
WISHING 08/26/22 マスクと多様性の尊重 Masks and Respect for Diversity


オミクロン以降、特にBA.5においては、厳しい予防措置によるコロナの封じ込めは不可能であることが明らかになっています。ウイルスは、どんなに厳重にマスクをしていても、最高レベルの警備網でさえもあっさりと突破することが証明されています (1048)。そして、ウイルスがいなくなるというのは幻想にすぎないこともはっきりしました (1049)。感染を止める、ウイルスを消滅させるという観点からは、人類はすでにウイルスに負けてしまっていることを疑う余地はありません。


U.S.で、BA.5の感染数が増加しなかった理由のひとつが高い自然感染率です。今年2月末の累積感染率は全人口の60%にまで上昇し、(接種率の低い)小児も4分の3が自然感染をしてしまいました (1050)。

3回接種に実際の感染が加わると、症候性感染を77%抑えることがわかりました (1051)。ニューヨーク州の疫学データにおいても、実際の感染が感染を78%低下させています (1052)。

感染誘導型免疫の中等度または重度の感染に対する防御率は78.9%、症候性感染に対する防御率は68.1%、検出可能な感染に対する防御率は63.9%でした (1053)。

ワクチン接種によって誘発されたB細胞は、BA.1ブレイクスルー感染によって交差免疫応答を示し、幅広い変異株の受容体結合ドメイン(RBD)を認識する中和抗体を産生する体細胞超変異をすることが報告されています (1054)。

現在 日本の公表累積感染数は約1800万件で、人口当たり累積感染数はU.S.の50%に過ぎません。これらがある程度正しいとすれば、BA.5が収束するまでにはずいぶんと時間がかかります。まん延させない限り感染波が終わることはないというのが事実です 【03/05/22】。

こうした状況は、ウイルスを回避し続けることを目的とするならば、ますます高い代償を支払わなければならないことを意味します。周知のように、ワクチン接種を繰り返すたびに、封じ込め策の緩和によるリスクは低下し、緩和によって得られる利益とのバランスは劇的に変化し続けています (1055)。








マスクをしないことに対して、なぜ文句を言われなければならないのか?コロナを避けることが人々の全体的な健康と幸福の唯一の指標とは決して言えないはずなのに、そこには、個人の意思決定に対する尊重は微塵もなく、集団自殺願望があるだけにみえます (1050)。

観光業復活への入国緩和のためにいちいち戦いが必要な社会は世界でも珍しい。多様性を尊重するという見識のない社会では、マスク着用と非着用という選択の自由が得られるようになるのはまだまだ先のことになりそうです (1056)。

It is a well-known fact to medical professionals in the field that many of them have unavoidably reached the point where they actually have to become infected. No matter how well they think they have worn their masks, they have reached a point where they have no choice but to become infected. Even if you have received three doses of vaccine, you cannot prevent infection, as anyone now knows without being told by experts.

Since Omicron, it has become clear that containment of the corona is impossible, especially in BA.5. It is impossible to take strict precautions to prevent the highly contagious BA.5. The virus has proven to easily break through even the most stringent precautions, no matter how tightly masked one is (1048). It has also become clear that the disappearance of the virus is nothing more than an illusion (1049). In terms of human power to stop infection and eliminate viruses, there is no doubt that the human race has already been defeated by viruses.

The only sure way to deter infection is to acquire hybrid immunity through vaccination and further actual infection. It has long been clear that immunity against coronas can only be perfected by natural infection after all [04/01/22].

One of the reasons why the number of BA.5 infections has not increased in the U.S. is the high natural infection rate. At the end of February this year, the cumulative infection rate had risen to 60% of the total population, and three-quarters of children (with low vaccination rates) have also become naturally infected (1050).

Three doses of vaccination plus actual infection was found to reduce symptomatic infection by 77% (1051). In epidemiological data from New York State, actual transmission also reduced transmission by 78% (1052).

Infection-induced immunity protected against moderate or severe infection 78.9%, against symptomatic infection 68.1%, and against detectable infection 63.9% (1053).

Vaccination-induced B cells have been reported to exhibit a cross-immune response to BA.1 breakthrough infection and to hypermutate somatic cells producing neutralizing antibodies that recognize the receptor binding domain (RBD) of a wide range of mutant strains (1054).

Currently, the published cumulative number of infections in Japan is about 18 million, which is only 50% of the U.S. cumulative number of infections per population. If these figures are correct to some extent, it will be a long time before BA.5 is brought under control. The fact is that the infection wave will never end unless it is allowed to spread [03/05/22].

This situation means that we will have to pay an increasingly high price if we are to continue avoiding the virus. As is well known, with each round of vaccination, the risk from mitigation of containment measures continues to decrease and the balance between the benefits gained from mitigation continues to shift dramatically (1055).

Don't most people want life to normalize quickly? Don't we want the infection to end as soon as possible?

The war has changed long ago, and yet, as usual, the government continues to give the illusion to those who have already realized that there is no way to win, that they can control the wave of infection by their individual efforts to wear masks, and eventually, silently continue to force people to wear masks, as if they could do something if they all held up their bamboo spears. Do we have the power to change the game by continuing to force people to wear masks in a way that no longer has a chance of winning?

The future would open up if we would quickly acknowledge the fact that we have lost and move on to the next stage, but perhaps because we can only learn one thing at a time, once we have decided on a way, it becomes our golden rule, and we become stuck in the way we lost, unable to change our views, ideas, and methods, and becoming Galapagosized [03/05/22].

If we want normalization, we should quickly switch from the losing horse to the winning horse, but those who keep putting themselves in a bind and choosing self-destruction will never come up with the idea of respecting the choice not to wear a mask.

In 2019, we did not all necessarily wear masks because of the flu or RS virus epidemic. Even if we did not wear masks, there was no one anywhere to blame in restaurants, airports, or airplanes, even if the result was in fact a fever the next day.

How to deal with the risks was essentially left to individual decision-making. That is what normalized life living with coronas is all about.

One would take stringent precautions to protect a severely immunocompromised family member. Caregivers should never be condemned for the difficult choices they must make. Each person's decision should be respected and there is no easy, one-size-fits-all answer.

Why should people complain about not wearing a mask? Avoiding coronas should never be the only indicator of people's overall health and well-being, yet there is not the slightest respect for individual decision-making, only what appears to be a collective suicidal desire (1050).

It is rare in the world for a society to need to fight every single battle to ease entry into a tourism revival. In a society without the insight to respect diversity, it will be a long time before we have the freedom of choice to wear or not wear masks (1056).












