WISHING 09/19/22 マスク警察の国+訪日外国人=?Masked police state + foreign visitors = ?
毎年恒例だったデトロイトの自動車ショーで、大統領がパンデミック終了を宣言しました。「パンデミックは私たちのこころに大きなダメージを与え続けてきました。しかし、気がつけば、もう誰もマスクをしていない 。みんなの調子がかなり上向いてきた完璧な証拠だ。」(1057)
ドル建てGDPは30年前に逆戻り (1058)。孤立によって引き起こされた認識問題に関心を示してこなかった日本は、外国人に開かれた国として売り込む強力な取り組みをしなければ、海外からの関心は低いままになるでしょう (1059)。
日本人の中には、海外のニュースで、マスクをしていない外国人の映像をよく見かけるようになっても、外でもマスクをし続けている自分たちのほうが異常だと疑いもせずに、来日外国人観光客に注意を促すなどの対応をしてほしいと訴える人達もいます (1059)。
プライマシー効果といって、人は後から学んだことよりも最初に学んだことをよく覚えており、認知的に最初の値をより重要視し、その後の情報を十分に重要視しない傾向があります。しばしばこの思考プロセスに気づきません (1060)。
At the annual Detroit auto show, the President declared the end of the pandemic. The pandemic has continued to do great damage to our hearts and minds. But then I realized that no one is wearing a mask anymore . It's a perfect sign that everyone is feeling much better." (1057)
In 2019, Japan welcomed a record 32 million foreign tourists, 80% of whom were individual tours, and the goal was to reach 40 million by 2020, but only 7,900 foreign tourists visited the country this July.
In Japan, the pus of xenophobia has spread throughout the country because policy makers and the press have associated foreigners with the spread of the virus.
Japan has failed so many people who could have loved and potentially come to love Japan, and its culture of hospitality has already lost credibility. Prolonged border closures have already done lasting damage to Japan's reputation as a destination for international investors, scholars, and tourists. They have already moved their plans elsewhere. There are indications that Japan's intense scrutiny and bureaucratic hurdles have largely deterred the interest of many tourists who had planned to visit Japan, and that they will be more cautious about Japan for at least the next few years.
According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the number of foreign students studying in Japan will drop by a quarter between 2019 and 2021. Japanese studies programs built over time by our predecessors have lost funding due to failure to meet grant requirements, and many Japanese studies departments at universities abroad are in danger of closing. Students are encouraged not to focus their research only on Japan because of travel barriers.
GDP in dollars is back to where it was 30 years ago (1058). Japan has not shown interest in the perception problem caused by its isolation, and without a strong effort to market itself as a country open to foreigners, foreign interest will remain low (1059).
On the other hand, as of September 19, one can now see at least one person in every 100 who is not wearing a mask in or around a station in Tokyo, but even in a city with a population of 2 million, one can find at most only one person in every 1,000 after the same observation. Of course, encountering a foreign tourist is a fairly rare occurrence.
Many people, from restaurateurs to museum managers, continue to treat people as if they are germs or freaks for not wearing masks, even though they are not spreading the virus, and fear that many foreigners will defy social expectations to wear masks in the future.
Some Japanese people complain that even though they often see images of foreigners not wearing masks in foreign news, they continue to wear masks even outside the country, without suspecting that they are the ones who are more abnormal, and they want foreign visitors to Japan to take action, such as warning them to be careful (1059).
This is a perfect example of anchoring bias. Anchoring bias is an assumption or prejudice that occurs when people rely too heavily on either existing or initial (anchor) information when making decisions.
It is called the primacy effect, where people remember what they learned first better than what they learned later, and they tend to cognitively give more importance to the first value and not give enough importance to subsequent information. Often they are unaware of this thought process (1060).
In communication with foreigners who have different social backgrounds and values and do not share the same language, facial expressions play an extremely significant role as an alternative and additional communication channel over and above gestures and body language for mutual understanding of the other's very sensitive state of mind Facial expressions play a very important role as an alternative and additional communication channel beyond gestures and body language for mutual understanding of the other's very subtle state of mind.
Experimental results show that masks reduce the accuracy of emotion decoding and the reliability of emotion judgments on the part of the reader. Disgusting faces were misidentified as angry, and sad faces were substantially confused with disgust. A specific pattern of confusion was detected, which was also evident in many other emotion ratings, including happiness.
While there are frequent reports of confusion and frustration that masks actually interfere with the reading of emotions, and that there is a lack of confidence in the receiver's understanding of the other's emotional state, in everyday life, the level of emotional expression is much lower than in this experiment, and the time spent looking at the other's face is much shorter, so it is not possible to achieve a sufficient level of confidence in emotion discrimination. We conclude that a sufficient level of confidence cannot be achieved and that the disruption masks can cause to social interactions can be quite large.
When people from countries where masks were not common in the past and who may still have ambivalent feelings about wearing them finally return to tourist destinations in Japan, will the locals really have the confidence to communicate while wearing masks? (1061)
In the end, "It all boils down to how well flesh-and-blood people relate to one another" (Kawashima). When they feel uncomfortable and creepy surrounded by Japanese people who hide their faces and make it difficult to read their expressions at the sightseeing spot they have finally come to, and yet they are ordered by such people to wear masks except when eating or gloves at a buffet, it is an ingenious and It would not be surprising if the "Omotenashi Spirit" of hospitality, which is a very intrusive measure, pierced their hearts and made them return to their home countries.