
WISHING 03/05/22 まん延させない限り終わらないThe real disadvantages of the anti-infestation measures

2回接種完了率60%のテキサス州での調査によれば、オミクロン感染者に占めるワクチン接種者の割合は55%でした。期待値60%から9%減の効果しかなく、これは、2回接種がオミクロン感染防御にほとんど貢献していないことを示唆します (958)。

C.D.Cのデータでは、オミクロン波における接種完了者の感染率は未接種者の50%、ブースター接種者では32%に過ぎません (959)。別の報告では、接種完了者の75%、ブースター接種者の25%がブレイクスルー感染するとされています (960)。






1月28日時点における新規感染者数は、ヨーロッパ州の平均で2,060件、2月8日時点のUK 1,062件、イタリア1,536件、日本746件、3月1日の韓国 3,239件、香港 3,249件、ベトナム 970件となっていて、オミクロンの場合は、東アジア人がヨーロッパ人よりも感染しにくいという有意な違いはもはやみられません。



オミクロン以前の過去の感染免疫のオミクロン感染防御効果は56%と報告されています (961)。したがって、次は、オミクロン以前の累積感染者数の56%とオミクロン感染による累積感染者数とを合わせた地点を集団免疫効果の到達点だと仮定してみます。

11月15日までの人口100万人あたり累積感染者数は、ヨーロッパ平均9万2528件で、その56%は5万1815件、そこから3月1日までに11万8957件増加し、合わせて17万772件(人口の17%)です。一方、12月31日時点における日本の累積感染者数は、1万3742件、その56%は7,695件、そこから3月1日までに2万6489件の増加で、合わせて3万4184件です。したがって、日本はあと13万6587件の実際の感染者が必要で、520件×262日かかります。11月21日です (962)。



最後にもう一つ注目すべき点ですが、新規感染者数カーブを対数表示で2年間という大きなスケールで捉えた場合は、ヨーロッパも東アジアも区別なく、人口100万人当たり200~800件という範囲内に収束してきていることです。ひょっとしたら、この感染者レベルが人種や国と関係なく、ウイルスと長期間共存する定常状態になる可能性を示唆しているのかもしれません (962)。

3.  まん延防止とマスクは収束をますます遅らせている。


A study in Texas with a 60% two-dose completion rate showed that 55% of those vaccinated accounted for the omicron-infected population. This is only a 9% reduction from the expected 60%, suggesting that the two-dose vaccination contributes little to omicron infection protection (958).

Data from the C.D.C. show that the infection rate in the omicron wave for those who completed the vaccination was 50% of those who were unvaccinated and only 32% for those who received the booster vaccination (959). Another report states that 75% of completed vaccinations and 25% of booster vaccinations will result in breakthrough infection (960).

In UK and Israel during the Omicron wave period, when booster vaccination was built up to 50%, there was no correlation that this suppressed the effective number of reproductions and changed the trajectory of the infection curve. Even in the US and Italy, where the effective reproduction numbers reversed at the end of the year, the booster vaccination rates were only 20% and 30%, respectively, at that time.

Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that the convergence of the infection wave in most European countries is not due to vaccine or booster immunization, but rather to the spread of Omicron infection and the establishment of a certain degree of herd immunity.

The important point to be derived from this is that Omicron has almost destroyed the balance between the virus and the human host, which had been established by vaccination up to the summer, and has returned to the starting point of the pandemic as measured by the scale of "infection. In terms of "infection," Omicron should be seen as the emergence of a completely different virus. [01/31/22]

Therefore, no matter how aggressively we launch the current booster program, it may reduce hospitalizations, severe illnesses, and deaths, and increase asymptomatic infections, but it will never be able to control the cumulative number of infections.

And in European countries, where the cumulative number of infections has been 5 to 12 times higher than in Japan, the number of new infections has maintained a clear downward trend, and the cumulative number of infections is coming to a head. On the other hand, the East Asian countries of Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Vietnam are still far from slowing down. So how far will the cumulative number of cases in East Asia go?

New cases as of January 28 averaged 2,060 in the European states, 1,062 in the UK, 1,536 in Italy, and 746 in Japan as of February 8, and 3,239 in Korea, 3,249 in Hong Kong, and 970 in Vietnam as of March 1. In the case of Omicron, there is no longer a significant difference in that East Asians are less susceptible than Europeans.

Therefore, in the case of omicrons, there is no obvious difference in susceptibility or genetic advantage between Europeans and East Asians, and the rate of immune attainment in Europe may apply in East Asia as well. In other words, the omicron wave may not converge unless population immunity against omicrons is achieved to the same degree as in Europe.

The cumulative number of infections in Europe since the start of the Omicron wave, which started up around October, is about 122,000 cases per million people (12% of the population) as of March 1. The cumulative number of infections in Japan, where the Omicron wave began in January, was 20,000 as of March 1. 6485 cases. The effective reproduction rate in Japan has remained around 0.98, and the number of new infections has remained flat. The cumulative number of cases in Japan is expected to continue increasing as a linear function. With 520 new cases per day in Japan, it will take another 183 days to reach the same point as now in Europe, which will be around September 3.

The protective effect of previous infection immunization prior to Omicron on Omicron infection is reported to be 56% (961).
Therefore, let us assume that the point where 56% of the cumulative number of people infected prior to Omicron plus the cumulative number of people infected due to Omicron infection is the point where the collective immunity effect is reached.

The cumulative number of infections per million population up to November 15 averaged 92,528 in Europe, 56% of which is 51,815, and from there it increased by 118,957 up to March 1, for a total of 170,772 (17% of the population).
On the other hand, the cumulative number of cases in Japan as of December 31 was 13,742, or 56% of the total, 7,695, from which the number had increased by 26,489 by March 1, for a total of 34,184 cases.
Thus, Japan needs another 136,587 actual infections, which will take 520 cases x 262 days (962).

It is now clear that East Asian countries such as Japan, which had been looking at the order of magnitude higher number of infected people in Europe as if it were someone else's problem, were actually trailing behind the European countries that had been putting their bodies on the line to keep the infected people away, just as they had predicted two years ago.

Incidentally, New Zealand, which is going through its first infection surge in two years, seems to be on a strategy to achieve its target cumulative number of infections in three months by achieving a high booster vaccination rate as soon as possible.

Finally, another point worth noting is that when the logarithmic graph of the number of newly infected cases curve is taken on a larger scale of two years, it has converged to a range of 200 to 800 cases per million people, without distinction between Europe and East Asia. Perhaps this position suggests the possibility of a steady state of long term coexistence with the virus, regardless of race (962).

1. Looking at the "number of infected people" will never cure neurosis
2. Only actual infections are necessary for containment (This is fundamentally the biggest problem that is not understood).
3. Preventing the spread of the disease will further delay the end of the epidemic.





