I think about this idea, the more incredible I think it is. 4. I want to be challenged. 7. I’m good in a crisis. 8. I read once, musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me. 9. That package should have arrived by now. 10. I’m gonna refund your money. 11. I’ll take care of this. so You can check this one off your list. 12. Everyone needs you to sign off on the new proposal. 13. I’m on a bike. 14. The homepage has to read in a glance. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/4現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616

        • The Intern_Part2_Morning

          Night Edition(復習Ver)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/ncf58d902ee7b 【Sentences】 1. This morning I caught a flyer for an internship program out of the corner of my eye. 2. Is it okay if we take a rain check? 3. I would like to apply to be one of your interns because the more I think about this idea, the more incredible I think it is. 4. I want to be challenged. 7. I’m good in a crisis. 8. I read once, musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me. 9. That package should have arrived by now. 10. I’m gonna refund your money. 11. I’ll take care of this. so You can check this one off your list. 12. Everyone needs you to sign off on the new proposal. 13. I’m on a bike. 14. The homepage has to read in a glance. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/7/4現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616


        • Podcast_映画で英語を学ぼう
        • 映画で英語を勉強しよう



          今回はイケメンのKoltenで英語の勉強しましょう.難易度はちょっと難し目です. 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. I'm from Utah, US, and I'm an entrepreneur, and I'm half Japanese and half Danish.  2. It was really good growing up. Not only racially were we the minorities, but also with our fai



          今回は映画プラダを着た悪魔の最終回となります.やっぱりプラダを着た悪魔って良い映画ですよね. 【この動画に登場するフレーズ】1.  I see a great deal of myself in you. 2. You can see beyond what people want and what they need, and you can choose for yourself. 3. I couldn't do what you did to Nigel. 4. Y


          The Intern_Part1_Night

          Night Edition(復習Ver)です. 寝る前に10分だけ早くベッドに入って,聞いていただければ幸いです. Morning Edition(解説付きVer)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n33dd211c571c 【Sentences】 1. I’m retired now, and that has given me some time on my hands. 2. My wife has been gone for three and a half years. 3. I miss my wife in every way. 4. At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of post-retirement. 5. It felt like I was playing hooky. 6. The problem was no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the feeling of emptiness hit me like a ton of bricks. 7. Come rain or shine, I’m at my Starbucks by 7:15. 8. I can’t explain it, but it makes you feel part of something. 9. How do I spend the rest of my days? You name it, golf, books, movies. 10. The only traveling I do these days is out to San Diego to visit my son and his family. 11. They are great. I love them to the pieces. 12. But to be honest, I think I probably relied on them way more than I should. 13. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an unhappy person. 14. I just know there’s a hole in my life and I need to fill it. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/6/20現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616

          The Intern_Part1_Night

          The Intern_Part1_Night

          The Intern_Part1_Morning

          Night Edition(復習Ver)はこちらから https://note.com/englishhellyeah/n/n33dd211c571c 【Sentences】 1. I’m retired now, and that has given me some time on my hands. 2. My wife has been gone for three and a half years. 3. I miss my wife in every way. 4. At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of post-retirement. 5. It felt like I was playing hooky. 6. The problem was no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the feeling of emptiness hit me like a ton of bricks. 7. Come rain or shine, I’m at my Starbucks by 7:15. 8. I can’t explain it, but it makes you feel part of something. 9. How do I spend the rest of my days? You name it, golf, books, movies. 10. The only traveling I do these days is out to San Diego to visit my son and his family. 11. They are great. I love them to the pieces. 12. But to be honest, I think I probably relied on them way more than I should. 13. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an unhappy person. 14. I just know there’s a hole in my life and I need to fill it. 記事:The InternはNetflixで視聴可能です(2020/6/20現在) https://www.netflix.com/title/80047616

          The Intern_Part1_Morning

          The Intern_Part1_Morning


          今回も引き続き映画プラダを着た悪魔 "The Devil Wears Prada"の動画で英語の勉強をしていきましょう! 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. I'm screwing it up.  2. I just wish that I knew what I could do. 3. I don't know what you expect me to do. 4. There's nothing in this whole closet that'll fit a



          今回も映画プラダを着た悪魔で英語を学びましょう. 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. It's a tough call. They're so different. 2. Something funny? 3. It's just that both those belts look exactly the same to me. 4. I'm still learning about this stuff. 5. You think this has nothing to



          前回に引き続き映画「プラダを着た悪魔」の1シーンで英語の勉強をしましょう. 【この動画に登場するフレーズ】1. I recently graduated from Northwestern University. 2. I think I could do a good job as your assistant. 3. I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere. 4. I f



          今回は映画「プラダを着た悪魔」の1シーンで英語の勉強をしましょう. 【この動画に登場するフレーズ】1. She is on her way. Tell everyone! 2. She was not supposed to be here until 9. 3. Her driver just text-messaged and her facialist ruptured a disc. 4. That I can't even talk about. 5. All r



          今回はComedy Centralの爆笑動画です.奥さんにパソコンの検索履歴が削除されていることを問い詰められています.やばいやばい落ち着いて落ち着いて! 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. How was work? 2. (It) sucked. 3. I've just been noticing that every time I leave to go out, the next time I open the computer the browser histo



          今回は,いじめについてのBurgerKingの意見広告動画です. Whopper Jr.(Burger Kingのハンバーガ)と,High school Jr.(高校生)がいじめられていたら,お客さんはどちらに対してクレームをするのか?を検証します. 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. Scrawny 2. Chubby 3. Queer 4. Getting caught up in bullying is so easy because you are just glad



          僕のnoteでは,動詞を下記の3種類に分類分けしています. [自]:自動詞 目的語が必要ない動詞 =主語が「自」分だけで完結できる動詞 =もし目的語を続けたければ前置詞(ex. to/at/on)が間に必要 [他]:他動詞 目的語が必要な動詞 =主語が動作の対象として「他」者を必要とする動詞 =目的語を直後に続けることができる [自or他]:自動詞にも他動詞にもなりうる =目的語が直後にあってもなくてもどちらでもOK


          【美女】Emma Watsonと子猫から英語を学ぼう

          今回は,とにかく可愛いEma WatsonがKittens(子猫)と遊ぶ動画で英語の勉強をしましょう.Cutteness overload. 【この動画で学べるフレーズ】1. I can’t even concentrate on what you’re saying. 2. My day is made! 3. just as a side note 4. I wanted to make sure that we stayed true to the origina

          【美女】Emma Watsonと子猫から英語を学ぼう