Honcho #10 Oct 11,2022
Many Japanese words are known in English spoken countries. Sushi and tsunami are typical examples. I was surprised to know the word "honcho" came from Japanese word. It means "a group leader". It is pronounced "hancho" in Japanese.
The word spread during WWⅡ when Japanese military used the word. Now the word has been often used to describe a group leader in Japanese school. Those honchos have to lead their groups, telling other members what teachers said or walking at the front with a flagger when they go to their school. In English spoken countries, it is used like "Who's the head honcho here?"
English spoken countries「英語圏」 typical「典型的な」
pronounce「発音する」 spread「広まる、広まった」
WWⅡ「第二次世界大戦」 at the front「先頭で」