
#91 ダニエル・カルーヤの超イギリス英語(Judas & the Black Messiah)

アメリカでは『Judas & the Black Messiah』(ブラックパンサー党の代表暗殺事件の伝記映画)が2月1日から公開されています。日本では公開されるのでしょうか・・?





Let me read this quote first 'cuz this is a quote from the film that stood out to me. And the quote was...this was somebody from the FBI who said this, it said,
(まずは、映画中で特に印象に残った台詞を引用します。 FBI の誰かが言ったセリフです。)

"The clan and the Panthers are one in the same. They're intended to sow hatred and inspire terror." 
『KKK [クー・クラックス・クラン]とブラックパンサーは同類だ。彼らはいずれも憎しみの種をまき散らし、恐怖を呼び覚まそうとしている』

And that seems like revisionist history if I've ever seen it, right, because that's kind of what people were taught, you know, there's always this negative connotation around the Black Panthers. And this film did a good job of telling the story the right way.
(このセリフを聞いて、歴史修正主義 [注:歴史に関する定説や通説を再検討し、新たな解釈をしめすこと(wikiより)]のようだと感じました。こういうった話は聞いたことがありません、というのもブラックパンサー党は常にマイナスのイメージで語られてきました。その意味で、この映画はブラックパンサー党について正しいストーリーを伝えたと思います。)

I'm wondering was there something that you didn't know about the Black Panthers、 that you were like, "Okay, now that I'm in this film I understand this and it makes way more sense and what they were spewing was not true."


To be honest, I remember when I read that line, I think it was not in the first draft,  it was in a couple of drafts in that I read that line, and I was like, I was so happy about that line because you really don't get a window into white thinking about racism and blocking. You know what I'm saying?

That's sometimes my frustration to an extent of after the murder of George Floyd and Brianna Taylor. We haven't gotten winning educating yourself on blackness—yeah, you do. You need to also become aware of your whiteness—do you understand? Because it's rooted within that, you know.

And you need to open a dialogue, and be clear about your views and beliefs that you don't realize are leading to these tragedies, do you know what I mean?—to these murders.

And so that's, for me, it was kind of like, when I hear that line I hear fear, anxiety, and I don't hear truth, you know, and that's what the root is in a lot of the erroneous antagonization of the Black Panther Party, you know.

And so, for me this film offered—presented, "What do you think?," you know?

If this organization is pouring love into this community and you're understanding their perspective, and they're feeding the sick, and feeding kids, they're educating kids, offering free legal aid—where's the hatred in that? Where is the sowing in that of hatred?

I'm not saying, 'It's not hatred,' I'm just saying, 'Where is it?'

And you figure that out, you know what I'm saying? So that for me is the importance of narratives from our perspective—telling our truth, because it's the truth.


#英語学習 #BLM #黒人の命 #ダニエル・カルーヤ #ブラックパンサー #イギリス英語 #Daniel Kaluuya #judasandtheblackmessiah #SpeedyMorman #BlackPanther
