
富山県立高校令和5年英語 大問2-2

皆さん、こんにちは。高岡の英語教室Iron English です。オンラインレッスンはこちらをクリック

今回は、富山県立高校令和5年英語 大問2-2の動画になります。読解動画と回答動画は、長い動画になるので別々にしました。それでも読解動画は30分弱になってしまいました。すいません。





1 I studied with my friend at his house last Saturday. When I got tired after studying, my friend showed me his kendama and some kendama tricks too. He was really good at it and I was very surprised. He also said that playing kendama is good for our health. I wanted to know more about kendama so I started to look for more information.
2 A lot of people think that kendama was first played in Japan, but I found on the internet that it was first played in France about 500 years ago. The shape of kendama in those days was different from today's kendama. Look at the picture. Kendama we play now has a handle, three cups to catch a ball, and a ball with a hole. However, kendama played in France had a handle, a cup to catch a ball, and a ball with a hole.
In France, many people from children to the king of France enjoyed playing kendama. In Japan, some adults played kendama which had only a cup in the Edo period. In the Taisho period, a company in Hiroshima changed the shape of kendama to today's shape.
3 Now more exciting ways of playing kendama are seen overseas. In 2007, a young American saw people playing kendama when he came to Japan and he brought it to his country. He started practicing cool tricks and put his videos on the internet. Then many people in the world watched them and thought that playing kendama was exciting. Now, people overseas think that kendama is a cool sport and the number of kendama players is increasing. Even Kendama World Cup is held in Japan every year.
4 Some people say that there are benefits of playing kendama. First, it is good for your health to play kendama because you use not only your arms but also other parts of your body when you play. Second, kendama is effective for developing children's *ability to keep balance and concentrate. Some schools in Japan use Kendama to develop those abilities. Third, you can communicate with other people when you play kendama. In Japan, kendama has been played for a long time so you may be able to learn how to play Kendama from the older generation around you and enjoy it together.
5 I learned a lot about kendama and found that our traditional culture is really exciting. We should share more of our culture with people in different countries. If we can do so, people in the world may be more interested in our culture and they will like our country more. So, in the future, I want to introduce other traditional Japanese culture to people in the world.








Iron Will English
