
多読をしよう #17 The Iron Stove Part 3

前回に引き続いて、グリム童話 鉄のストーブ。話はこれで終わりとなります。毎回お伝えしていますが、日本語に翻訳せずに英語そのままで読み取るようにしましょう。わからない単語や文章は話の流れからきっとこんな意味じゃないかなと思って読み進めましょう。

The Iron Stove Part 3

When she reached the iron stove, she started to make a mark on it. The iron became softer, and after two hours, she made a small hole. When she looked inside, she saw a beautiful young man shining with gold and jewels.

She made the hole bigger so he could come out. He said, “You are my bride. You set me free.” He wanted to take her to his country, but she asked to see her father. The prince agreed but told her not to speak more than three words to her father.

She went home but spoke more than three words, and the iron stove disappeared. However, the prince was free.

She said goodbye to her father, took some money, and went back to the big forest to find the iron stove, but she could not find it. She searched for nine days and became very hungry. In the evening, she sat in a tree to spend the night. At midnight, she saw a light in the distance and walked toward it.

When she arrived at a small old house, there were many frogs inside. When she knocked, a frog let her in. She told her story and explained why the iron stove disappeared. The frog gave her three needles. There were many challenges, but she used the needles to overcome them, and finally, she found the prince.

The prince’s castle was much bigger than her castle. They called the old king, and they lived happily ever after.


When she reached the iron stove, she started to make a mark on it. The iron became softer, and after two hours, she made a small hole. When she looked inside, she saw a beautiful young man shining with gold and jewels.

reached(到達した)  mark(印)  softer(より柔らかい)
 注)make a mark は印をつける、ということだが、この話においては、何かの目印を作っているというよりも、穴をあけるための印である。翻訳では傷をつけるとした。


She made the hole bigger so he could come out. He said, “You are my bride. You set me free.” He wanted to take her to his country, but she asked to see her father. The prince agreed but told her not to speak more than three words to her father.


彼女はその穴を大きくして、彼が出られるようにしました。彼は言いました。「君は私の花嫁だ。君が私を自由にしてくれたんだ。」 彼は彼女を自分の国に連れて行きたがりましたが、彼女は父親に会いたいと頼みました。王子は同意しましたが、父親には3語以上話してはいけないと忠告しました。

She went home but spoke more than three words, and the iron stove disappeared. However, the prince was free.



She said goodbye to her father, took some money, and went back to the big forest to find the iron stove, but she could not find it. She searched for nine days and became very hungry. In the evening, she sat in a tree to spend the night. At midnight, she saw a light in the distance and walked toward it.

midnight(真夜中)  distance(距離)  toward(〜の方へ) 


When she arrived at a small old house, there were many frogs inside. When she knocked, a frog let her in. She told her story and explained why the iron stove disappeared. The frog gave her three needles. There were many challenges, but she used the needles to overcome them, and finally, she found the prince.

frog(カエル)  knocked(ノックした)  needles(針) 


The prince’s castle was much bigger than her castle. They called the old king, and they lived happily ever after.








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