海外ドラマ英語学習 "The Good Place" Season1 Episode3
🌿Netflix のシリーズドラマ "The Good Place" より
housewarming: 新築祝いの
Hump day! 水曜日。折り返し。つらい一週間の山場。
Not if I see you first. (→わかりやすく解説してくれてるサイト)
And now I'm complementing her. And kind of turned on.
(引用: https://study-z.net/6209)
The point is, she straight up sucks, bro.
straight up: 本当に
Bring us a faulty plant so she can brag about being a better gardener.
faulty[/ˈfɔːlti $ ˈfɒːlti/]: 不完全な
brag[/bræɡ/]: 偉そうに自慢する
when you're mean to her, it starts to wilt.
wilt[/wɪlt/]: 枯れる、しおれる
phony = phoney [/ˈfəʊni $ ˈfoʊ-/]: fake
skim off the top: (他人の金・利益などの一部を)くすねる
I was a model, a museum curator, an "It Girl," and ...
curator[/kjʊˈreɪtə $ -ər/]: (博物館・図書館などの)館長
it girl: セクシーな女性、魅力的な女性
rock bottom: どん底
Couture just doesn't fit my body.
couture[/kuːˈtjʊə $ -ˈtʊr/]: the design and production of expensive and fashionable clothes, or the clothes themselves
I'm cursed with ample bosom.
ample bosom: 豊かな胸
And yet you soldier on.
soldier on A: Aに負けずに頑張る
scorpion[/ˈskɔːpiən $ -ɔːr-/]: サソリ
I steered her away from colloquialisms and into "fun facts" and "trivia tidbits."
steer A away from B: AをBから遠ざける
steer[/stɪə $ stɪr/]: 舵を切る
colloquialism[/kəˈləʊkwiəlɪzəm $ -ˈloʊ-/]: an expression or word used in informal conversation
tidbit[/ˈtɪdˌbɪt/]: とっておきのおもしろい話
I thought it'd be more in her wheelhouse.
in one's wheelhouse: (その人の)得意な分野である、適性がある
she seems to have slipped right into overt sexuality.
slip into A: Aに着替える
overt sexuality: あからさまな性的アピール
cutie-pants: (無邪気で)かわいらしい人
= cutie-pie: カワイ子ちゃん
it's so convoluted
convoluted[/ˈkɒnvəluːtɪd $ ˈkɑːn-/]: complicated and difficult to understand
It has been proven by an infallible formula.
infallible[/ɪnˈfæləbəl/]: always right and never making mistakes
Turns out two of the players have DUIs.
DUI = driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
So if spending eternity getting blunt feedback on your circular, rambling ideas will make you happy, ...
blunt[/blʌnt/]: speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people
rambling[/ˈræmblɪŋ/]: rambling speech or writing is very long and does not seem to have any clear organization or purpose