

「生きかはり 死にかはりして 打つ田かな」


"The fields I tend, in life and death, my toil unending,"

Murakami Kijo

by midjourney


「生きかはり 死にかはりして 打つ田かな」は、村上鬼城の俳句です。季語は「打つ田」で、春の季語を指します。田んぼの土を掘り起こして柔らかくし、田植えに備える準備のことです。この俳句は、先祖代々、毎年毎年耕し続けてきた田んぼを思い、黙々と鍬を振り上げて田を耕している男の姿を描いたものです。



This poem, penned by Murakami Kijo, highlights the seasonal theme of "tilling the fields" during spring. The tilling process involves softening the soil of rice paddies in preparation for planting. The verse captures the image of a man silently laboring over the fields that have been tended to by generations before him, each year without fail.

The phrases "in life" and "in death" convey the sentiment of things one wishes to accomplish while alive and before passing away. This haiku embodies the enduring connection between life, death, and the ceaseless cycle of agricultural labor.

midjourney プロンプト:

A farmer tilling the fields, his silhouette against the setting sun, generations of hard work etched into the landscape, the ever-present cycle of life and death, soil rich with memories and the hope for a bountiful harvest.--v 5

歳時記 4月9日

(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing 画像生成:midjourney)
