WISHING 07/06/22 飽き飽きしてネタにもならない今さらコロナ~これからやるべきことCorona now that we’re tired of it and don't have a story to tell - what we’re going to do now.
南アフリカでは、2022年1月からBA.4、2月からBA.5が第5波を形成し、7月5日現在すでにそれも収束しています (1024)(1025)。
人類は、ワクチン接種と過去の感染によってCOVID-19免疫が高まっています。特にブースターワクチン接種による有意な防御効果も明らかであるという前提条件において、オミクロンBA.4/BA.5時代とBA.1時代の、診断例におけるCOVID-19重症度は同等であることが示されました (1027)。
また、87%が友人や家族と付き合うと答え、79%がバーやレストランに行く、年配の親戚を訪ねる、旅行に行く、対面式の宗教行事に参加する予定だと答え、65%がジムやスタジオで運動する準備があると答えていました (1028)。
1.今後の感染波が公衆衛生システムに与える負荷を軽減するための戦術として、利用可能なものでかまわないので、ブースターワクチンをできるだけ多くの人が接種できるようにすること (1027)。
2.感染症対策の基本である検査と治療というセットへのアクセスの壁を取り払うために、コロナの治療薬をタミフルと同じように処方できる環境を作ること (1028)。
In South Africa, BA.4 and BA.5 formed the fifth wave starting in January and February 2022, respectively, and as of July 5, they have already converged as well (1024)(1025).
The number of cases, which was a concern due to the 12-13% higher infectivity than BA.2, is only 25% of the fourth wave, mainly due to Omicron BA.1, according to South African published figures.
And the moving average fatality rate was a peak of 1.5% at the end of the fifth wave, compared to a peak value of 8.0% at the end of the fourth wave. In other words, epidemiologically, the fatality rates for BA.4 and BA.5 are more than 80% lower than for omicron BA.1. The cumulative fatality rate also continued to decline unidirectionally from 2.7% at the end of March to 2.55% on July 5 (1026).
Humans have increased COVID-19 immunity through vaccination and previous infections. The COVID-19 severity in diagnosed cases was shown to be comparable in the Omicron BA.4/BA.5 and BA.1 eras, especially under the assumption that a significant protective effect of booster vaccination is also evident (1027).
According to a mid-May poll in the U.S. by the Associated Press and others, 12% of adults said their lives were already the same as before the pandemic, and 54% said they were somewhat the same, even though the number of BA.5 hospitalizations was already on the rise nationwide. In other words, two-thirds of Americans said their lives were at least approaching pre-pandemic normalcy.
Eighty-seven percent said they would socialize with friends and family, 79% said they planned to go to bars and restaurants, visit elderly relatives, travel, and attend face-to-face religious services, and 65% said they were prepared to exercise at a gym or studio (1028).
The brunt of aid; the brunt of two years of overspending. I don't know how many people know that they will have to pay for 40 years of monetary easing, but for the first time in a long time, the summer fireworks display was packed. The percentage of people taking off their masks was the highest in recent years, and smiles abounded (1029)(1030).
As soon as possible, we need to attract an unlimited number of people from around the world who want to buy Japan with no other resources, in order to prolong the time until the sinking of the ship as long as possible.
to make booster vaccines available to as many people as possible, regardless of what is available, as a tactic to reduce the burden that future infectious waves will place on the public health system (1027).
to create an environment in which the treatment of coronas can be prescribed in the same way as Tamiflu, in order to remove barriers to access to a set of tests and treatments that are fundamental to the fight against infectious diseases (1028).
These are the answers that should be done now, derived from the above conditions.