2024/01/24 NHK English News スクリプト
We start in Japan central region of Hokuriku, where survivors of the New Year's Day earthquake are bracing for a severe cold spell that could bring heavy snowfall. Whether officilas are warning the most powerful cold airmass of the season is approaching the Sea of Japan Coast, including the Noto Peninsula that was devastated by the magnitude 7.6 tremor. They say up to 80 centimeters of snow is expected in the 24 hours through Wednesday afternoon. The snow could further damage homes and buildings in the area.
I have a lot to worry about, including whether the snow caused another blackout or prevent food from arriving.
People who survived other major earthquakes are offering assistance to restore the economy in the region. This sake brewery in Noto town was heavily damaged by a tsunami shortly after the quake. Up in the northeastern prefecture of Miyagi another brewery has volunteered to handle its final stage of production and bottle its sake. the operators say they recovered from damage in the 2011 quake and tsunami thanks to support from across the nation. And now it's their turn to help.
It's painful if a brewery is unable to produce sake, after so much time and effort preparing for it. as a fellow brewery, we would like to be of any help.
And the brewery in Noto is pledging to make a comeback.
We wish to move forward little by little with the hope of bringing our sake to customers again.
Volunteer activities have been essential to helping survivors and previous disasters in Japan. The Ishikawa prefectural government had been asking people not to come as roads and other infrastructure remain unsafe. But on Tuesday, the governor said parts of the area are ready to accept volunteers.
But I'd appreciate it if people can help remove debris and collect valuables from damaged houses. But they have to be extremely cautious and put their safety first.
The governer says three municipalities including Nanao city will be accepting volunteers from this weekend. And he says he's considering allowing people to help in other areas after examining the needs from each city and town. Now to a major travel disruption affecting Tokyo and multiple prefectures. The Shinkansen bullet train service was partly suspended on three lines on Tuesday. several trains were stopped without power leaving people stranded. The Sections Affected are two of the lines from Tokyo to Takasaki and Tokyo to Sendai. The East Japan Railway Company announced services in those sections while were suspended all day on Tuesday. Crews help passengers get off a train one after another near Omiya station in Saitama prefecture, north of Tokyo, JR esat says the suspension is due to a power outage that began shortly before 10am Tuesday. Passengers have been taken to nearby stations.
I heard very loud sounds. I wondered what was happening. I have experienced an earthquake before so I thought that's what was happening. Then the electricity went out. I was relieved to be able to go outside at last. we were trapped for more than two hours.
JR east released this photo showing a power line dangling between Ueno and Omiya stations disrupting Operations The company sent a crew to restore service but while they were working this happened.
now it's not clear what caused this. JR East says an employee of an affiliated company was electrocuted and another suffered burns. Both were taken to a hospital by ambulance and there's no word yet on either workers condition. The company says it deeply apologizes for the inconvenience caused the many customers and says it'll make every effort to resume operations from the first train on Wednesday.
Israel's military says 21 of its soldiers have been killed in a Hamas attack in southern Gaza. This is reportedly the largest single day death toll for Israeli troops since fighting began in October. And Israeli military spokesperson said its troops were attacked Monday while demolishing buildings near the border with Israel. Local media reports say the total number of Israeli soldiers killed in action since the operation began has now exceeded 200. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said he mourned the dead, but vowed to continue fighting until absolute victory was secured. The Palestine Red Crescent Society said on Tuesday is really artillery shelling had wounded evacuation sheltering at its headquarters In Hanyunes. It added its ambulances were unable to reach the injured. Health officials in Gaza say the total death toll from Israeli offensive has risen to 25,490. US news site Axios on Monday quoted Israeli officials as saying their country had made a proposal to Hamas for the release of all remaining hostages held in Gaza. The offer includes a pause and fighting for up to two months. CNN reports Israel will also allow senior Hamas leaders to leave Gaza as part of the multi-phase deal.
Bracing (備える) Example sentence: Survivors are bracing for a severe cold spell. 訳: 生存者たちは厳しい寒波に備えています。
Tremor (地震) Example sentence: The area was devastated by a magnitude 7.6 tremor. 訳: その地域はマグニチュード7.6の地震によって荒廃しました。
Restoration (復旧) Example sentence: Assistance is offered for the restoration of the economy. 訳: 経済の復旧のための援助が提供されています。
Disruption (混乱) Example sentence: There was a major travel disruption affecting Tokyo. 訳: 東京を影響を受ける大きな交通の混乱がありました。
Artillery (砲兵) Example sentence: The artillery shelling wounded evacuation sheltering at its headquarters. 訳: 砲兵の砲撃が本部で避難している人々を負傷させました。
日本中部の北陸地方で、元日の地震の生存者たちが、大雪をもたらす可能性のある厳しい寒波に備えています。気象当局は、季節で最も強力な寒気団が日本海沿岸に接近していると警告しており、マグニチュード7.6の地震で壊滅的な被害を受けた能登半島も含まれています。水曜日の午後までの24時間で最大80センチメートルの雪が降ると予想されています。この雪は、地域の家屋や建物にさらなる被害をもたらす可能性があります。 停電が再び起こるか、食料の到着が阻害されるかなど、心配することがたくさんあります。 他の大地震を経験した人々が、この地域の経済復興を支援しています。地震の直後に津波によって大きな被害を受けた能登町の酒蔵ですが、北東部の宮城県にある別の酒蔵が、その最終工程の生産と酒のボトリングを引き受けることを申し出ました。運営者は、2011年の地震と津波での被害から、全国からの支援のおかげで立ち直ることができたと述べています。そして今、彼らが支援の手を差し伸べる番です。 酒蔵が酒を生産できないのは辛いことです。長い時間と労力をかけて準備してきたのに。同業者として、どんな支援でもしたいと考えています。 そして、能登の酒蔵は、復活を誓っています。 少しずつ前進し、再びお客様に酒をお届けする希望を持って進みたいと思います。 日本では、過去の災害で被災者を支援するボランティア活動が不可欠でした。石川県政府は、道路やその他のインフラが安全でないため、人々に来てもらわないよう要請していました。しかし、火曜日に知事は、地域の一部がボランティアを受け入れる準備ができていると述べました。 被害を受けた家から瓦礫を取り除いたり、貴重品を回収するのに協力していただければありがたいです。ただし、安全を最優先にし、極めて慎重に行動してください。 知事は、七尾市を含む3つの自治体が今週末からボランティアを受け入れると述べています。そして、各市町村のニーズを検討した上で、他の地域でもボランティアの受け入れを検討していると言います。それでは、東京と複数の県に影響を及ぼす大規模な交通障害について。火曜日に、新幹線のサービスが3路線で一部中断しました。複数の列車が電力を失い、人々が足止めされました。影響を受けた区間は、東京から高崎と東京から仙台への2路線です。東日本旅客鉄道株式会社は、火曜日中はこれらの区間でのサービスを中断すると発表しました。埼玉県の大宮駅近くで、乗客を一人ずつ列車から降ろす作業が行われました。JR東日本によると、火曜日の午前10時前に始まった停電が原因でサービスが中断されたとのことです。乗客は近くの駅に運ばれました。 非常に大きな音がしたので、何が起こっているのかと思いました。以前に地震を経験したことがあるので、それが起きているのだと思いました。そして電気が消えました。最後に外に出られて安心しました。私たちは2時間以上閉じ込められていました。 JR東日本は、上野駅と大宮駅の間で電力線が垂れ下がり、運行を妨げている写真を公開しました。会社はサービスを復旧させるために作業員を派遣しましたが、作業中にこれが起こりました。 現在、これが何によるものかは明らかではありません。JR東日本によると、関連会社の従業員が感電し、別の従業員が火傷を負いました。両方の従業員は救急車で病院に搬送されましたが、どちらの従業員の状態についてもまだ詳細は分かっていません。会社は、多くのお客様に不便をかけたことを深くお詫びし、水曜日の最初の列車から運行を再開するために全力を尽くすと述べています。