高専入試令和5年追試 英語 大問5長文
皆さん、こんにちは。高岡の英語教室Iron English です。オンラインレッスンはこちら:https://ironwill-japan.com/online-english-eiken-juken/
今回は、高専入試令和5年追試 英語 大問5長文の解説している動画になります。
Manabu is a university student in Japan. Anna is a friend of Manabu and she is an exchange student from America. One day, Manabu asked Anna what problems she had in Japan. She said that it was difficult to read maps and signs in school because they were often written only in Japanese. Also, she could not eat food with chopsticks easily. He wanted to help students like Anna, so he asked 100 exchange students about their biggest problem in Japan. The results are shown in Table 1.
"The number of trash cans" is the biggest problem for many people. They think that there are not enough trash cans in the city. However, Manabu found that language may be a more serious problem. Two groups in the table had problems related to language and the total rate of the two is 40 percent. The larger group said it is hard to communicate with staff members in stores. The other group had the same problem that Anna also felt. The research also shows that 16 percent of the students chose "Train stations." Some people think that stations in Japan are often too complicated. Next, 6 percent of students think that it is difficult to find free Wi-Fi in the city. Finally, 5 percent have no problem.
Manabu's research says that language is one of the biggest problems for exchange students. To learn more about that, he also asked the same students the best way to study Japanese. The results are shown in Table 2. It shows that 65 percent of the students don't think that school lessons are the best way, and talking to their friends in Japanese is the most popular way. Also, 40 percent of students use some media, especially TV, to study.