2024/01/26 NHK English News スクリプト
We start in western Japan, where a court has sentenced the man to death for torching a famous animation studio in Kyoto in 2019. 36 people were killed and 32 injured in a case that shocked and my fans across the nation and around the world. 45 year old Aoba Shinji was found guilty of murder and arson after he admitted to dousing Kyoto Animation Studio with gasoline and lighting it on fire. The company is known for anime like The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Violet evergarden. The presiding judge at the Kyoto District Court said Aoba was socially isolated, financially struggling and had developed a grudge. he believed the studio had stolen his ideas after his submission for a writing contest was rejected, and was profiting off them. Aoba's defense argued he suffered from mental illness and was unable to tell right from wrong during the attack. But the court disagreed, noting he hesitated before committing the deadly arson. One of the victim's family members told NHK about the difficulty she felt during the trial and how she wonders if Aoba feels any remorse now.
I was able to learn a lot from the trial, though I still had to face the cruel reality of what happened. I think it will help me move on.
NHK asked people in Tokyo's anime capital Akihabara for their thoughts on Aoba getting the death penalty.
I think the death sentence is appropriate. It turned out to be what it ought to be.
I'm not necessarily happy hearing about the person being sentenced to death. But the man needs to take responsibility for what he did. I think he deserves it.
Aoba's lawyers have not yet announced whether they plan to appeal his death sentence.
Now to the earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula in central Japan on New Year's Day, an estimate by the Cabinet Office shows the damage caused by the disaster could reach about $17.6 billion. The city of Wajima in Ishikawa Prefecture was hard hit about 100 officials from six other municipalities have been sent to the area to help assess the damage.
The situation is very severe due to snow. I hope the damage survey of all households will be completed as soon as possible.
People affected by the disaster need a damaged certificate to receive public support for their homes and on site damage assessment is required before a certificate can be issued. Wajima officials say about 30,000 buildings have yet to be inspected. The Japan Meteorological Agency said on Thursday it's obtain data on the quakes intensity from three locations in Ishikawa prefecture. A seismic meter in Monzen machi in Wajima registered an intensity of seven on the Japanese scale of zero to seven. and in addition to the quake Horyuu-machi of Suzu city was hit by a tsunami. Many roads there are still close to traffic as the damage has delayed repair work.
If necessary to remove debris on roads as soon as possible so vehicles can pass.
At least 236 deaths from the quake have been confirmed in Ishikawa prefecture. And one challenge is helping earthquake survivors lead their lives and livelihoods. The government has put together a package of support measures. The package was hammered out Thursday by a government task force. People with damaged homes will not have to pay to have them dismantled. And they'll quickly get support money worth up to about $20,000. Also, authorities will build temporary homes, including wooden houses that will last a relatively long time. Small and medium sized companies will get subsidies to rebuild factories. Each subsidy will cover up to three quarters of the cost with a cap of about $10 million firms impacted by disasters in recent years and now hit again we'll get extra help. There's also help for people who need to restore agricultural machinery and fishing boats. The package covers traditional industries such as Wajima lacquerware. They'll get helped by tools and materials. The package also includes help for tourism. Starting as soon as March the government will cover a half the price of accommodation with a cap of 20,000 yen per night. That's about $135 The government plans to pay for the support package using reserve funds in the budget for the current and next fiscal years.
Word 1: torching (放火)
Example sentence: The court sentenced the man to death for torching a famous animation studio, causing significant loss of life and damage.
訳: 裁判所は、有名なアニメーションスタジオに放火し、多大な人命と損害を引き起こした男性を死刑に処した。
Word 2: grudge (恨み)
Example sentence: The attacker developed a grudge against the animation studio, believing his ideas were stolen.
訳: 攻撃者は、自分のアイデアが盗まれたと信じ、アニメーションスタジオに対して恨みを抱いた。
Word 3: remorse (後悔)
Example sentence: One victim's family member wondered if the attacker feels any remorse for his actions.
訳: ある犠牲者の家族は、攻撃者が自分の行動に対して後悔を感じているかどうか疑問に思った。
Word 4: appeal (控訴する)
Example sentence: The attacker's lawyers have not yet announced whether they plan to appeal his death sentence.
訳: 攻撃者の弁護士は、彼の死刑判決に対して控訴する予定かどうかまだ発表していない。
Word 5: seismic (地震の)
Example sentence: The Japan Meteorological Agency obtained data on the quake's intensity from seismic meters in various locations.
訳: 日本気象庁は、さまざまな場所にある地震計から地震の強度に関するデータを取得した。
Word 6: debris (がれき)
Example sentence: It is necessary to remove debris on roads as soon as possible to allow vehicle passage.
訳: 車両の通行を可能にするためには、道路上のがれきをできるだけ早く除去する必要がある。
Word 7: dismantle (解体する)
Example sentence: People with damaged homes will not have to pay to have them dismantled.
訳: 被害を受けた家の住民は、それらを解体するための費用を支払う必要はない。
Word 8: subsidies (補助金)
Example sentence: Small and medium-sized companies will receive subsidies to help rebuild their facilities.
訳: 中小企業は、施設を再建するための補助金を受け取る。
Word 9: lacquerware (漆器)
Example sentence: The support package includes help for traditional industries such as lacquerware.
訳: 支援パッケージには、漆器のような伝統産業への援助が含まれている。