



What does Elon Musk believe? イーロンマスクが信じていることとは?


  • attest → to confirm or provide evidence that something is true. (証明する、立証する)

  • machete → a large, heavy knife used for cutting vegetation or as a weapon. (マチェーテ、大型のなた)

  • slash → to cut with a sweeping motion; a sharp, sweeping cut. (切り裂く、斜線(/))

  • minions → followers or subordinates who serve a powerful leader. (手下、子分)

  • rifle → a long gun fired from the shoulder. (ライフル銃)

  • inauguration → the formal beginning of a system, policy, or leader's term. (就任式、開始)

  • subversion → the act of undermining or overthrowing an established system. (転覆、破壊活動)

  • anti-doge → opposed to dogecoin or the doge meme culture. (ドージコイン反対派)

  • citadel → a fortress protecting a city; a stronghold. (城塞、要塞)

  • the us treasury department → the government agency that manages the country's money and finances. (米国財務省)

  • eugenics → the controversial science of improving human populations through selective breeding. (優生学)

  • reinstate → to restore someone or something to a previous position or condition. (復職させる、元の状態に戻す)

  • sack → (1) to fire someone from a job (解雇する). (2) a large bag (袋)

  • rogue bureaucrat → a government official who acts independently or against policies. (反抗的な官僚)

  • salute → a gesture of respect, especially in the military. (敬礼、敬意を表する)

  • inauguration (repeated)

  • newfound → recently discovered or acquired. (新たに得た、新発見の)

  • curtail → to reduce or limit something. (削減する、短縮する)

  • espouse → to support or adopt an idea or cause. (支持する、提唱する)

  • visceral → relating to deep feelings rather than intellect. (直感的な、本能的な)

  • subversive → intended to undermine or overthrow authority. (破壊的な、反体制的な)

  • pro-natalism → the belief in encouraging childbirth and increasing the birthrate. (出生奨励主義)

  • fringe → the outer or marginal part of a group or movement. (周辺、極端な派閥)

  • messiness → the state of being disorderly or chaotic. (散らかっている状態、混乱)

  • unitary → forming a single or unified entity. (単一の、統一的な)

  • impediment → something that hinders progress. (障害、妨げ)

  • soured → became unpleasant or negative. (悪化する、すっぱくなる)

  • unfold → to reveal or develop gradually. (展開する、明らかにする)

  • trampling on → to treat something with disrespect or crush underfoot. (踏みにじる)

  • sanguine → optimistic, even in difficult situations. (楽観的な)

  • a fervent Marxist → someone passionate about marxist ideology. (熱烈なマルクス主義者)

  • slurs → insulting or offensive remarks. (差別的な発言、中傷)

  • intrude → to enter without permission or be unwelcome. (侵入する、邪魔をする)

  • disparage → to speak about someone in a way that lowers their reputation. (軽視する、けなす)

  • meme → a cultural idea, joke, or image spread online. (ミーム、ネット上のネタ)

  • accusation → a claim that someone has done something wrong. (告発、非難)

  • secretive → keeping things hidden or private. (秘密主義の)

  • fend off → to defend oneself from something. (かわす、防ぐ)

  • accusation (repeated)

  • frat house → a college house for a fraternity, often known for parties. (大学の友愛会の寮)

  • grope → to touch someone in an inappropriate way; to feel around blindly. (手探りする、痴漢行為をする)

  • redress → to correct a wrong or provide compensation. (是正する、償う)

  • misogynists → people who strongly dislike or are prejudiced against women. (女性蔑視者)


  • afterthought → a thought or idea that comes to mind after the event or decision has already passed; a secondary consideration. (後付けの考え、後から思いついたこと)

  • forethought → careful consideration or planning before an action or event; thinking ahead. (前もっての考慮、計画)

  • rein: 「制御」や「手綱」、または「管理」など。例えば「free rein」は「自由裁量」となります。
    "rein" is short for "free rein", which means being given complete freedom or unrestricted authority to act.
    "She was given free rein to make decisions." → 「彼女は自由に決定を下す権限を与えられた。

  • crusade 

    "to crusade"
    means to carry out an aggressive, passionate campaign—often against a system or institution.

  • 例: "He launched a crusade against corruption." → 「彼は汚職撲滅のための闘いを始めた。」


  1. Elon Musk's Approach: Musk is portrayed as indifferent to people’s well-being, prioritizing data and efficiency over human concerns. His approach to governance is aggressive, seeking to eliminate government waste and corruption, with minimal thought for the consequences.

  2. Influence in the Government: Musk has gained significant power within the U.S. government, with a focus on undermining federal agencies and replacing them with a more right-wing, corporate-influenced leadership. He has taken over the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and pushed for mass resignations to reshape the workforce.

  3. Questionable Hires and Actions: Musk’s hires for government roles often lack proper qualifications or security clearances, leading to controversial decisions, such as hiring Marko Elez, who had problematic views and social media posts. Musk’s actions are sometimes seen as benefiting his businesses, like scrapping regulations and weakening labor protections.

  4. Political Beliefs and Shifts: Musk has shifted politically, moving from supporting Democrats to endorsing more right-wing views, including racist and nationalist ideologies. His changing stance is linked to personal issues, including a strained relationship with his daughter, who became a fervent Marxist.

  5. Attitude Towards Social Issues: Musk is vocal about his disdain for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as his opposition to pronouns, identity politics, and government restrictions, particularly regarding Covid-19.

  6. Labor Rights and Worker Treatment: Musk’s treatment of workers is controversial. While he champions individual liberty, his companies have faced lawsuits over worker rights violations, including racial and sexual harassment. Musk opposes trade unions and tries to suppress legal actions against his companies.

  7. Legal and Court Challenges: Musk’s actions have led to legal challenges from federal workers, unions, and civil rights groups. His focus on dismantling the existing order, including the courts, suggests he is setting his sights on broader, more radical changes.

