WISHING 04/05/23 マールブルグ病というブラックスワンThe Black Swan called Marburg Disease
しかし、これらの候補の有効性を証明するためには、進行中のアウトブレイクでテストする必要があり、今のところ、そのためのワクチン供給は行われていない。治験を行うには、発生国から治験責任医師を派遣し、ワクチンメーカーと法的な契約を結び、規制当局の認可を得る必要がある。しかし、赤道ギニアは、30年以上にわたってTeodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo大統領とその一族が支配する不透明な政府として知られている。
資源を投入し、承認済みの試験プロトコルを作成しなければ、アウトブレイクを阻止するための介入策にほとんど進展がないまま、アウトブレイクが起こり続けるだろうと考えられている (1166)。
ところで、地球がサステイナブルであるための人類の定員は、スタンフォード大学の見積もりによれば、15〜20億人とされている (1167)。
コロナによる世界の人口減は、確定診断例だけで、8億6千万人。ワクチンによって、各国の人口の1%程度がコロナで死なずに済んだと考えられ、人類全体では、8千万人が死なずに済んだと考えられる (1168)(1169)。
Even when the coronal commotion seems to have subsided and the air is filled with relief, there is always a black swan sprouting somewhere on the planet. Since people can only see what they can see, it always proceeds quietly and unnoticed.
Having already graduated from the coronas, the world's infectious disease agencies are no longer looking for the next pandemic.
Marburg disease, a close relative of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a category 1 infectious disease caused by a bat-borne virus that kills 90% of those infected; it is a rare disease with only a handful of infections reported since the virus was discovered in 1967, but outbreaks in Africa have been on the rise in recent years Marburg.
Marburg causes high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and in the most severe cases bleeding from the mouth, anus, or other body orifices. It is transmitted by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person or by touching surfaces or materials such as clothing contaminated with body fluids. There is no cure or existing vaccine.
In March, five people infected with Marburg, including a healthcare worker, died in the East African country of Tanzania. No new cases have been reported in the past two weeks, but since the incubation period for Marburg is 21 days, the outbreak is believed to still be ongoing.
The outbreak in Equatorial Guinea, on the west coast of Africa, began in January. The government reported nine deaths with confirmed cases of Marburg disease and another 20 deaths associated with confirmed cases and considered probable cases, although they were not tested.
The government of Equatorial Guinea has released only limited information on the outbreak, and W.H.O. says that there is likely an undetected route of transmission and that not all known cases are clearly related to each other, suggesting a fairly widespread outbreak.
The two outbreak countries likely pose a regional risk. Equatorial Guinea borders Cameroon and Gabon, and infected cases are occurring in geographically dispersed areas. Tanzania's Kagera region borders Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi.
Several candidates are showing promise in Phase I clinical trials. The Sabin Vaccine Institute, which promotes global vaccine development, has 600 doses of vaccine in vials ready to use and plans to have a final stockpile of 8,000 doses by the end of this year; with 600 doses, the ring would target at-risk populations in Tanzania and Equatorial Guinea. It is said to be enough to initiate vaccination trials.
However, to prove the efficacy of these candidates, they would need to be tested in an ongoing outbreak, and so far no vaccine supply has been made available for that purpose. To conduct a clinical trial, the outbreak country would need to send an investigator, enter into a legal agreement with the vaccine manufacturer, and obtain regulatory approval. However, Equatorial Guinea is known for its opaque government, ruled by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and his family for over 30 years.
Without resources and an approved testing protocol, it is believed that outbreaks will continue to occur with little progress in interventions to stop them (1166).
By the way, the human capacity for the earth to be sustainable is estimated by Stanford University to be 1.5 to 2 billion people (1167).
This can be paraphrased as saying that an Earth one-twentieth the size and breadth of the Earth is needed to support one human being without compromising the Earth itself. When the population reaches 8 billion, each person will have only a quarter of the Earth, meaning that the Earth will no longer be able to feed the human population without consuming it.
In fact, when the human population was only one billion, the earth for one person was much larger than it is today, and each person's share of the earth's real estate was much larger than it is today, which means that people were much richer than they are today. (People are dangled with paper money, unaware that they are getting poorer and poorer.)
No matter how much paper money is printed to raise the price of goods and the earth, it cannot increase the wealth of the earth by a factor of 8 billion. Small and narrow things can increase their price tag by paper money, but their real wealth will still be small. It is no panacea illusion that when we see vast tracts of land and large houses in the countryside, we feel rich.
It is only speculation and unfounded fears, but the earth may continue to try to correct this excessive distortion of overcapacity by all possible means for the sake of its own survival. The pandemic may be merely a vent for the Earth to maintain its own equilibrium.
The global population loss due to corona is 860 million people in confirmed diagnosed cases alone. The vaccine may have prevented about 1% of the population in each country from dying from coronas, and 80 million people in the human population as a whole from dying (1168)(1169).
Despite the pandemic, the earth's population still continues to grow, to about 8 billion people. Whether the earth will collapse first or the human race will collapse first is not known, but it would not be surprising if the unintelligible moment that acts in the direction of population control for the survival of the earth will continue to work repeatedly.
If, for example, just a few cases of Marburg disease were to occur now in a few cities on the European or North American continent, human society, where anxiety is already becoming dominant, would again be thrust into the darkness of doubt and darkness, all liquidity would dry up, no matter how much money is printed, no matter how many governments intervene, We may end up in an uncontrollable panic.
What should we do with our resources and efforts now?
The real black swan is standing in such a place and laughing.