海外ドラマ英語学習 "The Good Place" Season1 Episode1
🌿Netflix のシリーズドラマ "The Good Place" より
A long column of shopping carts rolled put of control and plowed right into you.
plow into A [/plaʊ/] : Aに突っ込む、Aに衝突する
it'd swept you right out into the street
sweep A out into B[/swiːp/]:AをBに投げ出す
Jew [/dʒuː/]:ユダヤ人
Doug was a stoner kid
Doug just launched into this long monologue where he got like 92% correct.
launch into A [ /lɔːntʃ $ lɒːntʃ/ ] : Aを(急に)始める
Each one contains exactly 322 people who have been perfectly selected to blend together into a blissful harmonic balance.
blissful [/ˈblɪsfəl/]: 至極の
ladybug: てんとう虫
every detail has been precisely designed and calibrated for its residents.
calibrate [/ˈkæləbreɪt/] : 測定する
every single thing you did had an effect that rippled out over time
ripple out: 波及する
the cream of the crop: 最高の人やもののこと
otter [/ˈɒtə $ ˈɑːtər/]: カワウソ
I mean, somebody royally forked up.
royally: 立派に、すばらしく
You know how some people pull into the breakdown lane when there's traffic?
breakdown lane: 路肩
arsonist [/ˈɑːsənɪst $ ˈɑːr-/]: 放火犯
I say we just lie low and hope that they don't notice me.
lie low: 目立たないようにする、おとなしく引っ込んでいる
you are a wrench in the gears
wrench[/rentʃ/]: ゆがみ
I'm not the only one with flaws.
flaw[/flɔː $ flɒː/]: 欠陥
Let me be your ethical guinea pig.
guinea[/ˈɡɪni/] pig: モルモット